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The MGM Program

Nowadays, business greatly depends on the professionals who create and manage it. There are, though, not so many people capable of doing it. I believe I’m capable of joining the ranks of such professional, and I can back it substantially.

I invested a lot of efforts in my education, which was totally business-related. Furthermore, I engaged myself in the financial world of Mexico – a country with peculiar business traditions. IXE Bank became the last place of my employment. It belongs to the top-three financial institutions of Mexico, being a part of the publicly traded business group. As its target group includes both individual and corporate clients, it was one of my key responsibilities, as a bank executive, to arrange meetings with the management of the country’s top companies, as well as with the foreign business partners. When working for this bank, I developed one of my greatest strengths – satisfying the customer’s demands for the sake of the business’ prosperity and expansion. An obvious and significant proof of that was my customer service award and outperforming of the company’s budget by 40%. Unfortunately, bigger concentration on domestic business led to the certain loss of international managerial skills. I believe that it has to be fixed, so that I could become a real expert in international management, and it can be done solely after successful graduation from Royal Roads University and obtaining a Master’s Degree in Global Management.


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As MGM is one of the leading institutions, preparing professionals in the Global Management field, it happens to be the right place for me to improve my gap in international, i.e. global management. I believe that, after graduation from this program, I would become way more proficient not only in the academic aspect, but in the practical field, as well. The MGM program will definitely turn all the weaknesses I have into the strengths, and the way to it would be placing me for taking an internship in a different country’s business organization. I will combine the skills I have with the ultimately new ones, and contribute to the wellbeing of the two countries.

As I already am skillful and proficient in the management field, students who will take the course with me will benefit from me. In my turn, I will greatly contribute, learning lots of new academic intelligence from them in the most willing manner.

I believe the Master of Global Management degree is going to provide me with an opportunity to become in greater demand not only by the national, but the international businesses, as well. This, in turn, will raise my importance as a managerial executive.

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Combining the full-time employment with study turned out to be a tough, but bearable experience. As I had to rate my job over study, it affected my GPA a bit but did not affect my practical skills at all. My intention is to raise my academic knowledge by means of gaining the MGM degree.

The MGM degree will definitely lead me to getting indispensable skills in the nowadays world business market. Gaining this degree would allow me to improve my communication effectiveness, critical thinking, and troubleshooting skills. I would be better prepared to team working and willing to involve innovations in my business. The most essential thing is that I will be thinking globally, not but in terms of a single state or country. I would start thinking out of the box. This is the way real global managers have to act – creatively and improvising, using all the available resources to meet the market demands and to take the company ahead of the competition.



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