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Customer Service

Reflection Paper

Customer service refers to a series of activities by a business person that lead to the final satisfaction of the customer.  I always thought that I entailed designing ways of dealing with different people at the place of work. I looked at it as a way of promoting one’s business by using promotions and other advertising means in order to get an edge over his or her competitors. This course has clearly illustrated that there is more to that. I have learnt many virtues that have to be practiced in order to ensure that the customers are well served. This qualities touch on the relationship one has with the customer before the latter buys, after purchasing, and until he or she uses the product. 

 Motivation and teamwork stand out as the most interesting concepts of customer service. Motivation is like a spark in any business that controls the attitude and mood that the customers may have. It starts with the internal workers and then expands to the customers. Motivated employees will offer the best services to the customers. They have little to worry about, and they will strive to ensure the success of the business. This has to trickle down to the customers. One can provide after sale services or even take upon him or herself to replace any default product.  Keeping in touch with your customers is also a boost to the business’ image. Teamwork mainly helps since no man is an island. It helps in generating new ideas and eventually boosting the sales. It also provides the basis for relationship building and understanding between employees and customers. This opens the business up to criticism whenever an error is committed hence it is easier to improve and work on flaws. These two qualities are very essential to the success of any business.     

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“Customers satisfaction is the key to a successful business” is my philosophy for customer service. Satisfied customers keep on flowing back to your business on daily basis. They eventually pledge their business loyalty to you. This also applies to your employees. They will work heartedly and promote business goals. Satisfaction comes in when the business advocates for mutual benefit among the parties involved. It should not lean on the side of profit maximization at the expense of quality and customer service. The principles learnt in this course will always be fundamental in my business. I plan to ensure that both my customers and employees are motivated. I will not compromise the quality of my products and will always employ corporate responsibility at all levels. I will always put on a genuine smile on my face while relating with everyone at the place of business. After sale services will also be a key to the success of my business.

The L.L. Beans Company employs these principles of customer service. It also promotes my principle of customer satisfaction by treating their customers well. They ensure that all their products meet their customers’ needs. They do offer after sale services and replace any faulty product purchased from them. They advocate for treating others in the best way possible so that they may also treat you the same. Their service culture keeps on growing, and their company is a model to many.

Success of any business calls for sacrifice and good planning. Customers are the pillar of business. They are the determinants of the direction in which a business will head. Good customer service is worth being employed in every business in order to realize prosperity.


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