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According to the story of Wells andOleniukabout the reality of mining in Congo, the minerals mined in the country include gold, cobalt, diamond and copper. These minerals resulted to conflicts in the country despite Congo’s poorestconditionas the largest state globally. The war resulted to spending of a lot of money and themilitaryinvolved in the process lead tomassacreof millions of people. Violence resulted to looting of resources by foreign soldiers and the Congo citizens. This resulted to destruction in the country that resulted to dislocation of families, disease outbreak because of mining, destruction on the environment. This also led to abuse in Congo, as children got involved in labor, and women engaged in rape and prostitution.

Based on historic perspective, mass looting of properties took place on a large scale, and it involved states such as Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda toinvadethe Eastern and Southern part of theDRC. Besides the invasion tactics-taking place, the soldiers engaged in business deals with the foreign firms on how to access the mining territories in Congo. From 1998 to 1999, foreigner looted minerals such as stocks, timber, livestock and agricultural illegally from the entrepreneurship in Congo. LucasOleniukthe photographer reveals how foreigners exported the products unlawfully to the foreign countries; during thisprocessthe troops from Uganda and Rwanda closed the entire local business operations by harassing the owners (Hayes&Burge, 2003 p.26). The Ugandans looted properties like cars, which increased automobiles in their country at arateof 25 percent in 1999. The mining in Congo and the violence that occurred in the country led in grabbing of land rich in Colton within theDRCterritoryin 1885. The situation in Congo becamepathetic, fromOleniuk’s images, the site of the children involved in the mining process, women with children revealedriskthey faced.


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During theactiveextractionprocess, Wells the Torontostarwriterobserved that the soldiers participated in looting ofpropertyon the small-scale basis. The confiscated properties from the country limited the natural resources resulting to inflation. Theforeignsoldiers firms replaced all toe companies that dealt withtransportin Congo because of its poor economic status. Congo encountered losses in the taxes levied on the natural resources because the foreign troops from Uganda and Rwanda tookchargeof the air services. Theillegalair transportation in Congo resulted toexploitationin the country because of the new routes. The rate at whichDRCexported minerals reduced drastically because of the invasion and poor roads because of destruction that affected the agricultural productivity and the mining rates. The invasion in Congo also resulted to minerals such asColtonto lose itsquality, as they considered it the most valuable mineral that contributed toexportin the country.

The Ugandans and Rwandans took part in financing the war through incorporating thebusinessdeals, sharing of benefits with the other firms, and through taxation means. In Congo, the areas rich in diamond acted as the battlefields in which the foreign soldiers occupied the Eastern part of Congo a factor that lead to increasedexploitationof resources. During the war, soldiers in Rwanda stoleColtonminerals from the village people and sold to the mineral dealers. The war made Congo unstable; the UN intervened, but it could nothindertheexploitationof resources in the country.



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