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Eras of Time and Art

Art has evolved in different eras of time from the most ancient to recent ones and each with its distinctive characteristics and significance.  A critical look at each specific era has been as a result of the previous era's events and happenings and the tie that brought them together. Preceding the Victorian Era was the Romantic era. Romanticism was focused on artistic freedom, creativity and implementation which were the subject of lampooning during the Victorian Era. In the Victorian Era major achievements were made in science, technology, and the arts and with the reason of attempting to solve to social problems. The way of thinking had been shifted from idealized to realistic. The Edwardian era was more focused on social and political issues at hand and lampooned these ideas by taking a critical look at the logic-based values of the Victorian Era.  Social class shifted during the era and women began to be members of the workforce.

The Georgian era- this is between 1790 and 183. Then was followed by the Victorian era which was between 1837 and1901 The term "Victorian" properly refers to the period of time during the reign of Queen Victoria of England. However, it is often used to generically describe the 1900's and the early part of the twentieth century. The period prior to the Victorian Era that includes the early part of the nineteenth century. Plants and animal themes were popular. This style enjoyed a revival .The term "Victorian" properly refers to the period during the reign of Queen Victoria of England (1837-1901). However, it is often used to generically describe the 1900's and the early part of the twentieth century. This is a rather large span of time and encompasses a number of recognizable styles that can all be referred to as Victorian around the beginning of the twentieth century.


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The Victorian Era is characterized by romanticism in all areas of the arts. In this era the Visual arts, literature and music all showed a strong concern filled with emotion. The Victorian designs were typically and highly ornamental. Most of the natural designs during this era were extremely prevalent. In the rooms there were mixed several complimentary prints in wallpapers and fabrics although this became less common toward the end of the era. There was use of Pastel colors however; they were less saturated than those used in later periods.

The Clothing styles were detailed with the hour-glass figure which was considered the feminine insignia. Corsets were worn to achieve this figure but later in the century and into the Edwardian era; "tight lacing" was more common and brought with it the use of "petticoats and crinolines". The Victorian era took place in a large span of time and encompasses a number of recognizable styles that can all be referred to as "Victorian".

Eastlake era- this era took place between 1870 and 1900. The era was named after a designer of the period and felt that the flamboyance of earlier Victorian design had there for so long and there was need for more diversity. His art designs were rather simplified but still were considered more florid than those that came with the Arts and Crafts movement and later styles.

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Art nouveau - the Art nouveau era was between1895 and 1905. This art movement was defined largely by the work of Alphonse Mucha, the Art Nouveau style which found its way into the design of many household items which included: furniture, lamps, clocks, jewelry, wallpaper and carpeting. This style used stylized natural forms. Elegantly curved vines and floral motifs were common examples of this style. Nouveau style pieces such as paintings, sculpture and clocks used Women with long flowing hair and dresses in the art.


Edwardian era - this was between 1901 and 1915. The death of Queen Victoria to some extent marked the end of the Victorian Era.  Remarkably most of the revolution in the field of art culture and fashion was in this era. Edwardian era was the flourishing period of literature and passion besides literature, in Edwardian era there was much involvement in all sorts of sports and entertainments. Men and women were engaged in popular sports of that time, hunting was also apart of fashion in the Edwardian era. Each gender had a voice in the social and economic state of affairs. Another notable feature in this period was the eradication of child labor. There were lots of developmental changes that were made to the upper and middle class society.

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Arts & crafts era- was realized between1905 and1935. Notable in this style were designers and architects. Some of the architects included William Morris, Gustav Stickley and Frank Lloyd Wright. The style in this era emphasized on simple, functional designs with straight lines and angular forms. The style in this era also favored hand-made products over the machine-made.

Art deco era- this is the era between1920-1935. The era was characterized by clothing designer Erté and painters like Tamara DeLempika. The Art Deco movement commonly used long sharp lines and bright colors. With much similarity to the Arts and Crafts movement which was happening at the same time most of the Art Deco styles were very angular. The influence of the Art Nouveau style also manifested itself in some typography and the use of motifs.

Comparison and contrast between Edwardian and Victorian eras of art

The Victorian and Edwardian eras share many similarities. Since the end of the Victorian era in 1901 the Edwardian era started officially from 1901 1910 thus there was little change made by the Edwardian era. Generally though, the Edwardian era period extends passed the World War I. One of the most significant similarities was the differences in social classes. The upper class had lots of money because capitalism boosted them. However, the poor continued to become extremely poor with low pay. Slowly, however, companies began to pay some of their workers slightly more.

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Still though, there was long working hours and under poor working conditions. Throughout most of the Victorian era there was little tolerance for comfortable wear. A lot of the time the men and women alike were dressed up and this was extremely uncomfortable.  By the time the Edwardian era came around, the rich enjoyed lavish vacations and leisure sports.  It was more popular to have forms of more comfortable clothing, although for women this was typically still some type of dress.  Men wore suspenders and tie, but no jacket. The rich people really did enjoy their lifestyles much more than the rich did in the past.

This was the beginning of something new in terms of science and technology. During the Edwardian era this was a great time in which Albert Einstein, the Wright Brothers, and Ernest Rutherford were all at work making some of the inventions that are used to date. By the end of the era, vehicles were common and lavish ships such as the Titanic were available.

The Victorian Era was more focused on the meshing of artistic creativity and scientific process.  This mocked the supercilious thoughts of the Romantic Era and instead stressed on concrete tangible efforts, rather than emotions of lovers.   People of the Victorian Era rejected the heart's power over the brain and they chose logic over love. 

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Edwardian Era on the other hand satirized and rejected the liberalism of the Victorian era.  People threw away the vast social reforms of the previous time period and instead enacting political reform that enhanced the redistribution of the wealth to the upper-class.  In the Victorian era logic was key, but in the Edwardian period it was wealth and status that was considered


During the Victorian Era was a time period that the exponential expansion of society's liberalism was experienced.  It was a time of reform and where social norms were thrown out the window.  It was the time when almost anything was allowed in art which included nudity in paintings, to glass and steel and buildings in architecture.  All of this was satirized in the Edwardian period, and was marked by political restructuring and stratification of wealth. This was seemingly back tracking on all of the social, cultural and artistic advancements of the Victorian age.  But the Victorian Era is not a metaphorical victim being mocked by the Edwardian Era as they too lampooned previous cultural movements.



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