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Impressionist Painting

Painting and making of sculptures are activities that date back to the 19th century and have been taking place ever since. Impressionist painting was mostly done by a group of artists who were based in Paris at the time. This kind of painting had distinctive features, such as producing relatively tall paintings featuring thin and barely visible brush strokes. The paintings were multicolored, expressive and figure which spurred the critics to refer to this kind of art as Fauvism. Most prominent artists included Van Gogh, Cezanne and Seurat among others.

A good example of the 20th century impressionist painting was Abstract Art which was to demonstrate that pure abstraction could express spirituality. Many artists also joined the abstract painting ideology and made significant contributions to its development. Pioneered by Kandinsky, the art portrayed both the visual and spiritual expressions. Notable figures like Kazimir Malevich joined the industry.

The Dada and Surrealism movement, with its center in Zurich, Switzerland, emerged in the 20th century. The movement was involved in visual arts, literature, theatre and paintings which ranged from abstract paintings to super-realist paintings that had unique features.

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The other example of the impressionist painting was Pop Art that originated in the USA. It created the works of art that resembled the abstract paintings due to the use of literal imagery and banals. It was spearheaded by artists such as Andy Warhol, Wayne Thiebad and Jim Dine among others. It used specific images and objects, including chairs, numbers, beer cans and the American flag among other symbols.

After the impressionist painting, there emerged another version called Post Impressionism. Paul Gauguin was among the post impressionist artists who used bold colors and was the one who led to the synthetic style of art (Bauman, 1994).

Painters like Henri Rousseau and Vincent Van Gogh also played key roles in the development of art. Roger Fry, a British art critic, coined the word ‘Post Impressionism’ in 1910. This kind of art advocated impressionism while disregarded its limitations, it used vivid colors and thick application of ink. (Rewald et al, 1973).

According to Richardson (1976), an example of a post impressionism painting was one done by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec that captured Parisian nightlife. Paul Cezanne did his paintings by using repetitive and clear brushstrokes to come up with pictures which were very pleasant to look at.

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The difference between the two broad kinds of painting was that the post impressionist did not accept the limits of the impressionist. Impressionist paintings used colors to display things as they appeared in the real sense, while post impressionist ones were mostly done indoors. Geometric forms were preferred by the post impressionists and gave more meaning to the emotional aspects, like in the case of Fauvism (Rewald, 1973).

The examples of the paintings described above are distinct and good paintings because most of them use bright colors, which can be easily recognized by customers coming to the firm. They are painted to represent things to do with the human behavior, thus they are more appealing.

Most of the paintings are designed in such a way as to show different aspects, some very large, some very small. They are painted on hard boards to make them durable and strong.


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