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Final Project Paper

This experience has been very helpful to my educational aspirations. It has given me the opportunity to interact with different materials. It has exposed me to the world of technology in more vast ways than I really expected. First, it has helped me to identify ways that I can use to get knowledge apart from depending on teachers and tutors. To be precise, the new methods applied using technology is just another wonderful experience. It has enabled me to learn how to use multimedia effectively in teaching science and mathematics using the best practices. This research has also helped me to understand the role of teachers in educational institutions. For instance, teachers are supposed to teach, help learners to understand and become influential people in the society. This research has offered me a chance to identify the best multimedia and technology that can be used in classroom to improve the performance of pupils. They include podcasting tools, online tools, modeling and simulation tools and interactive white boards that are portable. At this particular point I can appreciate the fact that pupils can learn through playing games like video games in classroom.


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The web site is the interesting part of technology that I discovered. Before starting this research I feared interacting with new technology equipments. This research has played a very significant role in providing knowledge in making a web site. I am able to prepare Education Supervision Program, Personnel Program and Manager 2009 through Microsoft Office. Apart from that I can also register a domain name and how to install a Vbulletin or PHP-Nuke on a website.

Before this research, as a teacher, I had challenges in classes and in the office as the head teacher. It was so challenging during mathematics and science where the new technology is applied. As per now my skills have really changed. For instance I have the confidence in handling all computer and new technologies in all my lessons. I can also prepare and organize my students to learn through games. This really motivates and creates that urge for learning in pupils. Through this research I am able to identify the very best teaching materials to be used in classroom.

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Self-directed research has given me the opportunity to identify new ways of learning. One of the ways is the use of multimedia. This provided vast information throughout my research. I have interacted with different multimedia equipments thus gaining knowledge. I have also found out that I can learn on my own through playing games, these games can promote one’s interest in learning. I can learn by interacting with different students who provide valuable information while learning.

Through this study I have identified that there are various ways that can help me to learn on my own without depending on teachers or resource people. I have seen that I can use the Internet to get information. I am able to learn by using calculation tool (spreadsheet), multimedia authoring that shows results and animates (hyperstudio), scientific equipments, graphing calculators and software, video tape for experiments, demonstrations and data gathering among other tools.

I want to encourage my fellow students in the next semester strongly. This is a project that makes one identify the new world around him or her. They should be more focused and plan their work for better results. As I found out failing to plan is just planning to fail. I also want to encourage them to be self-reliant so that they don’t depend on the tutors to gain knowledge. Let them use the equipments available to learn on their own and consult for clarification where need arises. I also want to inform them that independent learning is just wonderful; it helps one to be creative and gain more than depending on somebody for knowledge.



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