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Many students know how to write their dissertations, theses, research papers, case studies, and other academic works. However, only a few know how to format them in different citation styles. What is more, some students often neglect the formatting stage what may lead to unpleasant consequences. If the dissertations, essays, or any other academic papers are well written but lack the required formatting, it is certain that they will probably fail to yield proper results.

If you feel confused about different citation styles and don’t have a clue about how to arrange your work properly, consider using our formatting service. At, we are aware of all academic formatting guidelines and can help our customers format different kinds of papers such as dissertations, theses, research papers, essays, and others. It should be also noted, that annotated bibliography writing is not an exception. We can arrange it in the specified citation style.

So, if you are searching for quality academic formatting services, you’re welcome to us. At, we ensure that everything is well formatted and done according to the requirements of the particular referencing style. Once you send your paper to us, we guarantee that we will strictly follow your instructions to ensure your complete satisfaction.


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What Is a Standard Essay Format?

A format, particularly in academic writing, refers to a structured arrangement of content adhering to specific guidelines. In essay format, it organizes ideas into an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, ensuring coherence and logical progression. Page numbers are essential elements aiding navigation and referencing within a document. Citation styles dictate how sources are referenced within the text and listed in the bibliography, ensuring scholarly integrity and acknowledging intellectual debts. Academic formatting guidelines encompass various aspects such as font type, spacing, and margins, ensuring uniformity and professionalism across documents. Together, these elements contribute to the clarity, credibility, and readability of scholarly works.

Peculiarities of a Standard Essay Format (Structure)

Whether it goes about an essay in MLA format or that of any other type, there is a specific structure it has to adhere to. By the way, the structure described below can be applicable to any type of essays, i.e. descriptive, narrative, extended, etc. So, draw your attention to the following table:



Title Page

It has to include both student’s and professor’s names, course, topic, etc.


This is a short text briefly highlighting the major points of an academic work.


Table of contents shows which sections an essay includes.


It provides background data about the matter in question.


This section provides detailed information about the topic including concrete facts and strong arguments.


This section summarizes the entire paper reiterating a thesis statement.

Works cited

This page contains the sources used for preparing an essay. It can be named differently depending on the referencing style.

Following this template, you’ll manage to organize your work in the right manner especially if it is written in MLA format. If you need assistance in structuring your paper, contact us straightaway. Remember that a formatting service is not the only one, which we provide to our customers.

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Challenges Students Face When Formatting Papers

Writing academic papers in any of the referencing styles is not easy. It actually can pose a serious challenge to students. Transitioning between styles like APA, Chicago, MLA, etc. can be daunting due to their differing requirements for in-text citations, bibliographies, and arranging the elements like titles and page numbers. The nuanced rules regarding punctuation, author names, publication dates, and the inclusion of URLs or DOI numbers can easily confuse even the most diligent scholars. Additionally, the pressure to adhere to specific academic formatting guidelines while juggling content creation and research intensifies the complexity. Such challenges often lead to frustration, errors, and time-consuming revisions, impacting the overall quality of the paper and potentially affecting grades. However, our company understands the struggles students face in mastering diverse referencing styles and offers a great solution. We specialize in providing superior academic formatting services. Our team can give comprehensive assistance to everyone who needs it. Whether it's ensuring adherence to APA or MLA format or offering guidance on other styles, our service is committed to helping students across different grades achieve clarity, consistency, and professionalism in their academic writing.

Arranging an Essay in MLA Format

When it comes to essay formatting, adhering to academic guidelines is crucial for clarity and professionalism. However, mastering the intricacies of MLA essay format can be challenging for students. Understanding the specifics of spacing, headings, margins, page numbers, titles, indents, and alignment is essential for crafting a well-structured paper. Have a look at the following table to understand how to handle papers in MLA:


12pt Times New Roman


The text should be double-spaced throughout the document.


It is provided on the first page in the upper left corner o. It should include the following data:

  • Student’s name
  • Professor’s name
  • Class
  • Date


Margins should be set to one inch on all sides, facilitating readability and aesthetics.

Page numbers

Page numbers should be placed in the upper right corner, half an inch from the top and flush with the right margin.


Titles should be centered and not bolded or italicized.


Paragraphs should be indented half an inch from the left margin, ensuring uniformity and coherence.


Text should be aligned flush left, creating a clean and organized appearance.

Navigating these requirements can be overwhelming, leading to confusion and frustration. Fortunately, our company offers expert formatting services providing students with the support they need to excel in their studies. If you need assistance with MLA essay format, our team is there for you. 

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Creating Papers in APA Format: Major points to Keep in Mind

Being aware of the specifics of APA format is crucial for arranging academic papers properly. However, navigating its intricate formatting guidelines can pose challenges for students. Ensuring adherence to APA essay format requires attention to detail and familiarity with specific formatting requirements. Here's a breakdown of key elements:


APA recommends using a serif font like Times New Roman, size 12.


Text should be double-spaced throughout the document, including the reference list.

Page numbers

Number of pages should be placed flush right in the header of each page, preceded by the title.

