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The High Rate of Divorce


The paper looks into causes of divorce in modern world. The paper gives a general view on the common causes of divorce. Typically, divorce is the separation of two individuals who have been previously living as a husband and a wife. The marriage break-up may happen out of personal will due to the various positive and negative forces upon the marriage relationships. These forces are the major causes of divorce to day. They are:

Lack of commitment towards marriage obligations

Marriage is a long period resolution by the partners to live together. The resolution is made of the compassionate feeling that develops among the persons involved. Each party to the marriage commits to the other person in starting and raising a family. However, one person commitment to the marriage duties may failure or decline thus upsetting the other party.  Such obligations may include recognition and appreciation by the marriage partner. Marriage should provide the partners a unit of belongingness. Members feel proud to associate with a particular individual or family but at times this becomes this sense of belongingness is taken away by the other member.  Consequently, the aggrieved person feel sidelined and decides to walk out of the marriage thereby resulting to a divorce.

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Lack of communication between spouses

In life relationships are founded on effective communication. Communication ensures that parties keep in touch with each other as they pursue their common goal.  Marriage is an institution that requires constant and effective communication. Otherwise, marriage relationship will be cordial resulting to a weak bondage between the partners. Communication brings excitement as partner chat and discusses matters together.  Members are able to point out family opportunities and threats, and the mechanism on how to handle these life experiences. In scenarios where communication is ineffective, a member may find it hard to resolve life hurdles thus opting for a divorce.

 Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Emotional Abuse

Marriage is built on the moral virtues to protect the partner from all sorts of abuses. Family is a unit of togetherness where all members should feel safe   and be secure from both internal and external dangers. Members should be protected from physical harassment such as wife bartering and psychological torture.  Prospective marriage partners tend to show a lot of kindness and care in marriage courtship thereby assuring each other of long lasting jovial times in marriage. Unfortunately, things change once the individuals are married. The husband or the wife may start molesting the other physically by beating him or her, demanding too much sex, or psychologically separating from the other. As a result the marriage relationship becomes unbearable and the couple parts their ways.

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Furthermore, individuals are enticed into marriage by the urge for sex. Couples want to have the intimate relationship in a marriage setting. Each individual expect the other to fulfill this obligation unless one has a weakness. Underperformance may be caused by individual behavior such as alcoholism, or one not availing himself or herself to the spouse. Games such as gambling and long distance travel in the absence of the couple partner may fuel marital attach commitment. As a result, infidelity by the unsatisfied person may occur consequently leading to a divorce from the person who can not tolerate unfaithfulness in marriage.

Differences in personal and career goals

Individuals have personal ambitions in entering into a marriage. Some want to make success of what an individual felt his or her parents failed such as raising a family of a high economical class. Others want to fill the void of emptiness left by departure of friends and relatives through death or relocation. Once the individual get into the marriage and   then are denied the opportunity to achieve this personal goal, they decide to divorce. The individual values divorce as the only alternative that will avail the opportunity to achieve these marriage personal goals.

In addition, most couple marries when they are still continuing their career goals. An individual may decide to either continue with academic studies or to relocate from one firm to another while in marriage. When the spouse is opposed to this, the individual opts to divorce and pursue his or her career goals.

 Different expectations about household tasks and financial problems

In the world most marriages are based on cultural marriage values. To this respect, the culture outlines the role and duties of the marriage partners. Therefore, when individuals enter into marriage unaware of these cultural values conflicts will mostly arise. This is because of mismatch in marriage role expectations as it may require one to sacrifice their time and comfort in order to fulfill such cultural obligations. In case an individual feels dissatisfaction and frustration in the marriage, he or she walks out of marriage.

Moreover, cultural values lays financial burden on the head of the family. The breadwinner may lack the economic capacity to meets the family financial needs and thus feel humiliated by the personal financial inability. Likewise, the dependants may feel inconvenienced to   meet life basic needs such as food, clothing and education.  Therefore, there is discontent when material needs are unfulfilled resulting to marriage divorce.

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Intellectual Incompatibility and Inflexibility

Marriage survival and prosperity mostly depends on partners understanding each other and reaching a common resolution. Misunderstanding will occur when one party can not comprehend the ideas of the other party caused by intellectual discrepancies. The smarter person feels frustrated  when he or she has to keep on  explain the same  thing while the less intelligent partner hold low esteem for not being at par intellectually with his or her spouse. Consequently, the life may become miserable for either of the party leading to a marriage break-up.


Divorce in the modern world is on the rise because of many conflicts within and out the family. However, the common reasons are out of the spouses relationships. These causes are poor communication between the spouses where partners do not make there intents and grievances known to each other; financial constraints where the family as a unit can not meet its basic requirements; and abuses where one individual subject the other party to mistreatments. Generally, marriage should be an identity of one pride and association but the above vices pushes an individual to a divorce. Marriage is built on the moral virtues to protect the partner from all sorts of abuses and therefore the family is a unit of togetherness where all members should feel safe and be secure from both internal and external dangers. Members should be protected from physical harassment such as wife bartering and psychological torture. But it is important to realize that marriage survival and prosperity mostly depends on partners understanding each other and reaching a common resolution.  


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