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Immigration. Interview

The immigrant who I am interviewing was born in 1954 and moved to America when he was 22. He came from Mexico and most people were fleeing to US as industrial or farm workers. He says that this was a revolution as US had suspended the legality in its immigration rules. He came to America to search for his mother who had moved earlier with the help of his aunt. Basically, the reason why he came to America was to explore any possible opportunity that could come his way. He acknowledges that he might not have got up with this opportunity if he had not come to US. Furthermore, he asserts that it was only in US where his future could come true. He wanted to own a business and start up a family. He also states that several people moved to America before the formation of the Border patrol. He reiterates that during this period the policemen dealt with petty crime cases and the border pints were controlled by the local authorities.

The interviewee states that people moved to US as they were promised better wages with better working conditions. According to the interviewee, there were more improved working conditions in America than in the Southwest. The workers were given free transport services to the working centers. He says that a huge number of peasant workers were brought to Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois states. The factories` workers by 1924 were mostly from Mexico.

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The homeland where the interviewee lived was peaceful and people were quite social. He spoke Spanish and did not understand English. The American community where he settled was different from his Mexican homeland. He says that there were numerous vehicles in US and the crime rate was lower. The type of food in US was different though he managed to acclimatize to the new state. When he came to US, he thought that people would love America as it was a land of hope.

He moved to America by the help of his mother and her sister who had earlier relocated to America. He came alone to US, leaving behind his girlfriend, but promised her that he would marry her after he had settled down. After some years, he moved back home and married his beloved wife. He later helped his wife move to the United States. He asserts that he does not recall his feelings but he settled quickly. He decided to look for a job and opted to study English to increase the opportunity to secure a job. Though he is not sure, he states that on his return to America, he was excited. He says that he was not worried because he believed that God was with him.

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When he moved to US, it was the election period and Jimmy Carter was the Democratic presidential candidate, while Gerald Ford was the Republican presidential candidate. After this, he says enthusiastically that Jimmy Carter became the President who served from 1976 to 1981. He reiterates that Jimmy Carter was the worst president, who made the US economy deteriorate. He states that Jimmy caused a great inflation and slowed the growth rate of the US economy. He also states that during Jimmy’s era, there was a high level of unemployed population. According to his opinion on Jimmy Carter`s effectiveness, he states that people showed their dislike in the 1980 elections.

Furthermore, he acknowledges the importance of a job and he knew that experience could help him improve his position in a working environment. He asserts that he once applied for as position to sort mail in bank. He says that he was fully dedicated to his job, though the job seems quite menial. He later acknowledges that he learned how to work and make his work easy. He also acknowledges that his main challenge was the language barrier as he only knew two English words. He was later promoted due to his efforts and this created tension with his co-workers. He acknowledges that his promotion was due to his hard work. Furthermore, he states that he first worked in US as a busboy at a restaurant. He was paid 2 dollars per hour for this job. He shares his experience while working in the restaurant when a customer gave him a 1 dollar tip and the manager pulled it out. The manager later reduced his salary to 1.50 dollars. He states that he decided to quit the job on that day and later applied at Carl Jr. Similarly, he was promised the same salary of 2 dollars per hour and could get added benefits.

He attributes the initial help he got in US to his family members. His family provided the initial accommodation though he managed to survive on his own. His brothers and sisters also prayed for him and he found a company where they shared common ideas. He recalls walking across the street when he was held up by a police officer. He acknowledges that he did not use the walking cross and was considered to be jaywalking. He was given a ticket although he pleaded that he was a new resident but the police could not understand. He acknowledges that he learned some rules the hard way out. He also says that he had to walk in order to get to work, and after his first payment, he purchased a bicycle. He says that he could save some money by using the bicycle. One day he hit a sewer, and his bike, which he valued so much, was broken as the wheel could not be repaired. He developed a negative attitude towards things made in US, and he says that one should buy items made in US without haste.

