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A Job Position as an Associate Scientist

I am writing to respond to why I applied for a job position as an associate scientist, and the reasons as to why I wish to work in the pharmaceutical industry as a full time Associate Scientist.

I am a hardworking, dedicated, and focused person, ready to my work in a challenging environment. My attentions to details without deluding my vision to the larger picture and being ready to do repetitive tasks, has enabled me achieve a lot in my daily activities. I am an independent minded person who can work with little or no supervision, and able to make my own informed decisions and commit myself to attaining set goals. I am self-motivated, patient and with good problem solving skills and can hang on during demanding times.  I possess good presentation skills manifested by my presentations in symposiums in the US and PR. I am a good team player who is always ready to contribute in teamwork, and also good in computing skills.

I am good in time management. During the last semester of my masters’ degree, I actually had to balance between five classes which were quite demanding, completing my thesis project, and a full time job. Out of this tightened schedule, I had acquired impressive results with 3As and 2Bs, finished my thesis project within a month and managed to perform impressively in my full time job.


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I am a good mediator; I have calmed arguments between co-workers and lab mater. I am good in report writing and also in documentation of experiments. I am good in laboratory work and with good technical skills. I have worked as a temporary employee for the last five months. In my short experience, I have learnt a lot in manufacturing of medical drugs and how the whole process works.

I am convinced that AMGEN is the best company to work for to achieve career satisfaction in my profession. This is attributed by its good reputation for a long time, winning major awards like Prix GA lien award, of Nobel price equivalence. The company’s interdisciplinary approach to R&D for more than thirty years has enabled it to lead in innovator identification isolation, production and use of human protein as a therapeutic agent. This has also enabled it to produce expertise multiple treatment modalities in large molecule proteins, small molecules and antibodies. This has enabled its products choose the best target for attacking diseases. The company pioneered in biotechnology manufacturing process development and clinical manufacturing to a full scale therapeutic protein production. It will be my pleasure to me a member of a company with such a good reputation.

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As a full time Associate Scientist - Cell Culture I am capable of performing experiments, organizing data and analyzing results under minimal supervision. I will execute record experiments, lab work and research work professionally and effectively. I am also in a position to monitor and follow established experimental design and protocols, and perform routine tasks and studies to obtain reproducible and reliable results with limited supervision. To effectively document transfers experimental records make necessary modifications as necessary. I will also develop and implement new protocols with moderate review. It will be my urge to be open to discussion and take criticism positively but with caution.

 To effectively trouble-shoot equipment and experimental difficulties, and contribute to internal and external reports, papers, presentations, regulatory documents, invention disclosure submissions and  patents. I promise to participate in departmental support efforts such as safety, recruiting and committees. To Coordinate and organize resources needed to complete the task, make independent judgments and seek help and assistance when it is necessary.

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Given this chance, I will apply my working experience knowledge of analytical methodologies and analytical instruments qualification programs Preferred Qualifications. I will also implement my working knowledge of cell culture experiment methodologies and equipment in the best way possible.

Yours faithfully





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