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Yolo Colourhouse

Yolo Colourhouse is a company that manufactures paint since its establishment in 2005. It is privately owned, and according to a recent research it has annual revenue of $600, 000. The motivation behind the creation of the company is the need for paint that is healthy and has a lovely color. The company is also environmentally friendly in its ventures. Yolo Company produces three distinct palates that include the color of hope, sprout collection, and earth’s color collection. Thus, the company’s mission or philosophy focuses on making paint that does not have an adverse effect to the environment.

This paper explicates the mission, promise, and establishment of Yolo Company.

According to the research, Yolo Colourhouse has three mission statements that reflect its philosophy. These include the fact that the company is linked to the community as an artist, a business owned by a woman, and an environmentalist. Secondly, the company has a mission to design colors that inspire confidence and creativity, as they bring social and environmental values to the workplace. Lastly, research reveals that the company is committed and passionate regarding the business they handle daily (Russo, 54). Thus, the philosophy of Yolo Colourhouse can be deducted from these mission statements, and the company’s philosophy is a less volatile world that is more colorful.

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Research asserts that Yolo Colorhouse promises to keep improving the world. Yolo Colorhouse is focused on this agenda in various ways. Firstly, the company’s mission statement concerns the improvement of creativity and confidence as one of the company’s main agenda. This will improve the world because people are encouraged by the company to bring out their potential. In addition, the world in which people possess confidence will ensure success as they will be inclined to make use of their potential. Moreover, Yolo Colorhouse promises to improve the world with the help of its agenda by reducing global warming. This is ensued in various ways such as the company’s packaging its products and raw materials that Yolo Colorhouse employs during the manufacture. For instance, research asserts that the company is not engaged in production of plastic containers as it recycles plastic for its containers. Yolo Colorhouse also uses paper for printing labels on its products. The ink used for printing is environmentally friendly. Concerning its manufacturing process, the company reduces the effect on the environment by recycling water used for rinsing tanks into paint. The company also encourages its partners to employ biodiesel for transportation purposes as it helps to minimize the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Thus, the company ships its products from the manufacturing point to warehouses using rail (Lubeck, 94).

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Yolo Colorhouse founders decided to start the company after moving to Oregon with intent of escaping the fast life of New York City. While at Oregon, the founders found their first paint, which was ‘the earth’s color collection’ that has a palette of 49 colors (Colorhouse). This came by as the founders assisted customers in determining the colors to apply to their premises. However, this formed a challenge as the founders inhaled toxic fumes from the paints they used, which resulted in sore throats and headaches (Colorhouse). They were not disillusioned as they took that as a new task to carry out a research on paint on their own that would be environmental and user friendly. Thus, although manufacturing the paint was costly, time consuming, and unpredictable, the company focused its paint manufacturing process on clay and rice paste, which turned out to be successful eventually.

In conclusion, the research reveals that Virginia Young and Janie Lowe are behind the formation of Yolo Colorhouse. The formation of Yolo Colorhouse encountered several challenges such as customer’s reaction, saving time, and high costs of research. However, Yolo Colorhouse has succeeded as the founders indicate they enjoy the current company’s operation and maintenance of products with low carbon content. Yolo Colorhouse is focused on promoting a colorful world that is less volatile.


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