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The human resources sector is among the most significant departments in any institution. More or less, all the company’s undertakings are related to and revolve within the human resource department. A human resource professional ought to carry out a lot of tasks and responsibilities in an organization. Such activities are geared towards the realization of the commercial objectives and aims of the company in a way to necessitate to the organization’s objective and mission.
The key roles of human resource personnel are categorized into four expansive roles that are required to be carried out competently. The human resource practitioner is obliged to be astrategic partner to his firm, a change representative, a managerial expert as well as a champion of the employees. These entail the four major roles of the human resource personnel.
a) A strategic Partner.
The human resource professional ought to be capable of partnering with the given organization in formulating strategies that will bring into line the firm’s human resources with the long term commercial goals and ideas of the organization. He is supposed to be proficient in the course of contributing to the firm’s policy development by lining up the human resource jobs with the premeditated goals. The human resource personnel ought to be in a position where he will be able to supply tools and generate a favorable working atmosphere in order to actualize the firm’s set objectives (Michael, 2001). He acts as the eyes of his organization with regard to the external world and is supposed to be the connection between his organization and the public, surroundings and government. He is supposed to analyze the various work procedures and propose upgrading, where required. He should also come up with policies that will profit the firm, administration and workers in a similar way. A case in point of the application of these responsibilities is in the staffing and selection procedures.
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There exists a connection between the firm’s objectives, human resources’ goals and employment goals. Human resource managers as well as other employees may end up being strategic partners, if they possess the aptitude to translate the firm’s strategic plans into action. This necessitates that the human resource managers as well as the professionals to widen their business shrewdness, become consumer-oriented, and to transform business plans into human resource course of action and practices. Based on this, they can add worth to their specific firms. At this stage, the human resource leaders are allowed to take part in resolution making at the firm’s strategic ranks.
b) A Managerial Expert
The human resource professional is anticipated to carry out managerial duties, such as availing the essential tools required for the proper running of the organization. He is supposed to manage the general labour expenses in his firm and plan for organizational financial statement. As a managerial expert, the human resource person ought to be an information administrator. He should always have the entire data that relates to employees and represents the same information all the time. The human resource personnel should be in a position to discover fresh and developing fashions that will be useful to the corporation and advise the executive accordingly. He is supposed constantly to conduct studies in order to be aware of what is available in other firms that contribute to their success and recommend to the management. The human resource person is expected to manage the human resource budgets that entail staffing, selection, education and expansion of the firm. He is further expected to upgrade his negotiation skills in times of remuneration decisions (William, 2005). The human resource managers as well as the human resource professionals have to identify the correct technology to be used, revamp work practices, and incessantly progress or propose enhancements in the firm’s practices. Human resource competence is determined in terms of cost-remunerations and effectiveness with regard to its quality. Through such ventures, the human resource function is able to generate value by the human resource practitioners becoming "in-house advisors."
c) A Change Agent
The human resource practitioner should be able to discover fresh techniques of handling matters that will, in the long run, boost the activities of the organization. He ought to prove to the management that change is inevitable and necessary as well as address the other employees about the importance of changes. In addition, he should synchronize and facilitate the transformation procedure in the forefront. In this case, he should provide the necessary structure and tools required during the transformation period. As a professional, he must be proficient to create a novel managerial transformation without disturbing the organization’s business. By being furnished with this knowledge, one could make or propose changes in the human resource function in reaction to novel disputes or challenges. Adhering to this strategy, the human resource function is upgraded to a more strategic and critical position. The human resource personnel should also put in mind that line managers are a part of the changing agent. Incase of failure in the part of human resource professionals and managers, the management may be forced to marginalize them.
d) An Employee Champion
The human resource professional needs to be able to handle the selection, staffing, teaching, expansion, career development, performance supervision, succession preparation, and employees maintenance exercises. He must establish the durable human resources requirements, evaluate existing resources and establish the areas that call for changes. Furthermore, he must find out whether the human resources requirements could be obtained externally or internally. Conduction of teaching requirements assessment and the determination of the kind of teaching that will profit the organization and staff also fall under the human resource docket. Other responsibilities include: the accomplishment and arrangement of trainings as well as the determination of the teaching results and how they affect the efficiency of the organization. The human resource professional handles and carries out vocational supervision in a way to bring into line the workers` ideas with that of the organizational needs (Dana, 2004). As well as an employee champion, the human resource professional is to undertake performance evaluation exercises in order to establish employees’ performances in their current tasks as well as identifying those employees that would be promoted, rewarded or demoted. As an employee champion he is supposed to be engaged in complaints handling and punitive matters in the organization. The human resource personnel is entitled to take care of all the employees related issues, such as medicals, housing, leave issues, pension matters, and the all-purpose welfare issues. Nonetheless, the human resource manager's department is not solely in existence to guard employees against the firm. Whenever required, the human resource practitioner is obliged to make the hard decision of terminating the contracts of employees who are deemed to be non-performers.
