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Principles of Biology

Sex chromosomes and sex determination in weird mammals, according to Jennifer Marshall Graves1. Why did you select this article or topic? What made it seems like it might be interesting?The article Sex chromosomes and sex determination in weird mammals by J.A. Marshall Graves brilliantly exemplified the significance of a comparative approach to sex chromosomes and sex determining genomics in modern biology. The title of the article was intriguing to me, and just one which I found interesting. The Author; Marshall Graves is particularly known for her theories of the history of evolution of human sex determining genes and sex chromosomes.2. Why is the subject in the news? Is it a new invention, a new discovery or treatment?One of the most intriguing finding made by the Author-Marshall Graves-in her Laboratory was the discovered that Y chromosome borne on the human gene, and once thought to be responsible for development of testis, and thus determinant of 'maleness', was not to be found on the Y chromosome in marsupial mammals (Graves, 2002). This unexpected discovery has completely changed the way scientists view sex determination in mammals.3. What is the main topic of the articles? Summaries the main idea or point.Graves explains that both marsupials and eutherian mammals such as humans or mice have similar X and Y chromosomes, which suggests that this phenomenon is as old as the marsupial/placental spilt. Looking at the platypus however, its sex-determining mechanism is more comparable to the ZW sex-determining mechanism in birds. This suggests that the X and Y chromosomes have been into existence for a maximum of 166 million years, since this is when the last common ancestor between platypuses and the humans is thought to have existed. Therefore, it seems that in about 166 million years, the Y chromosome has lost over 1300 genes. Based on this finding, Graves envisage that in about 6 million years the Y chromosome will have disappeared.4. Is the topic controversial? What is your opinion on the topic, for or against, and why?Through her study, the Author made a dire prediction that the male sex determining genes will disappear. This among her other contributions has had a major effect in the area of mammalian biology and genetic diversity in general.5. Does the information in the article seem logical and credible, especially if the article is from the internet? Does the information seem like good quality science? Any future implications or uses for the information?The information in the article seems logical and credible since it is presented directly by the Author-who is the researcher herself. Professor Jennifer Graves' has dedicated much of her career to studying the X and Y chromosomes evolutionary history. Grave has had a significant contribution to understanding the origin, organization function, and evolution of the mammalian genome.The Dangers and Opportunities of Genetic Engineering by Anderson, CliftonWhat is the main topic of the articles? Summaries the main idea or point in 3-4 sentences. The article The Dangers and Opportunities of Genetic Engineering by Anderson, Clifton, clearly points out how genetic engineering could benefit farming to make it sustainable. Also it points out the disadvantages of genetic engineering to the ecology. In summary the article spells out the two sides of genetic engineering to both the ecology and the humans.

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Why did you select this article or topic? What made it seems like it might be interesting?

Genetic engineering is one topic that has generated interest since it was discovered. The fact that plants can be transformed into medicine and plastics is exiting to know. The most intriguing part of it is how animals can be genetically cloned to be with human gene to provide organs to critically sick people. Why is the subject in the news? Is it a new invention, a new discovery or treatment?Genetic engineering is a new discovery by scientists. The discovery has generated much interest to many people thus making it to hit the headlines. The world has become part of this genetic engineering age thus creating the need of people to get informed of the technology.Does it connect to any topic we have discussed in class, if so how?In one way or another, genetic engineering will have an impact on the major environmental problems. Such problems include overpopulation, erosion and pollution. Thus genetic engineering is related with planet's ecosystems.Is the topic contentious? What is your opinion on the topic, for or against, and why?The topic is very much arguable as a lot of concerns have been raised by people about the said genetic engineering. The topic is very relevant as it states clearly the advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering.Does the information in the article seem logical and credible, The article is convincing as the facts presented have been proven right and has tangible evidence thus making it credible. The information can be used to save the ecosystem and their biodiversity.The Fate of Industrial Carbon Dioxide by TakahashiWhat is the main topic of the articles? Summaries the main idea or point in 3-4 sentences.The article The Fate of Industrial Carbon Dioxide by Takahashi is the title of the article. In the article, Takahashi tries to explain the processes that takes up to one-half of the industrial CO2 emitted each year from the earth's atmosphere. It also gives the solution for some of the effects caused by anthropogenic CO2 emissionsWhy did you select this article or topic? What made it seems like it might be interesting?The article is of much interest as currently global warming has been making the headlines in every corner of the world. How industrial emission into the atmosphere affects the environment and the solution behind this problem is a concern thus making this topic very intriguing.Why is the subject in the news? Is it a new invention, a new discovery or treatment? The new finding by Takahashi on CO2 emission is very vital to the world.CO2 has been one of the major causes of pollution across the globe and it is essential for every one to know what effect carbon dioxide has on the environment.Does it connect to any topic we have discussed in class, if so how?This article relates to other disciplines. For instance the fate of CO2 emissions in one way or another determines the characterization of climate in a particular place. Also the CO2 emissions have an impact on the complex marine ecosystems so they are interrelated with each other.Is the topic contentious? What is your opinion on the topic, for or against, and why?The topic contained in the article in on point and very relevant to what is been experienced currently. The topic is debatable as it is just the opinion of Takahashi but the facts are clearly brought out.Does the information in the article seem logical and credible, The information is very logical as it is very evident that the growth rates of organisms in the oceans have reduced over the past years because of the CO2-induced acidification in our oceans. The article explains exactly what takes place when the carbon dioxide goes missing from the atmosphere thus making it to be of quality. The information can be used to find solution for the alarming rate in which CO2 emission is affecting our environment.


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