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Analysis of Darrell’s Venture

Corporate social responsibility refers to some of the strategies that organizations carry out in their businesses in such a way that they become friendly to the society. This involves a range of activities such as working in partnership with communities for the purpose of improving the status of the community. One such social entrepreneur is Darrell Hammond.  Born on October 8, 1955, Darrell is an American social entrepreneur with interests in acting, comedy and impressionism.

From 1995 to 2009, Darrell was a regular cast member on Saturday Night Live, being the longest cast member on the show. Darrell was born and brought up in Melbourne, Florida, to Max and Margret Hammond. He went to Melbourne High School from where he graduated in 1973. He then proceeded to Brevard Community College and the University of Florida, where he majored in broadcasting (KaBoom, 2012).

A couple of years ago, Darrell founded KaBoom, an organization that assists in creating access to playgrounds as well as other spaces of play for children all over the United States (KaBoom, 2012). The organization believes that for a society to experience social change there has to be personal transformation. In this regard, the mission of the organization is to assist in providing play spaces within a walking distance for every child in the United States (Schwab & Schwab 2012, p. 202).

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As a result, the organization has been influential in mobilizing communities to do away with ‘play deserts’. In line with this, approximately 2000 play areas have been established all over the United States as well as Mexico (Schwab & Schwab 2012, p. 202). Additionally, KaBoom has also provided the American populace with do-it-yourself resources that have resulted in the establishment of well over 5000 community-built parks (Schwab & Schwab 2012, p. 202).

The organization is a very powerful advocate of the National Campaign for Play, a policy group that supports the establishment of a systematic change in the way a healthy play for children is cultivated in the United States (KaBoom, 2012). The organization has also open sourced its knowledge in mobilization, by providing access to webinars, organizer tool kits, as well as a powerful alumni and staff support network for people willing to establish community play spaces (Schwab & Schwab 2012, p. 202). One of the organization’s key efforts is the creation of the Playspace Finder, a map of areas that lack play spaces. This goes a long way in helping to target resources as well as activities (Schwab & Schwab 2012, p. 202).

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Additionally, the organization has also partnered with organizations like the Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA, as well as battered women’s shelters and carter schools. Apparently, KaBoom enjoys the support of well over 300 corporate sponsors committed to its cause. This includes Disney, JetBlue, and MetLife among others (Schwab & Schwab 2012, p. 202).

Stakeholders Analysis

According to stakeholders in Darrell’s venture, the organization is involved in pursuing social outcomes that are linked to the augmentation of societal interests. On the issue of governance, there are a good number of lay as well as non-executive elements with several stakeholder representations. Additionally, there are multiple accountabilities. Among the key staff in KaBoom are human service professionals who are active in ensuring strong and distinct value dedication to their duties. The stakeholders are however of the view that integrating the administrative rationalities is a major challenge.

KaBoom obtains funding from a number of corporate sponsors as well as voluntary, public, and commercial sources. This is usually through a quasi-market including other competitive processes. Stakeholders are also of the view that the organization involves itself in serous public scrutiny (Schwab & Schwab 2012, p. 202).

This is usually carried out through thorough supervision with regard to the set professional standards as well as managerial arrangements that include client and citizen involvement. For financial and statutory reasons, KaBoom partners with a number of organizations to further its cause (Schwab & Schwab 2012, p. 202). This is in line with the nature of the tasks of the partnerships that involve organizations, government bodies, as well as social enterprises. 


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