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Correctional Treatment Specialists

Correctional treatment specialists work injailor probation or parole agencies. If the correctional treatmentspecialistis working in a prison or jail, then his/her work is to evaluate the prisoners’progressby making use of psychological tests or even questionnaires. They workjointlywith parole agencies to come up with parole planes for the inmates when they get released. They alsowritecase reportsregardthe inmatesstayin prison and their likelihood of committing another crime. These case reports get presented to the parole board when theinmateareeligibleto be released.

Anotherimmenselycrucial task for the correctional treatment specialist is to provide the offender with education and training programs during their stay in jail. They also provide theinmatewith anger management, coping techniques, sex and drug abuse counseling. This helps in inmates rehabilitations. During these counseling sessions, they usuallywriteup notes on preferred treatment for each client.

The number of cases that a correctional treatment specialist, probation officers and even parole officers depend on the needs of the offenders under them. This is due to higher risk offenders need more monitoring and more time in counseling. These correctional officers also make use of technology such as electronic monitoring equipment anddrugscreeningequipment. Computers, fax machines and telephones alsoenablethese officers to handle their caseload.


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Work environment

Correctional treatment specialists’ work with criminals who may be extraordinarily dangerous, as they may not betotallyreformed from their crimes. In addition, they have to deal withupsetor even angry family members to the offender who may find them abother. These officers may also be assigned to areas that are high crime areas. They may alsowork ininstitutions with high risks ofviolent attacks from the inmates (Cree, 2010).

These officers should strictlymeetall court deadlines they should also carry out extensive fieldwork as they meet with the offenders on parole or probation. Some time depending on theriskbrought about by their work, the probation officers may carry firearms for their protection. All these factors may lead to aprecisestressfilled work environment, which maymake their work more difficult than expected. However, many workersgetpersonal satisfaction from the rehabilitated andproductiveoffenders thatbecomeof theformerlawbreakers.

Training and qualifications

A bachelors degree in psychology, criminal justice, social work or any other related fields required. Some agencies require a master’s degree in the above fields for candidates with no previous work experience. Most of the correctional treatment specialists and probation officers shouldundergoa training program as required by law. This program gets paid for by their federal or state government. After this a certificationtestgets performed. Ne also requires working for one year on probation before acquiring permanent employment.

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Other necessities for these jobs are such as physical tests psychological, written and oral tests. Sometimes computer literacy is anadvantageto the applicant.


These two jobs, probation officers and correctional treatmentspecialistareoutstandingexamples of jobs in which those who have undergone pre-trial diversion program canwork. This will assist them to help rehabilitate those who continued in their life, in crime, unlike them. It is also much easierfoethem to communicate with the offenders since they were also offenders at some point in their life.

When a person who has undergone pre-trialdiversionbecomes probation or corrections training specialist it helps them tokeepoff any future criminal acts. This is because theygetfirst hand experience of what happening to those caught incrime.



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