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Personal Experience

Social care field is a renowned profession for people who have an extremely strong desire and zeal to transform and also improve the lives of many people who are affected. Those social workers who have specialized in the Medical and also public health always provide aide to people affected by many chronic, acute or even terminal illnesses. This work involves dealing with patients, friends, and families in a bid to ensure that all the parties involved experience appropriate care, in or out of hospital. While this social care field is a rewarding career, one faces many challenges in its course. It is it can be terribly exhausting and involving. I have spent the last three years working under social care field. This has made me come to terms with all the challenges that the field calls for. It is a field that only accommodates the brave hearted and people ready to handle the impossibilities in this world. However, this job made me realize the passion I had in helping the minorities and less fortunate people in the society.


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I have worked in a home, a residential one, with many adults who have learning disabilities that range from extremely mild to severe. I also worked with many people who had bi-polar disorders, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, and also many challenging behaviors. This opportunity gave me much insight into the main roles of any social and health worker. The main reason behind this was that I attended multi-disciplinary health and social care reviews that were geared towards helping all service users determine most of their present needs and also wishes. They would eventually identify their future goals and also desired outcomes, on a predetermined ongoing basis. These people were also expected to promote empowerment, rights, individuality identity, responsibilities, and also self esteem. My responsibility was to put care plans, that I had been instructed on, into action and also help people with life skills. These included developing basic and devilishly minor budgeting, money control and managing skills, facilitating information and ideas for users to access it relevant to their desired needs. I was also out to assist them in developing and also maximize their independence levels. Teaching them on effective communication, health and social skills were also my calling.

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These experiences transformed my life. I am now at a position of close to perfect communication skills, especially with any clients in line with sensitive issues. I do it in a very appropriate manner while understanding the environment and cultural backgrounds of those I deal with. I am also always prepared for any reactions that come from my audience regarding the information I offer them. This job at an appreciable level improved my skills of communication, my patience, and courage towards tackling challenges. My experience, as illustrated above, has made me vastly aware of all the values I hold at a personal level, the beliefs I cherish and importance of giving to the society. I show respect for all people and their goals, beliefs, needs, cultures, and preferences.

Many problems come about as one works under this field. Many cases of high burn-out rates and exhaustion for those involved have been reported. Most of the social workers have to work for extra hours since there are complications that may arise beyond their control. They may be paid, or it may call for sacrifice, for the extra work they undertake. I had to operate in very quire and frustrating environments. Handling very aged men and women is a challenge. They are prone to many diseases, which attack them instantly. I remember a case where I was forced to put my sleep aside in order to attend to one of the clients who claimed that he was going berserk. I was taken aback since I wondered how one could know that he or she was losing their senses. I analyzed the situation through close scrutiny and observation and learnt that he had been affected by memories of his early childhood. I also learnt that most of the old people suffer from loss of memory and any small issue always affects them. I cooled him down and gave him some medication. That was very late into the night, and it shows the kinds of sacrifices one has to take in this profession. There are also issues of one’s clients contracting diseases that they cannot diagnose; due to deficient expertise in that field. This means one is forced to handle issues that he or she may not quite understand. It needs courage and sheer determination to handle emergencies. While working with those clients who had bi-polar disorders, I experienced a traumatizing situation. One aged man had a sudden change in moods and became very emotional. I was to administer an injection, and I did not have the experience in such a case. All the nurses were not available, and had to take a risk. I thank God I was successful. He recovered, and it challenged me to take classes in such disorders. This is one example of the problems that social workers face while working as a social and health worker. It is necessary to possess enough experience and also knowledge in the field one is covering. Understanding the clients is also very necessary.

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Culture shock and language barriers are also other factors that pose as challenges to health and social workers. Social work calls for working in environments of people with diverse cultures and beliefs. There practices may neither conform to what most of the workers wish to have nor are used to. This can hinder one’s work if he or she does not acquaint with the community that one is assigned to deal with. Bearing in mind that they are being paid for the services, some of the clients may be abusive and cruel if one does not follow what they believe in. They expect one to understand their language and practice their culture too. This greatly affects those workers who move to different continents of the world. An outstanding example is when one does not understand the ways in which he or she is expected to greet or handle the aged. Cultures do differ, and although one may think that his or her act served the best, it may come out as having a negative impact on society. It is necessary that the communities in which the social and health workers operate provide all the essential support and guidance in order to receive the best service. Institutions that host these less advantaged people also ought to have training for their workers on the cultures of that region. The workers also need to show the utmost respect for the existing traditions, cultures and practices, and should never try to change them.

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Tackling these problems calls for planning and application of the knowledge gained in all the institutions one has trained. It also calls for the setting of objectives that are to be followed and looked at in order to have an ample working environment. The objectives I plan to adhere to include:

  • Giving heed to the minor details of any situation I will be handling. This means I will have to give attention to any issue that arises and give them equal attention.
  • Operating beyond my set limits. I will have to respect my daily schedule but also be ready to adopt any new policies or urgent issue in the institution. I will be ready to sacrifice in order to serve my clients better.
  • Using the most appropriate method of communication at all times and levels of work. I will handle each case with respect, and respond to all situations bearing in mind that people differ in understanding and emotions.
  • I will respect all cultures and conform to them as it is part of my occupation. In case I move into any new environments, I will be ready to learn and be part and parcel of all the practices that are mandatory in that society. This will ensure that I do not face hostility in my work.

The communities which I will be working in should ensure that they support my work. The institutions that I work for should also make my career fruitful and implement any policies I recommend. There should be mutual respect and understanding in order to ensure a successful venture. Health and social care are a calling, and I love helping the less advantaged.

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Despite the many hurdles that working in health and social care may present, there are many advantages tied to it. The self satisfaction feeling and experience gained are a thing worth living for. Communities should realize the value that this industry is creating and support these workers. The cultures that they have should not act as a barrier towards achieving the desired help to the less advantaged. Mutual respect and understanding should be core to the success of this industry. Harmonization of the salaries paid to those workers who are employed should also be put into consideration.



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