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The Current Society

The current society is characterized by modern culture, which is described by the revolutionary time that the society is undergoing. Modernist perceived that life has global changed with the global initiative that defines the current environment. The immense change in lifestyle ensured the realization of diverse cultural state, which was modernism. The widespread of these life changes had an influence on the visual culture that was imminent in expression, and the variety was again reflected in artwork. Visual culture incorporated individual expression as a way to portray the changes that reflect modernism in the literary filed. Trends commencing with super graphics, super mannerism, a new wave of topography through to the vernacular and retro design characterized the advances of the visual culture in ideal modern times. This vast variety of the literary style was explored in depth and continued with its growth, development and challenged the societal norm; therefore, it was critical to assert that modern culture is made unique through continual progression. This study examines literature, visual art, and music created over the past three centuries as observed in the lens of modern. There are various myths concerning modern culture. One of the myths asserts a radical break in cultural continuity, which renders the past obsolete and present unique in human history. There are other myths that add positive or negative judgment. Thus, the second myth asserts that what constitutes the uniqueness in modern culture is continual progress. In addition, the third myth asserts that what creates uniqueness in modern culture in an unprecedented crisis.

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Modern culture has paved way for an innovative mode of expression and clarity in an individual’s way of life. The global issues that characterize the modern society, including immigration, international communications, and increase in feministic group, has caused the start of the modernism era. Social and political viewpoints were subjected to scrutiny concerning bias traditions and prejudice; however, a new way of thought was encouraged. As such, modernism has been accepted when describing the changes in the cultural expressions. Modernism visual culture is based on the unnecessary decoration, removal of conjures, and thus, all of the visual culture focuses on the elements of color and shape. However, critics have it that modern culture is not necessarily a continual process as modern merely implies a scenario that is determined in the local setting. As such, there is no inevitable difference that characterizes the past events and present events. In addition, it is argued that the theory of continual progress, which defines modern culture, pertains chiefly to Europe and North America. It is not perceived in any other cultures in the society making the theory biased. Finally, the critiques poise that the recent ideas and activities are the ones that are the most belated. As such, it makes originality an unachievable phenomenon to the modern artist, writer, or musician.

Although these criticisms are directed towards modernism, various literary works and artists have shown that modernism is characterized by continual progress. The experience of rapid technological change that was part of America’s industrial development, and the ability to achieve success in education, politics, and business to a degree well beyond what their parents could imagine portrayed a modern culture in the society. In addition, the fragmentation of the family and ethnic community made possible by the automobile and the demands of the workplace ensured that it met the experiences associated with the progress in American’s modern culture. The symbolic underpinnings of these palpable experiences were further reinforced through the multiple languages of architecture, music, art, as well as the spoken and written language. Academics, artists, scientist, technocrats, and the business community who were all committed to advancing the frontiers of modern cultural progress were continually upgrading this culture.

In the new modern, post modern trend, for instance in Switzerland, as well as, those explored in America, the works explored the evolution of space as an overlapping form, having diagonal lines that use a perspective of reverse perspective, floating forms that cast shadows. The work form an ability to draw an eye when quickly passing attention to the photograph.. This made the diagonal type of structure form a dot pattern. These are examples of works that are examples of post modern designs. In addition, this new style spoke the arrival of new typographic arrangements that are experienced in the post modern art. One of the literary works that denoted modernism in the modern day was the Garcia Marquez novel, One hundred years of solitude. It represented a shift from modernism to postmodernism. Ideally, cosmopolitan sensibility, which characterizes cultural stability, seems very far removed from Garcia Marquez’s folkloric, anthropological perspective. Garcia sought to root his work in a natural, a spontaneous sense of the marvelous he regarded as characteristics of the Latin American folk. Still, he drew many literacy lessons from modernist’s precursors, and he openly acknowledged the impact of his of Woolf, William Faulkner, and Franz Kafka. As such, it implies that for modern culture to be realized there must be a continuous progress. For instance, an example of literature works is including the Heart of Darkness by Conrad (34) that has inspired modern film makers and writers such as F. Scott FitzGerald and Joseph Haller among others. He contributed to the modern culture in literature as a man whose life experience, as well as, sensitivity led to the production of famous short stories and novels that he wrote. An example of the works of visual art that has contributed to the development of modern culture includes the Works of Japanese art created during the Edo period. In addition, an example of a musical piece that resulted to the development of modern culture includes the works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Symphony No. 40 (1788) that was completed in 1788. This is a composition that occupied a productive period. This piece of music greatly influenced modern musical compositions such as those composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Murfin 25). Modernism must be considered when discussing post modern culture. For instance, the modern visual art is based on the removal of fancy, as well as, unnecessary decoration, hence; visual culture originated from the basic elements of shape and color. This is a trend that led to the reaction of architecture, graphic art, and other commodities such as furniture. Thus, post modernism has placed life back into visual culture through an exploration of pushing the boundaries, hence creating individuality and an array of diverse arts. Through pushing and assessing the limits that already exist, the visual arts never considers the tight trend, that is experienced, by modern art, hence led to the creation of a new style of modern culture that had been very different from that existing in the modern era. Typology evolved in order and in a large scale through an idea of a new wave of typography. This also suggested freedom and exploration within the text. Other artists like Friedmans made attempts to accomplish their work that was both functional and aesthetically conventional. This was done through exploring spatial intervals that existed between letters, words and lines and finish with random solutions held up in a structure. The Friedmans graphic is inspirational for emerging post emerging trend as explored areas including formal structure as opposed to other spontaneous, expressive structures.

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In conclusion, post modernism was replaced with radical modernism due to the reaffirmation of the ideology that modernism altered accommodation of the changing cultural and social condition. Reaffirmation covers the ideology of modernism. However, it altered the changing cultural and social condition. In the modern time, design schools refined graphic arts due to the elimination of historical reference as well as decoration. The post modern graphic art is not brand new. However, it had been abundant and diverse. There were recorded breaks in the modern design in which super-mannerism that arose with the embrace the notion of the pop-art. Graphic design had been applied to architectural structures that later became to be known as super graphics. Modern refers to that which of determined in the local context is quiet recent, meaning that there is no much difference between the past and present. The three myths pertaining to culture pertains mostly to European nations and North America over the past centuries. What is considered recent is necessarily most belated, causing originality to attain an increasingly modern writer, artist or musician. Modern also refers to a radical break in the continuity of culture rendering the past obsolete, as well as, the present uniqueness in the history of man. Modern is a fresh thing that is defined in a local context.


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