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Free Custom World Literature Essay Paper

1984 by George Orwell essay

Life in the society where leadership curtails freedom of expression, and speech is never in any way enjoyable. A totalitarian society is an example of such a society. Although a totalitarian society provides total control and considerable security ...

3 Poems essay

In the talk William Carlos Williams and Robert Frost weaves several loosely connected topics into the general theme of a meaningful American identity in "The Red Wheel Barrow", "The Road Not Taken" and "Stopping By ...

A Book Worth Recollecting essay

As I peruse my literature world, it is impossible not to point out the book I love, enjoy reading, and keep on reading without getting bored. It gave me so many life lessons, improved my literature skills and is the groundwork of my current reading ...

A Comparison of “The Story of An Hour” by Kate Chopin and “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber essay

Kate Chopin’s “The Story of An Hour” depicts the life of Mrs. Mallard, who has just received the news of her husband’s death in a train accident. Instead of being aggrieved, however, Mrs. Mallard is relieved because her ...

“A Dream within a Dream” by Edgar Allan Poe essay

The poem “A Dream within a Dream” by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem with a melancholic mood that is told from a first person point of view. The speaker in the poem is disheartened, because he has to part with his lover. He uses “the ...

A Handbook to Literature essay

Because of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs, their plays were bound to contain a conflict that always has a positive ending. The first time the king saw Sakuntala she was in the process of ascetic Kanva being beautiful even while fighting an annoying ...

A Midsummer Night's Dream essay

Biography of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet. He was widely taken as the best author who wrote in the English language, and most people say that he is the world's pre eminent dramatist.Shakespeare is often ...

A Modest Proposal Analysis essay

Introduction A modest proposal is a satirical work that criticizes the Irish. Jonathan Swift makes the reader detest the speaker and pity the Irish. This is because the speaker gives some disgusting recommendations to solve the Irish Crisis. ...

A Rose for Emily Analysis essay

Introduction A rose for Emily is a story about Emily, a woman who is said to have some form of insanity. Emily is very close to her father, and people say that she has not gotten over her father’s death. In fact, she takes a very long time to ...

"A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner essay

In "A Rose For Emily", William Faulkner portrayed Emily as a young woman that latter became an obligation. She was kept in the past and kept clinging to all she had even if it was dead. First, she did not want to admit her father's ...

“A Survivor Reflects on Resilience” and “Cry Me a River, White Boy” essay

“A Survivor Reflects on Resilience” by Madeleine Dion Stout “Cry Me a River, White Boy” by Drew Hayden Taylor Compare and Contrast Essay A book “Speaking My Truth” is a well selected collection of excerpts and ...

Achilles Phoenix essay

Introduction Iliad was written by Homer many years ago. However, this marvelous epic book is especially topical today and the relationships of one of the main character of the poem, Achilles and his teacher Phoenix, who supervised him and gave him a ...

Agamemnon essay

Mythology writings considerable to be everlasting literature with vivid contribution to modern society and the issued we deal today. One of the most well known mythological writings is Aeschylus - the story of love and hate, potion and bedrail. ...

Alfred Hitchcock essay

In an eminent criticism on Hitchcock’s work, Penelope Houston differed that the novel The Birds emanates most of its threats from the electronic soundtrack to cover the fact that the birds aren’t really performing anything. But the ...

Alice`s Adventure essay

Alice`s Adventure The story, “Alice in Wonderland” seems nothing, but a simple fairytale, though, it is not quite right. The story goes deeper – Alice is intended to enter in a world of adults, to play their games, she is engaged ...

All the Pretty Horses essay

The chess game between Alfonsa and John Grady is intended to facilitate a meeting between them. John Grady was specifically invited to the house because Alfonsa had never met him and there were things she needed to discuss with him with regard to ...

Allegory of the Cave by Plato essay

The philosopher Plato was the first to state about uniform, circular and regular movement of celestial bodies. In his works, we meet for the first time the planets named after the gods completely conterminous with Babylon. Plato was the first to ...

American Families in the Cold War Era essay

The book Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era by Elaine Tyler May illustrates the point that there exists a domestic version of the term containment. Containment was a policy in the United States, which was aimed at preventing the ...

