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Management Terms Communication

1. Phone Etiquette

Phone etiquette is a matter of personal responsibility on the part of the user. Mobile phones have ensured more freedom for the user, but this freedom also comes with accountability.  If the user feels that using the phone is more important than attending to the customers, then that will determine the nature in which he uses his phone. If the student thinks that listening to the professor is more important than updating her status on Facebook or sending texts to her friends, then she should be responsible enough in knowing when to use her phone. Good phone etiquette is a matter of responsibility and knowing ones priorities.  Cell phones have become a necessity in daily life, and this has led some people to think that they cannot survive without them. They tend to forget the right places to use the phones, and they end up using them in an unprofessional manner. Unfortunately, this costs the person a lot of valuable time, and the person might end up losing a lot of revenue in business. A student who chooses to use his or her phone in the class ends up losing much of the lessons taught (Williams et al., 2011).


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2. Rumor Mill

It has become increasingly easy for people to spread rumors inside and outside of the organization. This is because of the use of social networking sites, which have made it easier for people to spread rumors within a short time. Unfortunately, many people do not consider the sources of the rumors or the consequences of spreading the rumor. They get the thrill when they pass on a piece of information they consider juicy. While rumors are not necessarily bad, they can have negative consequences. Managers have recognized the negative effects of rumors long time ago and they have already taken right  measures to ensure that employees spend most of their time working and not spreading rumors through socializing (Fortado, 2011). Most rumors are unfounded, and they lead to miscommunication and conflicts in both formal and informal sectors. This can tremendously affect people’s work and productivity.. Managers enhance office rumors when they fail to provide the employees with the necessary information. Employees have to guess what is going on and make their own assumptions, and in most cases, this involves the usage of questionable sources. It is necessary for people to identify a credible source to verify their information, before passing it on to other people. This will lead to a decrease of the negative effects of rumors.

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3. Email Etiquette

Email is an important feature that has enhanced communication within the office setting. Unfortunately, many people tend to forget that it is another form of communication. Just as one would not spend a whole day talking to colleagues in the office, then a person should know how much time to spend writing and sending emails. People receive different kinds of emails, some of which are personal while others are professional. A person should drop a line between personal issues and professional ones while at the workplace and  the email messaging is not an exception. A person with good email etiquette seems to be more professional, than one who does not understand email etiquette. People tend to forget that email is another form of communication and that important elements of communication apply when using email. For instance, some people do not realize that the tone they use in their emails can indicate rudeness and lack of respect. It is crucial for people to have a clear understanding of using email. Therefore, despite the high number of available technological applications, and despite that emails have made communication easier, people still need a good understanding of email usage, and they can only get this when they receive training. Proper training of email usage will ensure that people become skillful in using emails, and the pitfalls associated with email usage will be avoided.

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4. Office Politics

Office politics seems almost unavoidable, especially in large organizations. People tend to engage themselves in office politics, and, in some cases, this can cause disharmony in the organization. Leadership is important in maintaining and containing office politics. Effective leader avoid engaging themselves in office politics. They look for ways to ensure that people do not spend their time talking, discussing, and arguing about issues that will bring about differences in opinion and eventually lead to arguments, tension, and conflicts within the workplace. They understand that office politics has the potential of reducing work productivity and efficiency. People who choose not to engage in office politics face numerous challenges, especially in situations where the company culture seems to encourage active involvement in office politics. They often find themselves in situations where they have to compromise, and when refusing to do so, make them feel alienated (Marques, 2009). Such people find it hard to make friends and settle in the workplace. Ultimately, this affects the quality of their work and their productivity. Because of these challenges, it is of high importance for organizations to have good leadership. Such a leader will not take sides in office politics, and he or she will not encourage the due behavior. Instead, he will emphasize the significance of people to concentrate on their work and to perform their duties at the  required level.



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