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Human Resources’ Practitioner

A lot of companies have discovered the necessity to reinvent the purpose and responsibility of the human resources sector. What is required is a human resource function that enlarges its center of attention further than its customary outfit and transactional responsibility. To develop its efficiency and attain superior results, human resources ought to be aware of the manner in which value could be added in the organization by assisting line administrators to support the human resource plans, course of action, and practices with regard to the company’s desires (Cole, 2001). This calls for the human resource professionals to undertake increasingly intricate and at times impossible responsibilities. What are the key responsibilities of the human resource professionals in the course of helping a particular organization to become more efficient and competitive? There are numerous ways in which the human resource personnel can assist in this. Empirical evaluations from various research studies reveal that there exist numerous roles that the human resource professionals could play and further propose inferences for the advancement of the human resource profession.

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Administrators all over the globe are concerned with the efficiency and significance of the human resource role. As much as a corporation is reforming its human resource procedures, redefining the connection between the line and human resource, or outlining novel skills for the human resource professionals, the reality is that the responsibility of the human resource occupation is radically shifting. Several aspects have contributed to the reorganization of the human resources including: better consideration of customer’s needs and satisfaction, expenditure pressures, importance of high-quality services and productivity, dedication of the workers as well as the utilization of individuals and organizations as foundations to competitive improvement. However, the current situation has led to the personal matters being converted to the company issues. Wide-reaching studies have indicated  that as time progresses, the human resource is quick to respond to an exceedingly aggressive marketplace and large-scale commercial structures that are strongly connected to the company’s strategic tactics. These aspects are based on quality, productivity, teamwork, customer service, employee participation, and personnel flexibility. In addition, they are mutually conceived and put into operation by both the human resource and line administrators (Dana, 2004). The main theme from such studies is to enlighten the masses on the fact that the human resources is transforming from a specific stand- alone role to an expansive commercial proficiency in which the line and human resource managers develop affiliations that will guarantee competitive advantage as well as accomplish the general goals and objectives of the organization.

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With regard to these challenges and prospects, it is necessary for a given organization to carefully examine the "responsibility" of human resources. Responsibility precision would assist the individuals in the human resource function to have a better understanding on the various ways in which they can add value to the company as well as assist the line administrators in coming up with clear and achievable prospects(Evans, 2009).

A good number of the assessments related to the human resource roles have either been human resource "want to be" declarations  that have been put forward by the human resource people who desire to be drawn in, admired, and valued by their customers or advocacy proclamations in relation to the centrality of human resources with little practical substantiation. To date, the empirical efforts towards the human resource have been tagged on competencies or human resource practices, but not the human resource roles. Various researches done on this topic are based on the practical assessment of the responsibilities of the human resource professionals with regard to their duties. They further put forward various propositions related to these responsibilities for the advancement of the human resource profession.

Chronological Perspective of Human Resource

The human resources` function has tagged along the history of trade in the United States. Approximately sixty five years ago, a distinct human resources organization started to shape in big businesses as a result of intense immigration, massed efforts, and union creation. During these beginning days of human resources departments, their responsibilities characteristically included: selection, enlisting, documentation, time and proposition learning, training as well as safety and union associations. The top managing officials anticipated that these human resources activities would boost the employees’ self-esteem and collaboration. In the initial stages, union associations were the most influential within the human resources function. With the introduction of well-designed organizations, diverse business requirements arose. This led to the expansion of the responsibilities of the human resources to include recruitment, teaching, and maintaining the professionals that were very essential to the organization. On the other hand, this departmental organization of the fifty’s called for a more sophisticated human resources support through discussions (Welch, 2005). During this period, corporate human resources departments were transformed into professional functions. According to the organization, the most important technological specialties included remuneration determination and structure, work relations, profits design and management. However, as time progressed, reparation, enrollment, training, progression planning, and organization expansion were gradually incorporated into the system.

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Literature Review

The success of an organization requires a knowledgeable human resource practitioner, a manager, and an experienced salesperson with over seven years post graduation practice more often than not in the marine, telecommunication, gas or oil organization. With such knowledge and experience, the practitioner will efficiently execute his duties as a tactical partner, transformation representative, organizational expert as well as an employee champion. A competent practitioner completely comprehends the ideals and doctrines of human resources and management that sustain organizations. In addition, the practitioner should posses qualities, such as being good in strategy writing and execution, enrollment and assortment, employees orientation and training, staff preparation and enlargement, employee aptitude supervision, employee maintenance, succession preparation, staff wellbeing matters, punitive issues as well as detachment associated matters. A human resource practitioner ought to be a good bureaucrat with experiences in code of behavior, logistics and interrelated subjects. The formulation and realization of human resources tactics that may lead to the development of a given organization in the modern day dynamic and aggressive commercial environment also falls under the practitioner’s docket (Robert, 2010). A resource practitioner is involved in vocation development, the provision of incentives, reimbursement systems as well as education and progress programmes. Another quality is that the practitioner should be a team creator and player with established project supervision and leadership abilities. Consequently, he or she should be in a position to deal with budgetary issues as well as attain the organization`s set goals within the specified time frame.


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