American Literature Prior to Civil War essay

Forum 2 Though being evident that Columbus was not the founder and one who discovered the World, 1492, the moment when he landed in this New World proved significant: it brought in an eminent era of vast, unprecedented European exploration including ...

“American War of 1812” essay

This essay investigates the literature on American Liberty and Freedom, according to Erick Foner. It particularly establishes how resolutions by Virginia and Kentucky threatened the stability of the US government. In addition, it discusses Thomas ...

An Analysis of “The Minstrel-Boy” by Thomas Moore essay

Thomas Moore is an Irish poet, singer, songwriter, now best remembered thanks to the Irish Melodies. Thomas Moore was born on 28 May 1779 in Dublin, Ireland. His father had a small grocery shop, he was an Irish speaking Gaeltacht; and Thomas ...

An Analytical Understanding of the Works of Frost and Bishop essay

Life’s challenges come every day. It could not be denied that these challenges are the ones that makes up a person and allows one to become the best of what he could be. Likely, this is the reason why it is important to realize that these ...

Analysis of "Act Without Words" essay

The man in the play Act without Words has to reflect on how to respond to all that is happening around him. This character is being used to reflect to the audience the manner in which one has to think through first encounter with unfamiliar and ...

Analysis of “Boy at the Window” essay

The poem “Boy at the Window” by Richard Wilbur is a remarkable poem. However, while reading it, one can notice certain elements that seem to overshadow others, creating a skewed interpretation of the poem. This article shall explore the ...

Analysis of elements of literature in the Death of a salesman essay

Death of a salesman written is a ply written by Arthur Miller, an American poet and song writer in 1949. The play was quite captivating upon its release winning several awards including but not limited to the Pulitzer Prize and the tony award. With ...

Analysis of money, love and aspirations in The Great Gatsby essay

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald entered the history of the world literature with his talent to depict American life of 1920s. However, the most significant place among his brilliant novels occupies The Great Gatsby – the lively and intriguing ...

Analysis of Poetry “Fish” Written by Elizabeth Bishop essay

Sometimes, certain moments that happen in our daily life make us reflect on our existance. Such an important moment occurred in the life of fishermen described in the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop "Fish". One day, a fisherman caught a fish. When he ...

Analysis of Symbolism in “The Yellow Wallpaper” essay

The narrator and her doctor husband, John, rent out a colonial house for the summer. The magnificent splendor of the residence impresses her right away and she thinks herself lucky. John gives the narrator tonic and medicine help her recuperate, but ...

Analyzing “A Rose for Emily” essay

Introduction Faulkner represents Emily Grierson as a living survival of the times past. The heroine, under discussion, is static, because she in every way resisted changes and innovations. She remained the girl of the previous century. After Homer ...

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle essay

Bestselling author Barbara Kingsolver wrote the book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A year of Food Life. The book is a nonfiction narrative that opens the reader’s eyes to see an old truth in many different ways. As Kingsolver states, they say ...

Antigone vs. Julius Caesar essay

The two books by Sophocles Shakespeare are similar in a number of ways. Through the study of literature culture found in both Antigone and Julius Caesar, the reader is let to discover for discover what was of real concern. In Antigone we read a ...

Arab Female Writers essay

Everyone in the world has a free will if they have the determination to fulfill anything either in writing or in literary works. This paper majors on the Arab female writers and the variety of techniques and styles used in their writing. It also ...

Are Social Networks Messing with your Head? essay

According to David Disalvo the writer of the article Are Social Networks Messing with your Head?, asserts thatvital privacy concerns are violated by online interactions and use social networks. Disalvo dismisses the millions of jobs attributed to ...

As for me and my house analysis essay

The author, Sinclair Ross has managed to produce a marvelous piece of work that has become one of Canada’s most sought after novel. The exceptional piece As for me and my house captures the life of Philip Bentley who is a minister during the ...

Assia Djebar’s Fantasia: An Algerian Cavalcade essay

Assia Djebar is a celebrated Nigerian author who has written her work in French but has a more steeped critical and creative vision in the Berber and non-standard local Arabic cultures of her ancestry. According to her book “Fantasia: An ...

