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Strategic Planning Paper

According to Ranzi N. Nasser and Issa Nauffal, there are five elements needed for the successful strategic planning to take place. The first element encompasses values mission and vision. The second element accommodates SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), the third is goals establishments, the forth is planning, and the fifth is accountability. Some elements cannot be executed successfully without the consideration of others. As noted, planning is not of significance, if one does not account for it afterwards. Leaders should dwell too much on their strengths and ignore their weaknesses. I feel that the role of the employee is significant in the whole strategic planning process. If the leaders fail to show the employees the significance of all these elements, thus, associating with them at a personal level, then executing them will be more difficult than it should be. For example, if an employee fails to have personal goals, then he/she is likely to carry out the activities for the sake of it. If he or she makes personal plans, but makes excuses for the unaccomplished tasks, he/she will do the same in the organizational level. This response to the article enables the reader to understand strategic management.


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There is a common saying that goes around stating that “if you want things done the way you want them, then do it yourself”. This may be one contributing factor resulting in evident delegation issues. People, especially those in leadership or managerial positions, feel that nobody can do anything better than they can. However, Bruce Wilson states that delegation of duties and tasks is significant for the success of any organization or company, as far as leadership and management is concerned. There is no one particular person, who can be given all the credit for the success of an organization. He/she needs help from other quotas. When leaders delegate duties to other people, it brings a sense of trust and confidence in the organization. Everyone feels that they are competent and effective enough to accomplish the designated task or duty.  I know that designating duties to other people is sometimes more difficult than it sounds. However, in order to avoid the trend of doing everything as a leader, one can entrust another person for supervision. This means that the leader should be willing to be corrected by this appointed person every time he/she tries to do everything by him or herself. The article and response expound on the significance of delegation.

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Project Management

The ideal scenario is to have a competent project manager, who is aware of the latest techniques and methods in approaching issues. There should be other skilled employees in matters of project management. The technology and other resources should be available and there should be an upper management that supports the project manager. However, the real scenario is almost the direct opposite of the ideal. There is no project manager, since there are few institutions offering such courses, and if there is one, they are under-skilled support staff. The upper management present usually hangs on to the traditional or old ways of doing things, and there often long processes of getting things accomplished. Project management should be as important as other departments or areas of an organization or company, such as the financial department. The leaders and managers should work in embracing the latest technology and other resources available in order to accomplish projects. The lack of project management courses should not be an excuse, leaders should create workshops and learn from experiences as to why to accomplish such tasks in the most efficient and effective ways possible. The article and response sheds light on an aspect of organization development that is sometimes forgotten.

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Arthur Cullman and Joe Sherkey have written about trending businesses and traveling policies respectively. Policies are meant to give the business or organization some form of guidance as to how to operate its activities. However, both authors agree that organizations hardly employ these policies accordingly. Many companies or organizations still use policies that were used more than a decade ago, even with the changing trends in technology and other areas of a business/organization. Whether it pertains to trending business or traveling policies, there have been established businesses. I, and the rest of the world, have noticed the rapid and significant change in internet technology. The power of social media is more evident today than ever before. If policies do not accommodate such changes, then these policies hinder rather than develop the organization. Globalization has encouraged the rapid growth of businesses across and over the boundaries. These changes have intrigued more traveling than ever before. If traveling policies do not accommodate such changes, then the business or organization will be moving at a slower speed than the rest of the world. Policies should be constantly made to suit the trends and the reigning period. If they are not changed with the changing times, then they become hindrances to the organization rather than supporters of it. The two articles and the response have established the need for change in the formation of policies.



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