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Analysis of Feminist Article

The Courier Mail focuses on “publishing articles that highlight the continuous struggles put in place by women in their search for equality in society.” The magazine also reiterates “the growing level of unity among women as they fight for their rights around the globe.” It is worth noting that Anya Tsukanova’s The Courier Mail article, “Ukrainian Topless Feminists to Protest in Africa and South America” is open and gives the nature of women protests as they happen on the ground. Other articles tend to conceal some of the most significant details that could help readers understand the urgency of women’s struggle for equity in society. I found this article understandable as it took a sober and more open approach to the struggle of women for equity. I have chosen to compare Tsukanova’s article with an article from The New York Times by Ginia Bellafante, who shares similar ideas to those expressed by Tsukanova. Bellafante’s article in The New York Times, “The New Shades of Feminism”, also exemplifies the manner in which women are trying to stand up and fight for equal opportunities as their male counterparts. Tsukanova also expresses similar sentiments.


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Penni Mitchell (2006) in her article, “The Pen and the Picket”, explains that women are not getting the right share within the society; that is why they team up to fight for their rights effectively around the globe. Tsukanova’s article explicates how women are determined to fight for their rights without any form of fear. In her article, Tsukanova (2013) features the Ukrainian women who launch a global topless protest to demand for equality within society. These women are set to protest in Africa and South American in order to ensure that the voice of all women is heard and respected within society. They are not intimidated by the presence of police as their fight for equality is destined to get to an end that would put a stop to the male dominance in all aspects of the society. Tsukanova’s article is extremely interesting because it takes an open approach to the discussion of the reaction of these women in the demand for equality. It is noted that they decided to catch the attention of every individual, including the media, by deciding to take off their tops and protest topless. This could have helped drive their point home in a clear manner that could be understood by their leaders. According to Tsukanova, these young women could recognize as equitable the power sharing between men and women within their society. They wanted to fill the gap between men and women bridged by integrating women into excellent positions that could also help them make decisions to move their country forward. The commitment of The Courier Mail to addressing feminist issues means a lot to me. Notably, the commitment to addressing feminist issues in an open manner is indicative of a society that is maturing and embracing every individual as being equal and important. It is an expression of equal opportunities for all individuals in society without favoring them along their gender lines.

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The analysis of Anya Tsukanova’s The Courier Mail article, “Ukrainian Topless Feminists to Protest in Africa and South America,” can be compared to other articles as well. As noted before, this article supports the rise of women in the defense for their rights of equality within the society. It highlights the manner in which these Ukrainian women decide to take to the streets topless to ensure that their voices are heard and their issues addressed within the right time. The analysis of this article in terms of what it addresses and its position on the rights of women can be applied effectively to other articles with the similar sentiments about the freedom and rights of women within society. Additionally, the analysis of this article can be applied effectively to other surrounding articles in trying to find out the most common problems that most women around the globe face. These problems can be understood as fundamental and vital in indicating a common approach to addressing these problems to alleviate women’s problems because of the existing inequality and male dominance within the society. This publication is extremely consistent in maintaining its stated feminist perspective. It is constant in its assertion that women must be given adequate space for development and equality within the society. It is constant in supporting the advocacy of the rights of women in society.

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Ginia Bellafante’s article also supports the demonstrations held by women in support of their rights. According to Bellafante (2012), “Women have started waking up in society and they are teaming up to advocate their rights in different aspects of society all over the globe.” Women are gradually becoming enlightened about their rights in society and they are working appropriately toward ensuring that their position is understood and respected. Cultural transformation is ensuring that children are only able to grow up with positive attitudes relating to gender. Again, women have access to more freedom to hold demonstrations that would help them pass across their grievances to the relevant authorities and the entire society. Here, Bellafante implies the view that the current society is extremely open and the negative cultures limiting the development of women are being washed away gradually. This mainstream article compares significantly to Tsukanova’s article, which also discusses the importance of demonstrations in the development of women within society. In comparison to Tsukanova’s article, a similar position toward feminism is maintained. Tsukanova’s article, “Ukrainian Topless Feminists to Protest in Africa and South America,” also reiterates the view that women should be given equal opportunities that would help them play a contributory role toward the development of society. The approach of both Sand and Tsukanova to the issue of women progress within society is similar, as they both take an open and sober approach to the matter. They both come out strongly to defend women by emphasizing that their position must be understood and taken with enormous seriousness that would help bring balance to the society. Therefore, the article by Tsukanova is consistent in addressing women’s rights of equality in the society. It advocates women’s rights of equality in the society.

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In conclusion, Anya Tsukanova’s The Courier Mail article, “Ukrainian Topless Feminists to Protest in Africa and South America,” plays an effective role in ensuring that the rights of women are understood and respected. Tsukanova indicates the manner in which Ukrainian women decided to demonstrate topless to catch the attention of every person and ensure that their problems are addressed effectively. It compares effectively to the mainstream feminist media article by Bellafante. Bellafante’s article in The New York Times, “The New Shades of Feminism”, compares significantly with Tsukanova’s article, as both of them defend the demonstrations adopted by women all over the globe to ensure that their rights are addressed accordingly to achieve equality.



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