“Author Function” essay

Michel Foucault’s theory as portrayed in his article “What is an author” calls more about “Author function”. In his explanations about the author, Foucault comes up with a theory to support that “an author” ...

Back When All Was Continuous Chuckles essay

The title of the poem ‘Back When All Was Continuous Chuckles’ creates a flashback scenario in the poem. This immediately makes the reader to have a reflective mindset of an event taking place in some medieval era or past time. This ...

Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self essay

Our perception of things is usually subjective to our experiences. The writer of the essay “Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self”, Alice Walker is not very different from the way she perceives beauty. She begins the essay with an ...

Becoming Attached essay

The book “Becoming Attached” by Karen Robert is a work exploring the effects of the relationship of parents and their infant children. Shows how different attachments that parents have to their children have an effect at the later age. ...

"Before and After" essay

The poem “In Praise of Regret” by Charlie Smith is a family poem. The poem talks about a family dinner where a group of relatives has gathered to celebrate. Smith tries to capture their mood of the small group that is having dinner. The ...

Beowulf essay

Gold and treasure has a far more meaningful presence in the poem than what meets the eye. Even though there are plenty of references to gold and other worldly treasures in the poem, and they seem to juxtapose with greatness, bravery or heroics, ...

Beowulf Anaysis essay

Stylistic Devices Beowulf is a Germanic Heroic poem which is believed to have been composed by an anonymous poet between the 17th to the 18th centuries. The 3,000 line poem was set in Scandinavia. It gives a detailed accounts of the extraordinary ...

Between Two Gardens essay

The book Between Two Gardens by, James B. Nelson is about the most influential myths ever told and their significance for resolving some long-standing gender problems. The creation stories of Genesis are of central importance in Judaism, ...

Between Two Worlds: “The School Context” Valdes, Guadalupe essay

The two readings talks of the values and beliefs that families of different cultures have, especially regarding education and work. The reading mainly talks of Mexican families and the challenges they face in trying to make a better life for ...

Bibliography essay

Shakespeare, William, and dorius, Raymond Joel. Revised edition. The works of Shakespeare. New haven: Yale University Press, 1955. This is a book rewritten to study the love poems of William Shakespeare for literature. It includes sonnet 73, ...

"Billy Budd" by Herman Melville essay

Billy Budd is a novel written by Herman Melville. The novel is considered one of the greatest written in English. In this novel, Melville features an innocent man Billy Budd the sailor, twenty one years of age, who is not able to defend himself upon ...

Blink essay

Introduction Blink: The power of Thinking without Thinking is a book written by Malcom Gladwell. It represents the popular science from the psychology perspective. It also presents the mental activities, and how they work automatically and rapidly ...

Blistering Cold essay

The Painted Door highlights the life of Ann and her husband John. They live in an isolated farm in Saskatchewan, where John works extremely hard to take care of Ann and himself. It is a story of love gone sour because of Ann’s betrayal. The ...

Blithe Spirit essay

Blithe Spirit written by Noel Coward is a comedy where Charles Condomine whose wife died remarries but the ghost of his dead wife, Elvira come back to haunt his life and that of the new wife, Ruth. Charles can see her dead wife but Ruth cannot. Ruth ...

Book Review of the Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion essay

In The Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion provides a memoir that focuses on the death of her husband and their daughter who was critically ill. However, the focus of the book relates to Didion’s reactions towards the events (Didion, 2007). ...

Bride and Prejudice: From a Classic Novel to Popular Culture essay

“Bride and Prejudice”, is a Gurinder Chadha’s cross-cultural screen interpretation of Jane Austen’s 1813 novel, “pride and Prejudice”. It is Chadha’s adaptation of late eighteenth century view of love and ...

British Literature essay

Calling me a hero is not enough to describe me .I am of a noble status and the achievements that I have made none has ever in history or in future be able to achieve. I have conquered all that is available to be and there is no stone unturned in all ...

Candide`s story essay

Candide’s story reflects misfortunes that befell a young man in his pursuit of happiness. Pangloss is a rich man who takes in his nephew, Candide, into his magnificent castle and lives with him. At the castle life seems to be at its best as he ...

