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Myself as a Reader and Writer

To become a good reader/ writer, I have developed a reading culture where I read books of different genres. Through reading several materials, I am able to learn new ideas on writing and I am able to learn the different writing styles. Both writing and reading go hand in hand because a good writer requires a good reader and a good reader requires a good writer as well. As a good writer, I prepare thoroughly before writing any text. Writing clearly is yet another important thing. After writing my text, I put myself in the reader’s place in order to get the message he will capture from my text. I read the text and through this, I am able to correct any flow and clarity problems. Good writers are good readers.

As a great reader, I read texts written by great writers. This is indeed this is the place to start from because if you do not read great work from great writers, you cannot be able to write great work. We learn from our masters and role models and through them, our voices develop with time. Personally, I read a lot and I pay attention to the writing style. This way I am able to understand the content. I have also discovered the secret of taking notes while reading.

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After you have drafted your first draft, I have learnt that it is also important to make your readers more interested in your work. This can only be achieved through having a good beginning and a strong ending of your text. Always draft an interesting beginning and this will leave your readers wanting to read more of your work. Once you are done with this, ensure that the ending is good. This will leave your readers looking for more of your work.

Characteristics of a good reader/ writer

A good writer should have sentence fluency, ideas that are interesting and must have the right choice of words. He should read for personal experience, to be informed, must understand and finally, he must interpret the piece of writing. The writer must choose interesting, informative and important details that the reader cannot predict easily. A good writer should tell his readers what they do not know. A great writer is a teacher, enchanter as well as a storyteller. To become a good writer one must also read widely to improve on his vocabulary, word usage and writing styles.

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A good reader should be able to understand the words used for him to understand the writing. The words, grammar and the punctuation used must make sense to him. He should be able to identify the main ideas and understand the main details. He should also be in a position to identify the voice and the tone of the writer. Great readers also identify the deeper meaning of the writing and they are therefore able to see the practical application of the writer’s work. They should be able to draw conclusions after analyzing the problems from the text. Good readers also apply knowledge from outside for better understanding of the text. He is said to be a good reader when he can express opinions, challenge the author as well as the text through asking questions. Any kind of distortion or bias should also be identified by he reader.

In conclusion, it is evident that for one to become a good reader he must first develop a reading culture because it is through reading that we get to know how to write well.


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