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Gifted Hands

This book was written by Dr. Benjamin Carson, who became a world class renowned Neurosurgeon. He made history when he led a group of doctors to separate Siamese twins who were joined at the back of the heads. He has worked hard to be where he is and he has indeed proved to America that everything is indeed possible and this is his story.

The story begins in his childhood, growing up in the streets of Detroit Ben was a poor kid and his mother seemed to struggle just to make ends meet for Ben and his brother Curtis. Ben was performing poorly at school and his mother's job was not well paying though she worked 24/7. Ben's performance was alarming and kids at school made fun of him by calling him "dumb kid", And at one time Ben hit a boy with a rock because the boy called him stupid, He had a bad temper and he almost killed his friend   . When Ben reached eleven years old his mother and some teachers, began to encourage him so that he can have an interest in education.  His grades began to improve and his classmates were coming to him for help in their class work. But at one point Ben and Curtis were becoming idle again with no school work, this made their grades to drop again (Kelly Le).


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When their mother realized that there grades were declining again, she decided to put some rules for Ben and Curtis. They were restricted to watch two cartoon programs in a week, each week they were required to go to the library, pick some books from there to read. Then later they were required to write a report on the books they had read. Afterwards they would give their mother the reports when they were done though she was uneducated. With their mother's and teachers help they were interested in reading, this improved their grades at school. It is here that Ben realized he had a passion for science (Kelly Le).

Ben's grades improved tremendously, he was now back on top of his class again though he could not believe it but his ambition was to be on top. In 1968 most of the top colleges in the country had contacted Ben and they wanted to recruit him, offering him scholarships and inducements. This is when Ben realized that the numerous library visits and restricted television watching because they were not performing, was now starting to pay off.

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Ben later joined Yale University as afresh man on a 90% scholarship, he later met a girl named Candy and he fell in love with her. They courted for a while then he decided to ask for Candy's hand in marriage. Ben's Academic results began to decline during his freshman years at Yale University.  He began going to church more often at his early years at Yale, this made him have a more serious relationship with God and he converted to Christianity (Kelly Le).

In 1973 Ben graduated from Yale University, and later joined a medical school where he introduced a new surgical technique on his neurosurgery rotation to which he says Neurosurgery became compulsory. Ben got accepted at John Hopkins University hospital, where he did very well and at the age of thirty three he became the director of neurosurgery at john Hopkins University Hospital. In 1987 Dr. Ben Carson got a highlight of his career when he took part in the first successful operation of Siamese twins who were joined at the back of their heads. This gave him worldwide recognition ( This operation was extremely delicate that took five months of planning and twenty hours of surgery carried. Dr. Ben Carson is the most influential and a role model to us all.

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Dr. Ben Carson is a renowned neurosurgeon he comes from a poor background but he beats all odds and through his mother's dedication to their Education he starts performing in school all the way to university and he becomes one of the best Neurosurgeons.



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