Carnal Knowledge (By Boyle) essay

T. Coraghessan Boyle, `Carnal Knowledge`, can be considered as a reflection of a case which can be found in the modern world. Boyle uses a combination of both realistic as well as ironic method to get the reader to understand the situation ...

Casual Wear by James Merrill essay

One of the most famous American poets James Merrill was praised by critics for his moral sensibilities, stylish elegance of his poems and prose, as well as transformation of the various moments of his biography into the complex and philosophical ...

"Catcher in the Rye" essay

This essay reviews the literature in the book “Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger. It examines several themes, ranging from teenage confusion, alienation and rebellion, especially during teen age. According to the literature, the novel ...

Chinese Literature from 1937 to the Present essay

Summary Chapter seven of the article Chinese literature from 1937 to the present is an analysis of the Second Sino-Japanese War. The war broke out near Marco Polo Bridge in the southwest of Beijing. The Japanese troops used the excuse for searching ...

Chronicle of a Death Foretold Analysis essay

Magic realism is an artistic method in which magical elements are included in a realistic world view. The aim of magic realism is to find in the reality something that is strange, lyrical and even fantastic: the elements that make daily life ...

Cinderella Stories essay

There are various similarities and differences in the French and Vietnamese versions of the Cinderella story. The artists of both stories focused on their societies, and they constructed each of the stories to fit the social and cultural setting of ...

Class in “The Hunger Games” essay

The theme of class takes a centre stage in the novel “The Hunger Games” more than any other. The novel portrays the Capitol as that which is highly stratified along the social and economic lines; the rich are entitled to all sorts of ...

Clemencia Literary Analysis essay

The critical essay as narrated by Clemencia portrays themes of economic class and social relationships. Clemencia believes she does not belong to nay class because of her amphibious nature. Always on extremes, she jumps between being a virgin and a ...

Comedy, Humor, and Satire in Drama essay

Comedy refers to a movie, play or other forms of drama that is full of humorous characters and has joyful ending. It usually deals with the daily lives of ordinary citizens. For this reason, characters in comedy are plain and live an ordinary life. ...

Comparing "Salvation" By: Langston Hughes and "American History" By: Judith Ortiz Cofer essay

Despite the age, sex, nationality, and religion, humanity always has the same eternal problems. Whatever means we use to fight them, they were, are, and will exist until people live on the earth. For some of people, it is triviality, and they do not ...

Comparison of John Donne’s Batter My Heart and George Herbert’s The Collar essay

John Donne and George Herbert were the representatives of the metaphysical poetry, though they were different in style and some writing techniques. Both poets had their examples of religious poetry and now the task is to compare two religious poems ...

Conformity In Scarlet Letter essay

Hawthorne depicts conformity as a repercussion of tradition that also creates identity among people in a society. Through the main character Hester, Dimmisdale, and Pearl, it is evident that people conform to rules superficially. Traditions and laws ...

Confronting the Unexpected essay

Temporal, Situational, and Attributive Dimensions of Distressing Symptom Experience for Breast Cancer Survivors The data collection procedure was done by the authors firstly reading the participants’ transcripts at first hand information. ...

Critical Essay on “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley essay

The world literature is full of names and titles which are on everyone’s lips. The novel “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus” (1818) written by a famous English writer Mary Shelley (1797-1851) is one of such works. The life of ...

Critical Reading Mother Tongue essay

Introduction The two essays, “Mother Tongue” and “A Hanging” are the works that have been written by renowned writers in the world of writing. Usually writers narrate about their experiences, and George Orwell and Amy Tan ...

Critique Papers essay

This essay investigates the literature available on “Black Friday…Grey Thursday”. According to literature available, this production stems from the retail industry in America that has become more robust in its marketing ...

Daisy Bates: Civil Rights Crusader from Arkansas essay

The book Daisy Bates: Civil Rights Crusader from Arkansas by Grif Stockley (2005) is an in-depth biography of an African American woman whose social work marks an important milestone in the history of the civil rights movement in the United States ...