Title page

The title page should include the title of the paper, the author's name, and institutional affiliation, centered on the page.


Headings should be formatted according to APA guidelines, with different levels of headings indicating the organization of the paper. Remember to apply bold style and capitalization.

Formatting papers in APA can be daunting, but our company is here to help. With our expert formatting service, students can ensure their papers meet APA requirements with precision and accuracy. Whether it's formatting citations, headings, or the title page, our team is dedicated to assisting students in achieving academic success while mastering APA essay format.

Learning about Chicago Essay Formatting Specifications

Chicago essay format is mainly applied to the papers focused on the source origin. Dealing with this style, particular attention should be paid to footnotes and citations. As to other structural components, they should be arranged in the following way:

Title page

It typically includes the title of the paper, the author's name, course information, and date, centered on the page.


Margins are typically set at one inch on all sides, except for the right one


Chicago style recommends using a readable serif font, such as Times New Roman, in size 12.


Text should be double-spaced throughout the document, including block quotations, footnotes, and bibliographies.

Page numbers

Number of pages should be placed in the header or footer, typically aligned to the right margin.


In Chicago style, footnotes are used for citation purposes, providing additional information or commentary at the bottom of each page.


The bibliography, also known as the reference list or works cited, lists all sources cited in the paper, arranged alphabetically by the author's last name.

Arranging papers in Chicago essay format can be intricate. However, there is no need to panic since our company is equipped to assist you. Using our academic formatting services, you can be sure of receiving the papers formatted in strict adherence to Chicago style guidelines. So, whenever you need a worthy formatting service, contact us without hesitation.

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Make Use of Our Awesome Formatting Service

Our company takes pride in offering excellent formatting services tailored to meet the diverse needs of students across academic levels. With a long-standing presence in the market, we have honed our expertise to ensure that our customers get the best products from us. Our commitment to customers’ success is evident in our meticulous attention to detail and dedication to delivering high-quality results. When you choose our academic formatting services, you can rest assured that your papers will be formatted to the highest standards.

We understand the importance of transparency and reliability, which is why we guarantee safe payment methods, clear terms and conditions, and complete privacy protection. Whether you need help in arranging an essay, research paper, thesis, or dissertation in a specific referencing style, our formatting services are designed to streamline the process and alleviate the stress, which students suffer from when doing their assignments, formatting included.

With our experienced team of formatting experts by your side, you can focus on crafting compelling content while we ensure that your papers are presented professionally and accurately. From APA and MLA to Chicago and beyond, our formatting service is here to help you achieve academic excellence with ease.

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Get Great Benefits from Our Formatting Services is a reputable online company that has been providing a range of online services for a long period of time. We are fully aware of our customers’ needs and know how to meet them. At our company, we prioritize providing students with accessible and efficient solutions to enhance their academic success. Cooperating with us, you as pour customer can enjoy numerous advantages such as:

  • Affordability. Our affordable service ensures that students can access professional assistance without breaking the bank, allowing them to allocate their resources wisely.
  • Timeliness. We strive to deliver our academic formatting services promptly, meeting tight deadlines and ensuring that students can submit their papers on time.
  • Free revision. In case some paper requirements are not met, allows a customer to get a revision at no extra fee. Such an option is available within 48 hours (1-19 pages) and 30 days (20+ pages) after the deadline. It should be admitted that initial guidelines should be unchanged.
  • Clear refund policy. If you find our formatting service unacceptable, meaning that the delivered paper was formatted wrongly, you may even ask for a refund within 14 days after the due date.
  • Friendly support team. Our company has a strong customer support system. Our support agents are available at any point of time. They’ll provide you with proper assistance and guidance.

Our aim is to satisfy our customers and earn their trust. That’s why we work diligently on each client’s task. We can cover all formatting styles such as APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA, Turabian, etc. and meet even the stringent requirements. So, whenever you are looking for a good essay formatting service, address us without hesitation.

How to Get Help with Formatting


Place an order, provide clear instructions, and make a payment


Our professional writer starts working on your paper


We check whether all requirements are met


Download a properly formatted paper


How to Use Our Academic Formatting Services

Don’t know how to arrange the works cited page? Have difficulties with APA format or that of any other kind? Place your order on our website to solve your problems. Here is how the ordering process looks like:

  1. Fill out the order form. Indicate the deadline, word count, essay format, type of academic work, etc. Remember to attach the paper that has to be formatted to the order form.
  2. Pay for the formatting service. Choose the most convenient payment option to conduct a financial transaction. As soon as the payment goes through, one of our experts will be assigned to your paper.
  3. Download your paper. Once the due date comes, you may log in to your personal cabinet to download your formatted work.

Our company stands out as the premier choice for formatting papers. We work hard to make our prices competitive, services – fantastic, and the final products – impeccable. We are fast, professional, reliable, and affordable. Whether it's ensuring impeccable formatting according to APA, MLA, Chicago, or other referencing styles, our expert team is committed to delivering exceptional results. Choose our company for all your formatting needs and experience the difference firsthand. 


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