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Marshall School of Business

I am planning to transition from a diagnostic imaging towards operations management field in healthcare. As operations management covers all divisions of any organization, it requires deep understanding of business aspects. Since my medical background has not provided me with business skills, I strongly believe that MBA at a school of such caliber as USC will fill the gap between my current position and future aspirations. My undergraduate major in Economics determined my future path, and MBA is a missing component necessary to get to this new field. Concurrently with MBA courses, I will get certified in production and inventory management (CPIM). Studying for CPIM exams will give me a solid base in operations management for any field, which will allow me to make sound decisions in my first post-MBA years, while gaining experience and expertise. Together, CPIM and MBA will help me to transition into operations management in healthcare.

My ultimate goal is to implement skills and expertise, obtained through combination of MBA courses and consequent work in operations, to guide large hospitals and medical organizations through time of rapid changes in healthcare. For example, many hospitals and operators of medical facilities merge with each other or acquire new sites. Such consolidations bring new challenges and issues, which require intelligent guidance and superior organizational skills to achieve successful outcome. In the long-run, I see a great opportunity for myself in operations management of large medical organizations. I am looking forward to incorporate my knowledge and skills in the operations management of medical centers, while providing high-quality care for our community.  

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Marshall School of Business offers numerous resources, which will help me to achieve my goal. It offers wide selection of courses, specific to information and operations management. I am looking to benefit from its core classes, such as Operations Management, Information Management and Strategic Formulation for Competitive Advantage and multiple electives relevant to my interests.

Earning USC MBA through MBA.PM program is an ideal educational opportunity for me at the current stage of life. Since MBA.PM offers flexible schedule, it will enable me to engage in a wide array of activities on campus, while still working. There are several student organizations on campus that appeal to my ambitions and chosen career path. Especially, I am very excited to get a chance to participate in Local Business Promoter Club. Through it, I intend to acquire technical skills that will be valuable in helping local businesses. That will be one of my hands-on experiences. In addition, I would like to become member of Operations Management Club, as it focuses on areas, such as supply chain management, service operations and manufacturing operations.

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Besides a variety of on-campus activities, MBA.PM differs from other programs as it offers international experience through PM Global. It is a great chance for me to learn and understand global business environment through direct exposure to foreign countries. I see PM Global as an amazing learning opportunity, which will help me to understand needs of diverse communities.  I strongly believe that combination of MBA.PM courses, on campus resources and PM Global will allow me to develop necessary skills to move into operations management at the end of the program.

I chose to pursue MBA degree as I need a deep understanding of numerous business aspects. In addition, besides covering different areas of business in theory, MBA.PM program provides with practical guidance through on-campus organizations and access to internships with respectable companies.

Having an opportunity to talk to few second year MBA.PM candidates, I learned that Marshall School of Business nurtures supportive and collaborative culture among students and professors. All students with whom I had a chance to talk to share their enthusiasm for the program and opportunities it gives. I learned that USC possesses very strong network of alumni and sponsors. Also, USC Marshall School of Business is one of the top business schools on the West Coast. Since I am planning to stay in California, Marshall MBA has valuable connections with interstate companies. As MBA.PM appeals to my academic needs and career ambitions, I believe it is the best fit alternative for me.

Essay 3

I am an enthusiastic and committed candidate for the USC Marshall School of Business. I was successful academically and graduated Cum Laude with my B.A. in Economics. While earning Bachelor’s degree in a period of four years, I managed to work full-time and maintained an active and healthy life style. Despite demanding work and class schedule, I spared time for my friends, family and hobbies. Being constantly tight on time, I learned to appreciate and value every minute. I also understood that balance is a very significant part of success. An ability to combine work and school influenced my relationship with people in a positive way, as I realized that wasting someone’s time is disrespectful and wrong. I became punctual, organized and responsible for my promises. I believe that such traits along with skillful and balanced time-management will make me a valuable team member.

In addition to effective time managing and multitasking, my Russian background enables me to share a different perspective on important business and social issues. I grew up under communistic regime, which later was replaced by an extended period of uncertainty. My cultural and ethnical background will contribute to the diversity of the classroom.

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While studying Economics as an undergraduate major, I developed new analytical and problem solving skills. Such skills will benefit with cases analysis and other assignments. Understanding of economic principles improves decision-making and anticipation of possible future outcomes relevant to business. In addition, my interests in Austrian School of Economics enable me to give nontraditional insights on markets behavior and government actions. I strongly believe that as future business leaders, we need to be intellectually aware and open to different perceptions, especially at a time of globalization and technological progress.

My work experience significantly contributed to my professional growth. I’ve been working in a healthcare industry for seven years. I find this experience very rewarding, as our diagnostic center provides individuals with high-quality imaging services and help patients with early detection of various diseases. Few years ago, our center joined battle against breast cancer, early detection of which became one of our main missions. At my job, I learned to strive for perfection, as any small omission on my part will result in a misdiagnosis and serious consequences for a patient. Working in a well-organized teams of radiologists, ultrasonographers and mammographers, taught me to take responsibilities and initiatives, and preserve positive attitude under any circumstances. Striving for well-being of members of our community, I take every task seriously, as sloppiness leads to unfortunate consequences in any line of work. I encourage the same philosophy and work attitude in all my students, whom I mentor and supervise on a regular basis in our facility.

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Combination of my background, interests and work experience will make me a valuable member of MBA.PM program.  I will be happy to contribute my knowledge and skills to the learning experience of a class. I am looking forward to become an MBA candidate at USC Marshall School of Business.


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