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Critical Comparative Review

This was a community participatory event in which the local leaders were in essence sensitizing the community members over the importance of promoting co-existence among existing class stratifications. The event was christened, ‘untie the class knot and set your mind free.’ The event was held at the local county public seminars hall where majority of such calibre of events are ordinarily held. This was on the fourth Saturday of the month when most people have ample time to spare for such kind of events given their voluntary nature. Those in attendance included the local fraternity, local leaders, institutional heads, multinational directors, leading business owners, religious leaders, local political figures, and other key community members associated with championing of such calibre of sentiments in previous related events or functions.

Event Experiences

During the ‘untie the class knot and set your mind free’ event I was given the prime role of directing the event proceedings especially during the main luncheon. Follow-up of the after event deliberations was carried out by a different entity of appointed community liaison officials. There was a general feeling of suspicion during the initial stages of the luncheon and this feeling got stronger as the event proceeded to its mid stages. This was mainly driven by the people’s uncertainty regarding the fulfilment of the initial goals set prior to the event and to which majority of the community members had appended their signatures in order to fulfil the desired number of ‘pro’ event participants or those supporting the event fundamentals (Walter et al 2008, p.18). Another reason for the developing uncertainty arose from the issue of past memories of attempts of fronting for a common community goal in which no significant success was achieved. “These are general themes that may serve to organize memory of events, such as the theme ‘success.’ Themes allow us to recognize similarities between seemingly different events. The theme ‘success’ might come into mind while one is trying to increase motivation” (Ben-Peretz 1995, p.11). In regard to this aspect, my view of this event is generally that of success. This is because going by the previous events of similar calibre there has been a progressive move towards the fulfilment of community oriented goals. In addition, the setting of the event was appropriate as it encourages community members from distinct class groups to attend it in the end.


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As the event progresses the mood gradually becomes that of happiness as each party brings out in the open some of the key factors leading to the disintegration of the previously promoted community oriented fundamentals. My role of directing the event becomes more of an automated effort going by the increasing positive outcomes of the event deliverables. The prime lesson here is the fact that in order for people to come to an admirable level of acceptance there is need for individuals to positively recognize their strong and weak points. That is the only time each side can proceed towards a peaceful integration of the initial set goals. The fact that I was the directing the luncheon I had the chance of asking people to give their conflicting views regarding the event’s impending success. Some of the responses included, ‘definitely yes’, ‘significant success is possible’, ‘he is my brother therefore we all brothers.’ Therefore, I am optimistic and elated of a positive outcome at this point. Furthermore, “The other half of the human performance equation is the internal make up of the human involved in task execution. Human interaction with the task at hand is primarily driven by three components. The human’s knowledge, risk perception, and situational awareness” (H.O.P.I 2001, p.1). 

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Management Implications of the Experiences in Planning of Similar Events

The resulting stressors from the event are an evident sign of the need for better approaches to be implemented in similar circumstances. The fact that humans react based on their instincts regarding previous occurrences, these need to be critically infused at the planning stages in order to increase success rates. For instance, this can be done by imploring the use of an open ended questionnaire that would be used to capture community members’ views on the approaches (Walter et al 2008, p.23).



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