According to the respondent, the new deal, he found useful, was the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). This Act was passed in 1933 and it created National Recovery Administration (NRA). He acknowledges that this Act made the business executives come with rules for fair competition. As an aspiring business man, he was relieved by this Act as he could be able to compete favorably. He also states that the Act regulated the prices of important commodities and workers` wages. He confirms that the Act was a subject to President`s approval. He also acknowledges the Act as it governed any ill competition among the businessmen. Furthermore, the Act restricted child labor, low costs prices and trade-in allowances. According to the interviewee, NRA organization guaranteed people to fund and organize the public work program. He trusted the organization as it pumped a lot of money to boost the economy of US. In addition, the industries, which took part in these agreements, did not face the antitrust laws.

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According to the interviewee, the American government had a full responsibility to its citizens. The private companies or investors could help in creating job opportunities for the citizens. However, the government was the main employer. In addition, the government also provided other human needs to the masses. The government of the United States fulfilled its purposes for citizens. The government had a means of identifying the needy in society and it marshaled all its forces in delivering services, such as security, to the society. Furthermore, he reiterates that the government did not discriminate its citizens in administering services and opportunities to the citizens.

Furthermore, the US government assured its citizens fair employment opportunities. In US, there was a movement, which advocated for full and equal participation in the defense industry. He also posits that the worker unions and employers were supposed to treat the workers equally. He acknowledges that any kind of discrimination was prohibited. Furthermore, during the reign of Roosevelt, women’s ability was considered. He states that any violators to this law would face criminal penalties for misconduct in public office. He also states that during this awakening period, people saw the deficit of women labor in business, in public offices and in other profession, such as nursing. Therefore, the struggling women justified the belief of Roosevelt that the American women were suffering. Later women were appointed to better elective seats. This led to success of women and broke the old prejudice that women were faced with. He states that this government initiative moved women from home settings to global figures. He refers to this age of awakening as the mechanical civilization in US.

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To be an American woman, there were several ways women showed their belief in power. They sort nationwide support in their role as employees, manufacturers and consumers. Women, seeking power and recognition, employed similar techniques in their operations. Women served in US as consumer council and this task was difficult. He considers this case as a guess work as women did not have a known direction. Women initiated relief and life changing projects in their backyard. They helped the unemployed in the society with relief opportunities and aid. Women also resolved unparallel opportunities of the less fortunate in the American society. He also states that women in America helped in feeding the malnourished in the society. He concludes that women advocated for homes furnishing, especially for the elderly and the sick. Furthermore, women advocated for people to be taught the American lifestyle. Therefore, women had the responsibility to make US a healthy society.

He believes that the fundamentals of “National Union for Social Justice” are subject to change. He calls for a debate and one can either agree or disagree with his opinions. He is looking for a way of luring people join unions which he believes will resolve their problems. He condemns the ideologies of communism as the unions will help people succeed in life. He states that unions have the ability to change people see beyond the audience and become quite vibrant, live and active. Furthermore, he believes that unions will raise the political ideologies of the peasants. Therefore, unions create a platform for political superiority in the society. It also creates principled politicians who are independent in life.

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The first amendment to the US Constitution aimed at reducing inequality in the society. The American concept of state does not rely on mysticism. More so, it does not rely on the origin or nature of the authority in place. The flag cannot enforce the patriotism. More so, the liberal spirit cannot enforce the judicial invalidation of the liberal legislation. He believes that the people’s preoccupation about the American mind on the false values has also created a wrong impression of the American real values. Therefore, the American Constitution protects people, even though some of them have a negative attitude.

According to the interviewee, for one to be an American, he/she has to have the full freedom. He does feel the ‘American Dream’ that he earlier was looking for. He feels that he is still in Mexico because of people he meets, especially the manager who is unhappy with his advance at work. He believes that someone can easily change the Mexican culture to suit the American culture, as anyone can also change their way of living. He believes that a person can be an American but he/she can retain his native nature. He states that someone can use all means to be an American citizen, either by registration or illegally, but someone cannot change his native nature.

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US needs, therefore, to change and have strict immigration laws. Laws that limit and restrict movement of people in and out of US are vital in the country`s functioning. Influx of people to US will have negative effects. If numerous people move to US, there will be a problem related to available resources such as employment, housing and the available natural resources. Thus, the US government should come up with strict measures on immigration now and in the future. It therefore implies that the US government should come up with an operational mode which will govern the immigration department. The government risks terrorist attacks, as terrorists may enter the country as other normal immigrants.


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