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Workforce Planning

Workforce planning in general entails a means of ensuring that there is an understanding of the current workforce in an organization and the world that they are working in, and that which they are expected to occur in the future. The makeup of the current staff should be taken into consideration when dealing with the planning process to ensure that the ultimate goals of the plan are met primarily due to the dynamism in the business sector. One of the main goals of workforce planning is to a large scale assisting the managers  with  a system that will help them make informed  staffing decisions  which are in line with the organizations budgetary resources, strategic plans, and mission.1 Therefore the integration of areas that are usually neglected in the business such as attraction and retention, job re-design, recruitment, separation, learning and development permit meaning to the diverse areas of human resource management which are considered in isolation.

Strategic Objectives

The objectives of the company are going to benefit the employer to be able to connect the purpose or the vision of the organization with the actual outcome. After carrying out the workforce analysis, there is a need to set the targets of the organization in place. This involves setting achievable goals or objectives that will benefit the employer to be able to plan ahead of time the expectations of the organization. In developing the objectives, there is a need to have a thorough examination of the key issues relating the workforce and that are likely to impact on the development of the organization.


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1Drucker, Peter, Managing for the Future, New York: Truman Talley Books/Dutton... 1992.

Some of the objectives that are going to be used as a basis in the attainment of the goals of the organization will be informed by the analysis. For instance, the identification of the critical areas that need to be addressed and then formulating the objectives. The workforce planning needs to address areas such as the recruitment, retention and attraction, job re-design separation, learning and development. Objectives based on such basis can be formulated as below; Improve the efficiency of the workers by 60% every year by offering work/ life balance services to ensure that employees can utilize their maximum potential in all fields of life.

Increasing the efficiency of employees by initiating educational programmes at the work place. Such programmes will entail holding seminars, conferences and workshops aimed at imparting skills and competencies to the employees4. This will also constantly add the level of knowledge in pursuing certain goals of the organization.

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The dynamic nature of the working environment demands that employers are equipped with up to date mechanisms of handling issues. It is with this regard that the organization's objective will be geared towards enhanced recruitment techniques that will ensure only competent candidates are employed. This will increase the efficiency of the company by 45%. Constant screening of the improvement of the employees will be available in the firm. In addition, those who will be spotted as enhancing the turnover of the organization will be remunerated accordingly.

The organization will also be working to improve customer satisfaction by 50%. This will ensure that the organization is not losing its customers. Ettore, Barbara, "Benchmarking: The Next Generation", Management Review, Vol. 82, No. 6, 10-16... June 1993.

There will be close monitoring of the employees to ensure that they are giving the customers better services to ensure that this is met.

The organization will also aim at increasing the returns of the firm from $ 235 million per year to $ 650 million per year to ensure that it meets the millennial goals. This demands cooperation among our members.



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