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Ethical Issues in Workforce Diversity

Most corporate entities have come to recognize the essentiality of the work force diversity. Therefore, most companies are working to adopt diversity recruitment in order to come up with a diverse work force. This is due to the fact that none of them can afford to miss an opportunity to both attract and retain the finest available employees in the job market.

Work force diversity refers to those practices and policies that work hard to include people in workforce who the business owners consider being different from the prevailing ones (Jamieson & O’Mara, 1991). Some of these people belong to the groups that are ethnic minorities and women. There are two types of diversity named as passive and active work force diversity. There are also ethical reasons for adopting each of these approaches by businesses. For the active diversity, it is ethical for both those using taxes to become taxpayers and taxpayers, since it establishes fairness to the latter ones.

Passive approach is ethical as it prevents possible turnovers and dissatisfaction by the workforce after selection. In accordance with the passive approach, staffing is carried in a hurried manner, which is unethical. This happens because most managers carry out the process of hiring in an urgent way, which may result into the hiring of an applicant who does not deserve to get the position. Thus, this makes the passive approach more ethical than the active one. In this case, managers have the notion that it is better to worry about an individual later, than worrying about them at the appropriate time (Rice, 2005).


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Therefore, when a company wants to increase ethnic minorities and women in the work force, they should use the active approach. This should be done due to the fact that there is a disproportion of such people in the top management positions (with respect to the demographic and racial dispensation of the population), despite their advancement in education. Although it is hard to correspond to the demographics in the area of operation, businesses need to give the passive process their best trial. When it comes to ethnic minorities and women in the workforce, it is always necessary not to hire people for whom they are in terms of color and gender, but hire them for their expertise (Rice, 2005).

In conclusion, organizations have recognized the need for workforce diversity where passive and active diversity are applied. An example of ethical pursuit of diversity is the increase of the ethnic minorities and women in the workforce through the active and passive diversity. This means that there are ethical reasons for the pursuit of both workforce diversities by organizations.



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