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Other additional responsibilities of the human resource manager may include: the management of communication aspects, carrying out corporate affairs chores, undertakes tasks related to the community as well as taking care of health and safety issues. Other than the human resource managers in an organization, other influential individuals who are human resource champions include: the human resource heads and the human resource professionals. The supervisors together with the line managers are also concerned with the welfare human resource department in the organization. Generally, a human resource professional ought to be able to carry out following roles; planning of manpower, enrollment, reimbursement and salary matters, worker development and management, teaching and profession development, managerial development, labour associations and discipline administration, employees transfer, payroll and the performance administration human resources information system.
Human Resources Model
The human resources form employed by numerous firms consolidates the human resource responsibilities in the human resources section. One outcome of such consolidation is that ineffectiveness arises for the reason that the human resource resolutions are made by outlying third parties. In most cases, such parties are not familiar with the particulars of every circumstance. Rather than consolidating the human resource-related resolutions, the most efficient form of the human-resources function is to sustain the line administrators in their specified personnel responsibilities implementation (Michael, 2001).
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The human resource model that brings it out as a “consultation department” places resolution making in its most effectual position with the administrator being part of the job. In this case, the human resource function is adjusted to support the bosses by supplying instructions and information. This model functions in a different way. For instance, the recruitment sector is accountable for the shaping and validation of the employment levels, whereas the human resources department proposes the sources for acquiring applicants. It further assists in the formulation of the correct interviewing techniques as well as taking into consideration the officially permitted requirements. This model has made the championing of employees to be a very tricky situation given that the functions of these departments are not clearly stated.
With regard to the above excerpts, a human resource employee champion ought to be the arbitrator of workers to top administration, initiate strategies and agendas that will ensure the welfare of the employees, uphold workers empowerment, come up with a reasonable employee discipline system and advocate for cost-effective benefits. The accomplishment of these activities would ensure improved productivity, increased employee`s loyalty and commitment. On the other hand, different schools of thought suppose that it is a backward position to be an employee` champion.
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To become an employees’ champion, the human resource practitioner must have well informed facts about the employees and spend valuable time interacting as well as listening to the employees. He or she ought to enhance communication which cuts across the employees’ appraisals, employee`s proposition programs, workers` meetings, communication of business status, and any other issue that affects the organization (Robert and Govindarajan, 2007). This is intended to make the employees feel as part of the organization’s team and that the firm is devoted to customer service. This responsibility further involves making certain that employees who are faced with hardships receive a reasonable hearing. The employees’ champion responsibility is splendid and each human resource professional ought to aspire to undertake. Nonetheless, it is the welfare and success of the firm’s management that human resource will protect. This is regardless of whatever the human resource practitioner perceives as correct or humane.
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Despite the fact that managers will have similar opinions concerning the deliverables or the anticipated productivity of being an employees’ champion, they, nonetheless, differ on the manner in which this can be achieved. Not every employer is prepared to empower their workers. In quite a good number of companies, this is a tricky subject. Similarly, if the human resource keeps on arbitrating for and on behalf of workers, this may create an uncomfortable scenario with the capitalists. In the long run, this scenario may lead to the dismissal of the human resource practitioner. Quite a number of managers believe that employees never get satisfied with whatever they are given. Instead, they would ask for additional things when given a chance.
Therefore, a sense of balance is only feasible, if both the human resource and the manager are in accord with regard to this paradigm. If not the case, the human resource should be prepared to defend the interest of the consumers in every way possible or else opt to search for a much better organization. In addition, being a workers’ champion is proportional (Robert, 2010). This is because the human resource practitioner may be advocating for the wellbeing of workers, yet the workers themselves are not pleased about it. Generally, the function of the human resource practitioner as an employee`s champion is vital. This aspect ensures that the organization’s activities as well as objectives are achieved without a lot of problems. This is because there exists a mutual understanding between the management and the employees which is facilitated by the human resource personnel.
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