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Blending Cultures

Between the 1000s and 1400s, there was a lot of blending of cultures hugely due to trade. It resulted in diverse experiences such as acceptance some racial and religious prejudice in others. China, during this period, experienced complex attitudes towards Non-Chinese peoples. They interacted mostly with Muslims. Occupationally, they permitted Muslims to hold decent positions. However, these Muslims were restricted in carrying out their religious rituals or customs. For instance, a certain sub-sect called the Yuan Mongols prohibited Muslims to carry out their age-old custom of circumcision (White 41).

India is said to be the most multicultural country in the world owing to blending and interactions with other races and religions that date back to as early as 1000-1400 C.E. The most significant Historic event that impacted on India’s cultural history during this period was the Muslim invasion. Previous Islamic invasions before this era did not involve much cultural exchange since earlier invaders integrated themselves into the local customs. However, this invasion brought with it imposed ideals. These conquerors enforced a kind of ‘’new world order” to the Indian sub-continent. Undoubtedly, clashes arose between the natives and these Muslim invaders. A small portion of the Muslim invaders embraced local Indian cultures (Geertz 111).

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Trade is another significant platform for cultural blending. During this era, History records that India was involved in trade with the Roman Empire leading to the growth and diversification of art and literature. At around the same time, there arose a conflict between the Vijayanagar dynasty of the Hindu and the Muslims. This blending resulted in exchanges between the two (Cohen 72).

Comparing the experiences in China to those in India, the striking similarity is racial and religious prejudice. A key difference was that the Muslims’ interaction with Indians was authoritarian; whereas the Chinese experience was more decent and professional, save for religious intolerance. In conclusion, both sets of interactions had influence to the respective cultures.


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