Dante’s Inferno essay

Inferno 8 and 9 talk about with the lower side of hell. The lower side of hell is located in the city of Dis. The city of Dis is the location where there is punishment of the active sins rather than the passive sins. Stygian mash surrounds the city ...

Dead Men’s Path by Chinua Achebe essay

There are six characters in the story by Chinua Achebe. One of the main characters is a young man, aged twenty-six by the name Michael Obi. Michael Obi is the headmaster of Ndume Central School. Michael Obi has new ideas concerning the reform of the ...

“Death Be not Proud” essay

“Death Be Not Proud” by John Donne This poem is about death and its side effects on human beings. John Donne speaks about death in an occult manner. He explains that death cannot take away our souls. When a person dies, the soul remains ...

Death by China Review essay

Death by China is an extraordinarily informative nonfictional book about China today and its perspectives for future. Peter Navarro is an American economist, a famous professor of the theory of modern business, from the University of California. ...

"Death of a Salesman" essay

Willy Loman is an old man, and he is unstable mentally. He is also the main character in Miller’s play. Willy does not want to accept the failures in his life and to know the truth about him. He feels insecure and starts to lie to himself and ...

Death of Ivan Ilych essay

A renowned author Leo Tolstoy wrote a master piece novel titled Death of Ivan Ilych shortly after his conversion to Christianity. The fiction piece tells the story of a Russian Judge Ivan IIyich of how he lived and how he died. The author begins to ...

Death's Fences essay

Wilson wrote Fences in 1983 not only to address these concerns but also to prove to himself that he could raise a single character to a much grander scale. Initially he had no plans to write this riveting domestic drama, which ultimately won the ...

Deception in “Othello” essay

In the play “Othello” by Shakespeare, the concept of deception by friends comes out clearly. The main villain of the piece in “Othello” is Iago, who manipulates all the characters of the play including his wife, Emilia, ...

Dee in "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker essay

In "Everyday Use" by Walker Dee is no longer the traditional hero but instead she is the type of person who wants the best for herself. She demands the best for herself and for other people. Dee may seem like a hard and difficult ...

Depiction of Gender Inequality in Literary Works essay

Introduction It goes without saying that writers wrote the majority of literary works under the influence of their environment. This includes their communities and the activities they were participating in. Others were motivated by the political ...

Depiction of Love in: “Love Is Not All” and “How Do I Love Thee” essay

The theme of love has been widely explored inn the literature work throughout history. However, the approaches that describe or expresses what all love is has taken different perspectives, with some of authors having more or less same way of ...

Derek Mahon`s poem “After the Titanic” essay

Coursework SECTION A We were under a freezing impression from the cliff we saw – it was a high, intimidating creation of nature, a glacial castle, with an unscalable fortress. The snowy wall seemed a living being – calm and unkindly, it ...

'Desert Flower' by Waris Dirie essay

In her book the Dessert Flower, Waris Dirie gives a true account of the challenges that she went through in her native country as a young Somali girl. Waris Dirie native country Somali is a country where women are marginalized and discriminated ...

Dickinson and Hughes essay

Perception of men's appearance is quite different within variety social structures and cultural aspects. In this paper I would like to show controversial biographies of two classic writers Emily Dickinson and Langston Hughes; their interpretation ...

Discussing Literature essay

The short stories, ‘the landlady by Dahl and ‘the open window’ contain similar aspects in terms of literary devices. This paper aims to bring into focus some of the literary devices found in both of the two stories through use of ...

Disrespect as Instigator of Anger and Respect as a Matter of Honor in “Iliad” essay

The major act of disrespect, described in the “Plague and Wrath” play, happened when Agamemnon, the ruler of Greek army, selected a young girl Chyriseis as his appropriate prize during raid on local towns (Homer, 2003). Chryses, a local ...

"Doll's House" essay

It is apparently noticeable that women in Henrik’s play a ‘Doll’s House’ lack the authority to pursue their personal liberty without leaning on the shoulders of the male characters on the play. is centered on a woman who ...

Doll's House Criticism essay

The title of the play itself seems to be filled with a lot of drama, just like a kid is when playing with dolls. The title may suggest that the owner of the house is a doll or possesses similar characteristics to a doll. When we read the play, we ...

Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes essay

Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), whose life may be read like a novel, conceived his work as a parody of tales of chivalry, and on the last page, saying goodbye to the reader, confirms that he “had no other desire, then to convince people ...

Dramatic Tragedy and Comedy essay

In literature, tragedy refers to a situation whereby the dramatic piece of literature unfolds through a great sense of uncontrollability so that in the long run ends with a catastrophic occurrence. On the other hand, comedy is a phenomenon whereby ...

“Dulce et Decorum Est” essay

Contrary to Jarrell and Szymborska, Wilfred Owen in his poem “Dulce et Decorum Est” induces some form of shock of individuals at home who thought that going to war was a privilege, glorious and a noble thing. He reveals the reality at ...

Effects of Satire on Enlightenment essay

The works of Voltaire and Swift are the philosophical works that contributed immensely to the inception and changes during the periods in the 18th century. In this article, there is a focus on the contribution of satirical works on the two ...

Eli the Good essay

Eli the Good is a work by Silas House from the year 1976, which narrates the story of a 10-year-old boy living with his small town family who survived the Vietnam War. The book defines the different perspectives that adulthood brings in one’s ...

Emily Grierson essay

The story of Emily Grierson is in an environment of the old generation. She was brought up by a father, who tried to totally control her life. In the young years of Miss Grierson, she did not have friends. For the seventy years that Emily lived not ...

English literature essay based on Great Gatsby essay

The Author of the novel, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born in St. PaulMinnesota on 24th September 1896. He was brought up by a single parent, his father after his had passed on. He attended a private school, which was a fulfillment of his dream ...

Evolution of American Literature essay

The evolution started with legends, songs and myths transmitted by word of mouth. It also included the way the Americans related to other cultures, for example, that created by the Indians. The written literature began with the arrival of European ...

F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby essay

A renowned American author F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote one of the most exceptional pieces of literary work in his 1925 book The Great Gatsby. The author set his book in the summer period of 1922 in the cities of New York and Long Island North Shore. ...

F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby Book essay

Introduction F. Scott Fitzgerald third work, The Great Gatsby, proves to be his supreme achievement in his long and illustrious writing career. As an exemplary piece of literature on the ‘Jazz Age era in American history, it portrays vividly ...

Faces of War essay

Wislawa Szymborska in the poem, “The End and the Beginning” symbolically depicts several themes of war. In her view, war is like love. It has been one of the most adamant features in human existence. Thus, a war has been a common ...

Fair Mean Lodge, Epping Forest essay

The poem by Baillie Joan’s Fair Mean Lodge, Epping Forest is classical narrative that seeks to promote environmental theme its narration of the various forest scenery descriptions. In order for Baillie to successfully reach her reader she ...

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark essay

“Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” is a play by William Shakespeare that gives a tremendous opportunity to observe a women’s life in the patriarchal world. Both Gertrude’s and Ophelia, the only female characters, are mysterious. ...

Farewell to Manzanar essay

Jeanne was born in 1935 to her Japanese parents Riku and Ko Wakatsuki in Inglewood, California (Huang, 2001 p.127). As the youngest in the family, she was preceded by six girls and four boys. Notwithstanding the discrimination that was directed to ...

Farid UD Din Attars Conference of the Birds essay

The bird, representing a superior state in the hierarchy of being, a totem, is a paradigm for spiritual realization, as attested to in the drawings of birds as soul-bearers in the Lascaux caves; and as mystical soul-forces in Farid ud-din Attar's ...

Father / Son Rebel essay

Death of a Salesman is a play that is based on the happenings in Boston and New York. The action starts in Willy Loman’s home. This is an aging salesman who arrives home from a long trip. Willy experiences difficulties in distinguishing ...

Faulkner’s characters problems of live and sexuality essay

Abstract The paper deals with the novel "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. It is claimed that differences between the Southern and Northern way of life after the civil war are reflected in the main characters of the novel. The author showed ...

Final on Dostoevsky essay

“The Dream of a Ridiculous Man” is considered as a fantastic story, though it is acomplex philosophic story dealing with important social, religious and existential issues. The theme of social injustice, bordering on the moral ugliness ...

