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Sexual Development

Many people do not understand that everyone; infants, children, youths, adults, and the old are all sexual beings (Gale, Thompson &Moran 2005). Some think that sexual involvements are only set aside for early and middle age people. Teens usually feel that adults are too aged to involve themselves in sexual intercourse. Sexuality, however, is much more than sexual intercourse and humans are all sexual beings during their lifetimeLike any other form of human development, sexual development of each human being usually begins at birth. Sexual development comprises not only the human physical sexual development that occurs as a baby grows, but also the beliefs and the social knowledge that a child learn as he grows. Friedrich& Fisher (2001) states that each children behavior and sexual knowledge is influenced by: age of a child, what a child watches (i.e. sexual behaviors of friends and family) and what a child is taught (religious and cultural beliefs).Extremely Young and preschool aged children (3-4 years) are naturally conceited, and they start displaying open and occasionally surprising-curiosity towards other bodies i.e watching grownups as the bath or touching women breasts. Showing up their private parts and wanting to walk naked are also common in children of this age bracket. They are extremely curious about their private body parts and with time the end discovering that touching certain body parts make them feel happy (Masturbation).As age of approximately 4-6 years, children start interacting and engaging more with other children, they then start becoming aware of the basic differences between girls and boys, thus socializing more and more. With no time children begin playing some funny games and copying some of the adult behaviors such as holding hand and kissing. As children become more and more aware of the social rules prevailing sexual language and behavior (such as significance of modesty or words considered to be "naughty") they may try to put this rules into test by asking naughty questions such as where does a baby come from or why girls and boys are physically different.

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Once children attain a school age of approximately 7-12 years, their consciousness of social rules become increasingly modest and by this time they may demand more privacy, specifically around the adults. Although at this age masturbation and sexual games continue, children try as much as possible to hide from adults as they perform these activities. Some group dating takes place at this age. Preadolescents may start attending parties that have visitors of both genders, and they may participate in kissing games and dancing. By age 11 or 12, some children may pair off and start on dating. In some town areas, preadolescent boys often go out to situations in which they may engage in vaginal intercourse. Curiosity and Interest about adult sexual behaviors increases mainly as puberty approaches-children may even start to search for sexual content in television, printed materials and in tapesAlthough parents habitually become of great concern when a child displays sexual behavior, such as touching another kid's private parts, these sexual behaviors are rare in most of children. Most sexual play is a symbolize of child natural curiosity and should not be a cause of alarm as it portrays of sexual development.

At adolescent age (13-19 years), the youth are now at puberty and beyond, they then began experiencing increased interest in sexual and romance relationship and this result to genital sex behaviors (Silovsky &Niec, 2002). As youth grown-up, they experience powerful emotional attachments to sexual partners and find it normal to express their feelings in their sexual relationships. There is no way to forecast how a particular adolescent will act sexually. Moreover, most of the teenagers explore relationships with each another, engage in sexual intercourse and the frequently fall in and out of love as they approach to the age of 20.Adult sexuality-at these stage Adult sexual behaviors are exceedingly varied and, in most times, they linger in adult's life until they part. At approximately age of 50, women start experiencing menopause, this affect their sexuality behaviors in that their ovaries no longer discharge eggs and their bodies do not anymore produce estrogen. At this stage they experience various physical changes. Vaginal walls become thinner and sexual intercourse may be aching as there is a lesser vaginal lubrication and the entry to the vagina reduces. Many women use estrogen substitution therapy to reduce emotional and physical effects of the menopause. Usage of vaginal lubricants also tends to make vaginal intercourse simple and easier.Adult men also experience various changes in their sexuality, but not at such an expected time as with that of menopause in women. Men's testicles start to slow testosterone production after 25 years or so. Erections at this time start occurring more slowly since the level of testosterone production slows. Men also become less able to make another erection after an orgasm is released; and it may take up to 15 hours to complete and sustain a new erection. The quantity of semen produced during ejaculation also slows down, but men are still able of fathering an infant even at age of 70's and 80's.Some older men build up an enlarged prostate gland (Friedrich, 1999). If the doctors suppose it obligatory to get rid of the prostate gland, a man's capability to have an erection normally unaffected. More recently, Viagra has become available to assist older men attain and maintain erections.Although mature men and women go through the discussed sexual changes as they grow, they do not completely lose their ability or need for sexual expression. Even among the very old ones, the need for intimacy and touch remnants, although the ability and desire to have sexual intercourse may diminish.In conclusion it is important to note down that there are broad differences in the sexual development and interest of human being (Couches & Christine, 1996). Also, curiosity about sexuality is just an ingredient of the entire picture; children are also curious concerning the nature. Nevertheless, the more a child may feel free to know the distinctiveness of their bodies and therefore learn about body functioning and sexuality, the simple it may be for them to comprehend and understand information and ideas passed to them pertaining to sexual development and reproduction. (Freud, 2001). Although children's exploration of their own bodies and peers bodies may seem strange, body exploration is natural, and curiosity is a vital part of any human sexual development and should be acknowledged and fostered.


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