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The Great Gatsby: Conception of Wealth and power


This is a review of the epistolary novel entitled “The great Gatsby” by Fitzgerald. What’s the major thing you love to know or possess in this world? If wealth is in your priority list of the things that you look for, or you are grappling to possess, the works in this book is for you. The great Gatsby is an account depicting individuals’ dreams in possession of extraordinary wealth. Perhaps this is the most driving force that would make most of us keep on turning over the pages of the work; however, is this most significant idea that should make us read the work thoroughly? No, it’s the counsel and fun to happiness!

The great Gatsby is an account of world which is in quest for wealth and power. As revealed in the work, this is a World of excesses emerging from increased production. It tells of the history of three nations, that is East, West and Beyond; where people are busy involved in businesses or longing to get rich, have pleasures of life and rise in the social ladder (Fitzgerald, 115). In these three worlds, change is embrace to gain wealthy and happiness. Using Gatsby is the main character, the author attempts to develop the subject of wealth and power as It was the dream of the Americans in the days after colonial era. Gatsby left his schooling to search for work only because he longs to have wealth. At the middle of the work, Cody parody’s Gatsby by working hard to transcend the early difficulties only to be counted among the rich, or millionaires of the nation.  All in all, Gatsby and Daisy end up earning fabulous wealth, indicating diffusion of gendered or sex boundaries in the possession of wealth and power. While Daisy competes with Gatsby in terms of material gain, Merytl is competing to rising up in the social ladder. Even though Gatsby has fabulous wealth, he struggles for power, a dream that he still dies grappling for.

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Though it’s hard to distinctively definite the wrapping of the storyline, I believed there are a number of important issues which the writer raised in this book. I think Gatsby wants the audience to enjoy the content despite the circumstance or situation of its presentation. For instance, although there are numerous terrible or tragic incidents that surrounding the main character(s), the author tries to unveil that Gatsby was ready to purchase happiness in exchange of material thing. This shows a kind of comic situation that would make the reader laugh. In the broad sense, this work appears to reveal the development strategy with exclusion of certain practices in the society or the community, and reminds the people the wealth in their possession.

At one point the author says “whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantage that you’ve had (47).”  This was to portray that America is blessed nation with a lot of wealth that is being used on pleasurable manner. Well, Gatsby intentions to the reader were to unveil the evils associated with squandering of wealth when people lack the right knowledge of use. More so, the quest for wealth is the worst devil in a community, it bring about corruption, hate and the collapsing of spiritual growth and maturity. Well illustration with the beer brewing and cigarette, both men and women in the west begins to drink and smoke. Hence there is warning over the waste of resources and erosions of moral values in the society in the search for wealth. As it may be exemplified in Daisy’s case, she says “graduate me”….. “Never had a drink before, but oh how I did enjoy it” (141).

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So, what are the benefits of having wealth and power? It’s overtly that wealth cannot buy or redeem lost happiness from friends, relatives and other members. However, the embrace of the idea of materialism is the most dangerous poison in the society. It’s a devil that searches the genuine things in the society to kill or deprive of the community with replacement with foiled things. If you would like to have the whole stuff of what wealth and power can achieve, and you are not afraid of getting the best strategy of avoiding their misuse, then, I greatly urged you to turn over the pages of the book “The Great Gatsby”


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