My career goals in the field as a nurse practitioner include using my acquired a knowledge and experiences to offer quality and professional nursing services to all my clients while ensuring that I strictly adhere to all the professional guidelines, instructions and ethics as expected of me by my profession.
Earning an MSN degree will help me achieve my career goals stated above in that it will instill me with the much need knowledge and experience that will ensure that I serve my purpose as a professional nurse with utmost diligence and professionalism. Earning an MSN degree will also make me be aware of the complex issues regarding the field of nursing and more so broaden my capacity of critical thinking hence enabling me to be there at all times ready to offer solution as quickly as possible and with utmost accuracy to problems regarding my profession.
My academic interests include pursuing my studies in an environment that is characterized by high levels of team work and discipline. Another interest is being able to join the body of professionals in nursing who are able to instill me an inspiration as well as a challenge to be best that I can in my career.
My strengths at this time include being able to work in team work as well as on personal level with limited supervision and with most respect. I am a person with high self drive and commitment to everything I am endowed to. Given my personal self drive I have a problem dealing with people who are not responsible and not committed to what they are supposed to but I have been dig my best to learn and increase my tolerance limits because it affects my performance when team work is of essence.
I have chosen The Texas Women University because various reasons major one is that it offers a supportive learning environment and in addition to that it is accredited to offer atop quality academic programs and have a conscientious professors who will make my career climb to the next level. I hope that by joining The Texas Women University I will be able to perform physical examinations as well a preventive health care measures with in the prescribed guidelines and instructions of a physician.
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