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Boswell’s Journal

A day like any other, I am extremely eager and anxious to join the employment world, I woke up rather early today, must have been the eagerness to arise and search for a job.  I have many stops today, they must all be attended, I think aloud as I take breakfast. I have heard enough of being a stay home graduate. I look at my papers one more time, trying to convince myself how much of a brilliant student I always was. There is no reason why they will not give me the job now is there?  In my mind, I know I have the requirements needed unless they become biased.

As I walk around town, dropping off my resume am more focused on joining the employment world, I can only compare it with the feelings of Boswell on enjoyment with an amiable woman. I want the high prestige associated with the people working. Am from the best Bank around town, they too must have my resume, they might consider giving me the job. In the current world, being independent is key and it is indeed a pleasant feeling. I compare this to Boswells feeling of the indulgence in the pleasures of the body.  Just as Boswell walks around in search of a woman worthy of his love and affections and one who believes he, Boswell is worthy of her love. I am searching for an organization that will believe in me and my ability to deliver quality. One that I believe will offer me the environment I desire to work in (Boswell and Lustig 102).


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The irony of the day is I have not found that person or organization yet. Therefore, as I head home to my apartment I am trying to figure out whether the day was just another ordinary day.  I get home and as I take, my cup of coffee I am wondering if ever there is a time that I will come to get the job I desire.  I must remain hopeful. I am contemplating asking a friend for assistance but right now, it is all going to be my own effort. As I switch off my night light am hopeful of a better tomorrow (Boswell and Lustig 102).

Friday 2, December

I did not go around town this morning, I stayed home and applied for jobs online and sought for people and organizations seeking for employees through the internet. Thank God for Technology. I had an interview via the internet.   I sat there after the interview was over, I could only compare this experience to Boswells afternoon long chat with Louisa. The internet has many things, and has an answer to almost anything everything. Though it was not exactly talking back to me, it helped me in indulgence and by the time, I left to attend to other matters I had become exceedingly much familiar with how seeking internet jobs works. I could even make fun of my newly acquired talent need I say. As I take care of other responsibilities in the afternoon, I keep thinking of advantages of the internet and its influences on people. The best I can think in regards to that is thanking God for brilliant minds that invented something as creative as the internet.

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Saturday 3, December

The weekend is finally here; I have grand plans to ensure that whatever happens after this weekend end up in me succeeding in getting a job. I have a lunch date with a friend who works with the Bank in Town and a coffee date with the owner of a big Café in town. All these in a bid to see if I could get a job. There are many types of interviews nowadays, and they include meeting executives for dates. It also gives you confidence when dealing with executives and it gives you the courage to ask about the organization among other things (Boswell and Lustig 102).

The informal setting also allows you express yourself freely.  After coffee, I will head down to the homeless shelter and offer my community service. In recent times, I have come to appreciate the fulfillment that comes with helping the less fortunate, it keeps me busy and in that, way I give back to my community.  Later in the night I head back home, I have a feeling that soon my search will one day end. As I go sleep that night, I ask God to open the way for a miracle. I ask him, just as Boswell asks Louisa to be civil with him, I ask God to grant me my desires at the right time, not to rush or be slow but rather to give me what I desire at the right time.

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Sunday 4, December

Ah, God bless the Sabbath day. I wake up head out to church and then after that, I decide to visit a few friends and family around town. I start with my mother who encourages me to seek that which I desire while still keeping the Lord as my guide. My mother always knows what to say and when to say it. I think of her character as that of Boswell when he helps out Louisa with her debt (Boswell and Turnbull 144). I may not be in debt but the help offered by my mother is by far more valuable than any monetary debt.

Next, I visit my all time best friend Ashley; we speak of what every one of us has been doing over time we have been apart and then I pry into her love life a little also her job. Ashley owns her own business and it has been doing quite well. She is in the hospitality industry and owns a small restaurant.  I love cooking, but my heart was always in the corporate world of Banking. Her life seems to be going in a darned enjoyable way so as I leave, Ashley tells me that if I do not get a job I could always work in the restaurant with her. I try to think of it but I tell her I would think about it, but we both know I have been thinking about it for years now. I visit a few other people before returning home (Boswell and Lustig 102).

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Monday 5th December

I have an interview at one of the Banks in town; the interview appointment came in on Saturday afternoon. I am nervous just like Boswell when he visited Louisa in the morning of their appointment.  I am so nervous I think I am shaking in the inside. I arrive at the office building and as I enter the building, I am so anxious I can hardly remember my name what I already knew in the world of banking. When I reached the receptionist, everything fell into place once again but that was not to last long, I was ushered into an office where several other people sat waiting for the same interview as I was.

My turn came and I went to face the bosses in a bid to impress them so that they could offer me a job. In there the twists and turns of life clearly presented themselves when I was told that they needed someone who had previous experience (Boswell, Turnbull 144). Immediately a feeling of rejection started creeping in. I was afraid that my lack of experience was always going to stand in my way of ever getting formal employment. Then like a ball of fire, the words I dreaded I would someday use on people came tumbling out of my mouth. ‘So where am I expected to get experience if no one will hire me without it?’ I said aloud.

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I saw the look on the faces of the interviewers and immediately realized what I had just said and immediately asked to be excused. I had never embarrassed myself in such a way and just as I was leaving, I looked back at the crowd of interviewers and then apologized over and over. I felt so stupid for what I had said. Once outside I called Ashley and told her how I had blown my chances of ever working in the bank. For a moment I felt like I had spoiled my chances or I might have hurt someone.  I went home feeling lost and hopeless.

Tuesday 6th, December

I woke up rather down. I was in a foul mood, I was tired of the criticisms I was getting from friends and family of my actions the previous day.  I felt frustrated and I was angry at my fellow human beings for making the guilt worse than it already was. I just wanted to stay indoors, as far away from reality and the world as I could get.  I kept indoors for the whole day and did not pick calls or answer text messages.  I went out only for lunch, dinner, and then back to the house. At night, I listened to my voice messages and I had a call from the bank manager asking me to go to the bank the following day at 10 am. I did not know what to expect, I slept exceedingly anxious and uncertain of what to expect.

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Wednesday 7th, December

I woke up unusually early in anxiety of the day ahead. I was sure the management was angry with my statement and was going to demand an apology from me.  As I went in that same building where I got embarrassed two days ago, I was full of guilt and could not even face the people I had met previously. I met with the receptionist who showed me to the boardroom (Boswell, Turnbull 144).

As the interviewers walked in, I felt the urge to speak and apologize the up tenth time but I held back as I was the one in the wrong. I sat there as the sacrificial lamb waiting for slaughter.  After a two minute silence as they all looked at me, their leader told me that they were going to hire me. I was uncertain whether I had heard the right thing but it was confirmed by the several echoes of congratulations that followed that statement. I was overjoyed and surprised at the same time. I made endless promises to them of not disappointing them, which I intended to keep as we all walked out of the boardroom (Boswell 178).  I looked at the building one more time as I walked out thinking to myself, I had finally made it. I was overjoyed and at that, I called anyone and everyone to give them the news, I believed I even hugged a newspaper vender.

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The experiences of Boswell intrigued me since they were so similar to my encounters with the world of job searching and because in some way we seem to share experiences. In finality, James Boswell’s London Journal can be used as a contemporary piece of work in which people will read for fun and enjoyment. It shows the things we go through in the day-to-day life and that times have changed but people’s characters have not fully changed (Boswell 178).  Life in the 1762-1763 is not different with life today and all we can do is live it as it comes. We may have the technology now but that is the only change we have as at now (Boswell 22).



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