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Information Management

It's the organizing, recording, acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information.  Information management can be explained as getting to the source at the best time (Tonkowicz, 2007).

Importance of information management planning

Service delivery: Information assets are important to the business. Better information management can improve service delivery to stakeholder, clients and the public. This can also boost the image of the organization.

Limited resources: Developing a plan will help set priorities and improve the management of information to support business objectives. It is important to repeat at the same time on a continuous basis

Coordination: Developing a company's information management plans can lead to greater coordination across the company. This coordination can help the company to expand its horizons.

Linking information management planning to other planning activities: The Company should strongly committed in giving information technology, human resource management, should be integrated with other planning activities.


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Life cycle management: Planning can also help in Different levels of readiness within the company, to know where to start.

Impact of information management

Most company does not have high-tech information systems despite optimistic predictions about interpreted management system. Relational database and the growth of data administration: Much prediction about the growth of information management many have been overly optimistic, but not necessarily wrong. Improve management of companies information may yet revolutionize companies. Through continuing advances in hardware and software development the means are now available to implement (Wijnhoven, 2009).

Information managements used as abroad term that includes data management and data dissemination activities in all parts of the company. While the term information and data management are sometimes used interchangeably, most users of information management assume that data shared by different organizational units.

Organizational decision making includes individual and group activities of problem solving. Information search evaluation, choice and implementation of actions: Organizations decision making activities occur in a structure of managerial roles and responsibilities. Two scenarios had presented to provoke both manager and researchers to more closely examine the consequences to organizational decision making is important because the scenarios present contrasting views of how sophisticated information system can be implemented.

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Information management problems and challenges

The intensive usage of computers and other information telecommunication technology has contributed to the automation of many information activities in organizations and enterprises and has changed their ability to access and use information from distant information resources.

In spite of the technology possibilities and an increased number of computer engineers and information systems professionals. Most organizations continue to face serious information problems due to lack of interdisciplinary knowledge required for an integrated approach to complex information activities involved in every aspect of work and doing business.

Organizations and enterprises, regardless of the socioeconomic and political system operate in an enormous amount of information. They have no organized special libraries, information centers or any kind and also suffer from lack of suitably trained professional library and information manpower (Tonkowicz, 2007).

Poor financial support and lack of education and research in the field have made it difficult for professionals at all levels to conceptualize meaningful national and corporate information policies, devise financial solutions and introduce incentive, stimulation or subsidies where necessary for the development of the library and information sector.

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Well-articulated information policies are lacking both at the macro and micro levels. Information policies on the national level  needs to define a framework for cooperation  among the various agents in the information infrastructure of the company and also to ensure wider access to external sources of information as well as international access to national information sources.

At the micro level, organization in these countries need information that will ensure consideration of all the factor relevant to the acquisition, flow and use of information, the development of strategic plans for information activities and appropriate information resources management.

The greatest and for all sectors general problem is   the lack of capital. This perpetuates chronic underinvestment in the information infrastructure. Budgeting and other financial issues in the information sector have been difficult to industrialized countries and better organized economies. Lack of capital and poor market mechanism render these issues even more difficult in countries with transition economies.

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Dramatically increased need for information in organization and enterprises in countries in transition is a great challenge for all information professionals. Regardless of specific conditions in individual countries in transition, the challenges are very much the same as those facing information and the library profession elsewhere in the world.

There is high demand for the following

Maximizing the value of information within the organization by facilitating its use and integrating it into business process; straightforward, useful, well-targeted, effective and, at the same time, organizationally viable services and product; an understanding of and emphasis on the implication of information. The introduction of new information and telecommunication technologies and rapid delivery of new sets of services made possible by new technology.

Increased educational and advisory responsibilities in the process of offering services; full cost efficiency awareness of activities, service product.

Objectives of information management planning

To provide a better understanding of value of information and its impact on individual functions, cover different aspects of operation, functioning and provision of services of special library/information centers.

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Goals of information management planning:

  • Management technique and principle
  • Strategic planning of information activities
  • Professional qualification and value
  • Improving the quality of information service

Communication with customers;telecommunications networks and services;access to information through networks and delivery of information services through networks this goal are ambitious and will not be easy to achieve countries in transition must count on cooperation from the library and information professionals from industrialized countries.



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