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Portfolio for Academic Writing Skills

The most positive outcome throughout my education has been in the field of academic writing. I can demonstrate excellent writing skills with regard to report writing, researching and conducting investigations together with the use of appropriate academic literature and resources, I can also produce and deliver presentations and also apply a wide range of writing mechanics such as use of Harvard referencing system .I decided to concentrate on the above aspects since they are the main issues surrounding the profession of academic writing. The above are also very important writing skills since they equip one with the knowledge necessary to enable him research, write and present academic reports which are in accordance with the set rules and standards with regard to presentation of such reports.I also chose to major in the field of academic writing since it is interesting and I firmly believe that it is my talent. The process of writing reports and conducting researches greatly depend on one's knowledge with regard to the particular field. However, the attitude greatly matters since one needs to have a positive attitude towards the process. I have the right attitude towards not only the process of report writing and research but also the Harvard referencing system and I can also develop and deliver a presentation in connection to various fields be it science, mathematics or humanities . I also chose to center my education and time on academic writing because of its nature. The profession of academic writers greatly develops one's knowledge in all fields of study including science and humanity; this is mainly because of the various researches one will be conducting hence gathering substantive knowledge with reference to various fields of study. Because of the above reasons I dedicated my education life in developing comprehensive academic writing skills in report writing, research, conducting investigations, presentations delivery and production, and the application of Harvard referencing system. The following are my skills with regard to the above mentioned range of academic writing skills.Report writing is a very important aspect with regard to presentation of academic materials; report writing includes presentation of scientific reports and management reports. It is important to conduct a thorough research and analysis of sources before presenting a particular report (Kiddle 2004, p.19). The report presented should contain the writer's conclusion and decision with regard to topic being researched on; a good report should also include a detailed explanation of why he preferred the give decision (Kiddle 2004, p.19). He should also analyze the other alternatives and give reasons why he discarded them for the chosen decision. A good report should also include the benefits which the reached decision accrue to the team which needed the report, for example a business company which is a supplier to a group of retailers may choose to send a negotiation team to negotiate the terms of their trade with regard to the marketing of their products by one of the retailers and also to request the retailer to order more of their supply. At the end of the negotiations the negotiation team is expected to bring to the management a negotiation report outlining the conclusions reached by the two sides both the supplier and the management, the report should address the reason why they selected a particular alternative, the team also needs to indicate in the report the main advantages of the decision they made and the reason why they did not sect the other alternatives presented to them. Therefore, academic report writing should include all the factors put in consideration so as to come up with a particular conclusion after a given process (Foqarty 2008, par 3).


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Researching and conducting investigations including the use of appropriate academic literature and resources is another field of academic writing which I am skilled in. With regard to Researching and conducting investigations including the use of appropriate academic literature and resources one needs to understand perfectly well the topic which he is researching on (Foqarty 2008, par 3). The quality of work presented by the writer will depend on the various research methods used both qualitative and quantitative, the researcher needs to display exemplary skills with regard to analysis of various sources which give information concerning the research topic there should be correct citation of the sources which the writer has used in gathering data with regard to the research topic (Foqarty 2008, par 4). While conducting a research I ensure that I gather the correct literature which give information concerning the research topic, in the research paper I also ensure that there is sufficient information to support every hypotheses formulated in the research paper (Strauss 2007, p.11). With regard to formation of research questions, as a good writer one should establish research questions that cannot be answered by just a simple "yes" or "no" as a good research paper writer, I ensure that the research questions formulated can only be answered by gathering the correct data and giving a detailed explanation of the conclusion reached a good research paper should be aimed at answering the questions which are presented by the hypothesis formulated by the writer (Strauss 2007,p.11 ). A good research should also present thorough information regarding the future works and any development that needs to be done with regard to the topic which the writer was researching on (Strauss 2007, p. 12). The paper should have a conclusion which summarizes the main points addressed in the research. The research should also be realistic, one cannot present concluded research which is not based on available fact which can be proved. The research paper should also conclude a list of cited references, if applying the Harvard referencing system, one should indicate in the bibliography section all the sources cited, the bibliographies should be well aligned according to the rules set forth by the rules governing the referencing system (Strauss 2007, p.12).When it comes to academic writing, I also have skills in developing presentations and delivering them .the act of developing a presentation involves creating an audio visual or a visual chart which can be effectively used to explain information about a given topic to a group of persons (Strauss 2007, p. 14). The process of presenting information about a particular topic to a group of people with reference certain audio visual aids, he aids can be electronic or non electronic. It is important to ensure that the information relayed by the audio visual aids is well understood by the audience which the information is being relayed to (Azar 2002, par 4). During the presentation I ensure that there is a perfect coordination between the audio visual and the explanations. The audience will understand the information I relay most importantly if I consider the language used in the visual aids and the language that am using to make the presentation (Azar 2002, par 4). It is important to ensure that one maintains eye contact during presentation with the audience and also ensure correct references to the visual aids (Azar 2002, par 4). The presenter should also stand in a position that will enable the audience to see the visual aid so that they are able to connect its contents with the explanations of the presenter (Elliot 2006, par 5). To ensure that the audience enjoy the presentation I ensure that I stick to the topic, making diversions where necessary only, I also ensure that I explain elements in the visual aids in way that the audience will fully understand, see appendix 2 for a visual aid I prepared while presenting a topic on the importance of business ethics (Elliot 2006, par 4). I also ensure that the visual aid is large enough for all persons present in the audience to see without straining (Elliot 2006, par 5).

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A writer is not complete without having enough knowledge about referencing systems. I am well vast with Harvard referencing system, here is an excerpt of the prescriptions of the Harvard referencing system which students should always follow while writing and presenting their academic works (Elliot 2006).While using Harvard form of referencing the in text citations can take the following forms. According to Gabriel (2004, pg. 50-76) the origin of man can be proved by using the evolution theory (this form of referencing is applied when referencing to someone's work while you present your own opinion)Good health is important to all human beings (Austin 2008, par. 10). This form of in text citation shows a fact present in a given journal or article, it is important for the writer to indicate the year and the paragraph since it enables whoever is reading the work to easily refer to the cited source (Elliot 2006).The essay also explains the various ways in which the personal pronoun "I" can be used. The essay also tend to offer great assistance to academic writers when it comes to the narration of personal encounters and explaining a first person encounter which the narrator is not part (Kiddle 2004, p.19). This in text reference shows both the page of the book and the year it was published (Elliot 2006).



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