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The Meaning of Safety Culture

A lot of effort has been made to make Malaysia a safe country for golfers. To be more specific, the government has done its best to ensure safety of golfers and all other people involved in the game. This study will benefit Malaysian golfers, other golfers who use Malaysian golf courses, and caddies and workers on the golf courses. All the dangers that have been discussed above as well as other latent perils need to be addressed for people to understand them better. There is a need to do away with accidents and find ways of avoiding their occurrence in the future. Moreover, all other factors that could lead to other perils that have not occurred before need to be prevented.

In doing this, various stakeholders such as relevant government agencies, the club management, as well as the media can offer extensive help in trying to put across this message. Golfers, being one of the most common groups of people on the golf course, will benefit most, followed by other people on the golf courses such as caddies and workers.


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The scope of the study is various golf courses in Malaysia and golfers playing on them. In Malaysia, there are about 250 golf courses; studying all of them would take much time and other resources that can be limited. Golf courses have many similarities, and issues affecting golfers’ safety on one course may not be significantly different from the ones that another golfer faces elsewhere. For this reason, Glenmarie Golf and Country Club will be sampled. The results obtained can be applied to other golf courses. Using this 36-hole course with a large number of golfers will be a good attempt to identify nearly all major safety issues faced by golfers.

There are many factors that are likely to limit this study. Accessibility is one of such factors, as accessing this club is not easy. In addition, reaching various people such as respondents can be challenging. It may be hard to interview a golfer on the golf course. This is due to the time factor; some golfers may view it as time wastage. On the other hand, the management cannot allow the researcher to take much employees’ time, as this would be a revenue loss on the company’s part.

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One term may have many meanings according to various scholars or sometimes various groups that use a term. In this regard, the term “safety culture” has several meanings too; different groups of people understand this term differently.

Cox and Cox (1991), view safety culture as a combination of beliefs, attitudes, values, and perceptions that the workforce shares relating to their safety. In their work that was compiled in 1991, these two researchers used the term to explain various ways in which safety is upheld in the work environment. In association with various scholars, Flin wrote and studied deeply the causes as well as the results of the Chernobyl disaster in Russia. In his view, “Safety culture is an assembly of features and attitudes in various groups of people which finds out that, as a top priority, the issues of nuclear plant safety received the attention that was warranted by the significance of these issues.”

Finally, a scholar named Reason views safety culture as “a concept whose time has come”. He further noted that both challenges and opportunities aim to “create a simpler understanding of this theoretical view of these organizational problems, and come up with a basis for an effective practice that enhances the culture”. From the above, he tries to communicate that it is time people adopted safety culture. However, he expresses his concern that the public does not thoroughly understand what safety culture means.



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