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A military can be said to be an organization or an institution that has been allowed by the larger society to use forces, usually weapons in order to counter any perceived threat in a nation. It comprises of individuals who are zealous in their lines of duty. Their loyalty as well as love to the country is their driving force. They are willing to fight until their last breath in order to protect their beloved countries (Peter).

The description above is ideal for any military force on earth. However, over the years, military has been used by the respective governments to perform duties that are not within the interest of the people. It is not uncommon to hear of a situation where military has been used by the state leaders to advance their personal/ political interests. Cases of dictatorship, human right violations, suppression of democracy are all made possible by the presence of the military forces. Coop in several nations have been facilitated by the presence of the militaries. In my own definition, military can be said to be a necessary devil that should be managed with caution for efficiency in the dissemination of the desired roles (Peter).

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If the military is meant to maintain peace and order within the borders of a country, then external conflicts should not exist as the military would only be confined within the borders of the respective nations. The numerous conflicts around the world are indications of the abuse of the military by the respective government and states.

The gender nature of the society has created a controversy in the women services in military. Liberalized feminist advocates for equal service delivery between the genders. The conservatists consider it to be against the traditional sexist ideologies. The debates, however, sideline the opinions of the female soldiers themselves. In a research that was conducted in Israel, it was found out that the female soldiers shaped their gender identities in three ways: (1) bodily display and masculinity; (2) disengaging from the traditional feminist ideologies and (3) trivializing the sexual harassment. These practices paradoxically represent both compliance and resistance to the gender order. They conform to the military expectations and transgress the gender boundaries. They, therefore, internalize the masculinity ideologies in the military and the patriarchal order of the state as well as the army (Orna).

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Another research by the Norwegian Defense University which sought to bridge the gap between the male and the female military personnel was carried out. The report revealed that, despite the high number of working women in Norway, the number of women working in military was found to be predominantly low. The research concluded by advocating for the focus on encouraging women to go for the available positions in the military (Kari & Sand).

Regina in his research paper “the Myth of Macho Military” sought to clarify that the ideology that the myth associated with the male dominated military is actually a misconception. The paper explained that it is not an unhindered fierceness that is instilled in the soldiers but a series of discipline and service that is trained in the soldiers (Regina).

However, a practical evaluation in the women involvement in the war indicated that, although the discipline and training in the military are meant for the efficiency of the job, when they returned from the war, they had difficult times resuming to their position as the society arrangements depicted. From the above article it is clear that women responsibilities should be delineated to fit their capabilities as the general roles may affect their psychological arrangements for long (Cynthia).


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