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Neighborhood and Inequality

Social inequalities in society have been characterized by significant segregations between the upper class and the lower classes. Hence the resulting differences in American class structures. The articles concert segregation and unfair burdens imposed upon the middle and lower classes. The article by Berton and Said, “Oakland strike support varies with neighborhoods” suggests that the imposition of heavier burdens on the middle and lower classes on account of their incomes and social classes is an indication of the unfair domination towards the lower classes. The prevalent systems opt to favor individuals who have higher financial capabilities than those who illustrating low income capacity; hence they suffer hefty interest rates and bank charges.

In light of these, the purpose of the financial institutions like the banks is constantly being questioned. Therefore, the article observes the disparities existing amongst social classes, where the lower social classes bear significant costs of living in contrast to the upper classes, which pass the burden of their costs in interest charges in crucial financial transactions like the transaction costs of using other forms of money other than cash. The segregation of individuals according to social classes such that the middle and lower classes are clustered in localized areas, where trade functions are significantly challenged by the costs of doing business demonstrates the extent in which the upper class dominates the social and economic functions in society.

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This aspects leads to social unrest and industrial actions, however, the effects of such actions in localized poverty stricken areas, has no significant influence on business or industrial policies. Therefore, the article observes that despite the affected individuals being in the same dilemma, they react differently. He lower classes depending on their business for their daily upkeep, may not perceive industrial actions like strikes as the solution for their problems. They perceive such an action as catastrophic since, any compromise or injury that may come from such actions maybe inherently impossible to recover from.

The articles focus on the different class alignments which acts as an indicator, an individual will take in lieu of their social class towards industrial actions. The middle and lower classes, take into consideration the effects of such an action to their wellbeing. While the organizers of such an event intend to raise their concerns on a public forum, the lower classes are characterized by significant numbers of jobless individuals. The jobless people create a significant percentage of the people participating in the demonstrations; despite the intended message of such an action being put across, it is hardly heard by the relevant recipients. Therefore, demonstrations as such are significantly saturated with the unemployed, lower class individuals. In light of these, it is essential to note that the article plays a significant role in illustrating the underlying realities of the business world for aspiring business entrepreneurs. The segregation of classes is an inherent underlying theme in the articles; however, conformity to class behavior is depicted as an individual choice. Therefore, an individual can choose to conform to class behavior or not given their perspective on underlying issues and the extent that such a behavior is likely to affect them.

The article by Chip Johnson, “Oakland’s gun violence killing its future” depicts the hopeless nature of life in the low income regions, where insecurity characterizes daily life for residents. The article reiterates the fact that given the extent of insecurity in these areas, it has become increasing difficult to implement security measures or the authorities have given up on the community hence they ignore the occurrences in the poor neighborhood. Comparative literature asserts that it is significantly difficult to control the youths in the poor neighborhoods where crime, drug abuse and prostitution have encroached into the fabrics of the social structures. Therefore, moral standards and responsibilities have been done away with and replaced with a more sinister attitude towards human life. These is illustrated by the constant cases of gunshots reported in these neighborhoods, demonstrate the prevalence of crime while the relevant authorities indicate an indifference to these locales and constantly ignore or give up any attempts are at rehabilitation.

The article’s representations describe the behavioral adaptations aiming at reducing the impact of the knowledge that the neighborhood is characterized by poverty, joblessness and drug abuse. Despite the depiction that Social classes have continually been measured on the basis of the occupation, education, and income parameters and determined by the level of wealth in an individual’s possession. The possession of wealth or lack of it, thereof, determines social position irrespective of racial inclination. The consequences of wealth possession are far reaching despite the individual’s income level in the social placement in the class structures. Therefore, in a situation where all these are not available, the segregation of classes according to these aspects is depicted; hence, the killings in society are an aspect of a deteriorating security concern in inner city neighborhoods.

The representation of societal concerns in protests clearly demonstrates the extent in which people are willing to act in defying the dominant classes. In light of these, the lower classes have limited ability to maneuver through the social structures; however, any attempts on their part to contribute to their economic liberation are faced with frustrating barriers implemented by the ruling class. Therefore, they act violently against their counterparts and the upper class given the futility of such an action. Hence social struggles to political struggles; he observes that an effective strategy should be implemented through groups formed on mutual grounds with a set objective of financial and economic liberation. However, given the individualistic perspective in civil societies, it is difficult to form credible associations; hence the reluctance of the lower classes to form any credible associations for holistic negotiating as a group. These aspects are evident in political, economic and educational structures where individuals possessing significant cultural and economic capital have a competitive edge in financial and economic aspects, whereas the lower classes are disadvantaged in social, economic and educational aspects.

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Conformity to aspects that maintain status quo leads to stagnation of practices and processes; hence resistance to change. The culture of violence depicted in non-white neighborhoods which are characterized by increased poverty levels, creates a desensitized social group, which overlooks the other people’s problems until they become their own. Nevious in his article, “Sunnydale residents share stories of violence, loss” The various available jobs and the qualifications thereto; significantly influence individual, class entry processes. The competition in the job markets requires significant and relevant academic or professional qualifications, therefore, attainment of social class as a factor of available job opportunities considering individual educational or technical qualification. Therefore, the lack of adequate skills leads to young people dealing drugs and joining gangs, which are the root cause of violence in these neighborhoods. Nevious in his article asserts that the gun culture which is cultivated at a young age, where children’s toys involve shooting one another, has critically contributed to the high rates of deaths resulting from gunshots.

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In lieu of the social cultural circumstances facing the poor neighborhoods which are critically affected by high levels of violence, it is essential to note that, racial disparities in education, social and economic structures have a crucial role in shaping a young person. However, when this is not the case, young people attempt at acquiring income and wealth by all means including criminal activities. Therefore, the perception that class entry is a factor of wealth despite the educational level or income levels attained. In light of these a comparison of White and African-American families in the same educational and income bracket is crucial; hence, the effects of wealth towards social class placement in respect to racial segregation factors. Hence, in a social setting factoring Whites and blacks, education is irrelevant in class entry or determination of an individual’s social class. Hence class is a social institution which can be entered on the basis of wealth or property possessed and their influence in the prevailing social-economic environment. These articles assert the fact that, the prevalence of crime, significantly gun related crimes, is an indicator of a failing social and cultural morals, hence a deterioration of behavior. However, any attempts by non whites to bridge the social gaps between the classes are met with significant challenges and obstacles imposed by the dominant white classes. These factors aim at curtailing the efforts of the non whites from rising through the social classes, hence the prevalence cases of violent robberies and break-ins. These aspects are illustrated in public and private policies aiming at red tapping the non white neighborhoods; while implementing restrictive policies in lieu of non white individuals rising through the social classes.

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Poverty is a social aspect that impairs social development of apt individuals; while denying opportunities to deserving individuals on the basis of their social background, cultural origin and skin color. However, despite the selfish interests of racist individuals, they fail to consider possible social-economic drawbacks inherent in their discriminative actions. For instant, allocation of public finding to welfare provision for inner city dwellers is based on their income’s taxation while increased crime rates towards the dominant white classes create a culture of insecurity in the American society.


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