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The Importance of Self Determination in Countries

Self-determination involves the acquisition of freedom of decision-making and management. After the First World War, many believed that the denying people’s rights was the main cause for their participation in wars. This people undertook war as an occupation, in a quest to search for their own freedom and self-actualization. From the text above, self-determination can cause a reduction in war or increase the level of war among countries. However, the degree of self-determination reducing war is slightly higher than that of increasing war. In the colonial period, most of the western countries had acquired the less developed countries as colonies. By that time, most of the less developed countries had excess untapped resources. For example, a country like Nigeria had plenty of oil that the residents had not tapped. Thus, this together with other factors made these countries a target for many developed nations. The governments of developed countries were thus willing to do anything, including war against each other, to ensure that they would acquire these raw and less developed countries. Therefore, an attempt to foster self-determination among these less developed countries is likely to reduce the level of war among other nations. They will have no reason to start a conflict, thus reducing the chances of war. This fosters peace among nations (Gearon, 2006).

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The UN has a duty of ensuring that countries acquire self-determination and independence. First, the UN should ensure that there is no domination of one country over the other. Despite one country having developed at a higher rate that the others, this should not be a factor to take advantage of and dominate over the others. All countries should relate with each other in a free and fair manner. Secondly, the UN regulations demand that all member states have equal rights and opportunities for self-determination. This is true because it was evident that self-determination would massively increase harmony among countries that were members of UN. The UN also had the responsibility that all these countries grew and developed at relatively equal rates in terms of economy, social, educational and political maturity. The UN also had a responsibility of ensuring that there was complete transfer of powers and resources from the initial colonial masters to the domestic /local governments. This was a move aiming to shift governance from the colonial powers to the locals. This would reduce war and increase peace and harmony among nations (Gearon, 2006).

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The UN should also take the mandate of formulating legislation to regulate the interference of the initial colonial masters in the affairs of their former colonies. Most developed countries are fond of meddling in the affairs of their former colonies. This reduces the rate of self-determination. Therefore, the UN has a role of coming up with regulations that govern such interferences, in an effort to facilitate self-determination.

There are some instances that the UN should strongly encourage self-determination among countries. This is usually the cases in cases where the countries in question are able to manage their affairs efficiently. However, some countries still require the support of their former colonial masters to run their affairs effectively. In such cases, the UN should not agitate for self-determination. For instance, many African countries have high rates of vices such as corruption and tribalism. In such countries the UN should not agitate for self-determination. However, there are some instances when the UN should encourage self-determination. For example, in countries that can sufficiently manage their resources and affairs well, full self-determination is a valid idea (Gearon, 2006).

In conclusion, self-determination is an essential component of promoting peace among nations. Countries through the help of the UN should, therefore, strive to acquire this state in terms of governance.


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