Fitzwilliam Darcy in Pride and Prejudice essay

The book the pride and prejudice is one of the great old time novels done by the writer Jane Austen, although the book had first been written by her father Austen it was known as First Impressions. Jane Austen did an extensive modification of the ...

Foucault's Pendulum essay

In the book Foucault's Pendulum by an Italian philosopher, critic and novelist Umberto Eco which was published first in 1988 and its translation appeared later which was done by William Weaver the book is divided in segments numbering about ten. It ...

Frankenstein Analysis essay

Walton relationship with Victor Frankenstein is the means through which we get to hear Victor’s story about the monster. Through this relationship, the author mirrors the similarity between the two persons in that Walton just like Victor is an ...

Frankenstein And Man essay

The novel Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelly in 1818, presents the readers with many arguments and questions that intrigue the human mind centuries after the novel was written. It addresses and tries to answers many mysteries and inquiries that ...

“Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley essay

The novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley is not just a work of literature of the beginning of the 19th Century, but it is a work that depicts the young mind of Shelley. In addition, this book widely talks about the many scientific ...

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus Analysis essay

In the history of world literature there exist the names, which are destined to live for an exceedingly long time. The novel "Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus" (1818), written by English writer Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851), ...

Freedom of the Flesh essay

The two short stories ‘El Verdugo’ by Honore De Balzac and ‘Mateo Falcone’ by Prosper Merimee address issues that are related to bodily expressions and feelings such as love, wrath and lust among others. This write up seeks ...

Freedom Versus Destiny in Greek Drama essay

The Plays “Antigone” and “Oedipus the King” are among the most interesting of plays by Sophocles. The thematic elements of the two p0lays offer a plethora of insight into Greek tragedy which is interesting and illuminating. ...

French Satire "Candide" essay

Candide is a French satire that was first published by Voltaire in 1759. By and large, the book speaks volumes on the absurdity of the society at the time. Additionally, being a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment, the author dwells on the folly ...

Gargantua and Pantagruel essay

The phrase “making the beast with two backs” refers to the act of sexual intercourse. The writer uses the phrase where he says that Grandgousier and Gargamelle are making the beast with two backs together with joy while rubbing their ...

Getting the Message Through essay

The capability of the military battalion to send messages in and out of the camp where they are situated at camp is a very important part of becoming well aware of the situations happening around them which may have an effect on how they are ...

Ghost Soldiers essay

Ghost Soldiers: The Epic Account of World War II’s Greatest Rescue Mission written and published by Hampton Sides in 2001. The non-fiction book gives a comprehensive account of the popular raid by the troops drawn from the U.S. Army Ranger ...

Gilgamesh essay

Love, both platonic and erotic, motivates alterations inGilgamesh. Enkidu converts from a desolate man into a principled one due to Gilgamesh, and their relationship changes Gilgamesh from being bully and tyrant to a prototypical hero and king. ...

Glengarry Glen Ross essay

Business is a competitive and merciless sphere. If one wants to reach success, he or she will need to devote lion’s share of time, mental and physical strength to the work. Yet this can be not enough. Often one needs to reveal such treats of ...

Global Citizens Book Chapter essay

Definition Global citizens are not legally recognized persons whose existence is best signified as “associatively.” Global citizens are not defined more by the legal sanctions than by the “associational” that are very ...

“Gone with the Wind” essay

Genre refers to a kind of culture, art or any classification of literature, be it spoken or written, visual or audio, that is founded on a number of stylistic criteria, which are created by treaties over a period of time." Various masterpieces ...

Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald, F.S essay

The Great Gatsby is a well known novel authored by Scott Fitzgerald, an American writer. The book was published in April 1925 depicting criticism towards the American Dream. It is set in New York City and on Long Island's North Shore. Scott ...

Grendel Paper essay

Introduction Nihilism is a combination of philosophical concepts that are boldly analyzed in Grendel, a novel by John Gardner. Grendel walks on a path of self-discovery and finally becomes a nihilist only to be rescued by hero Beowulf. In the end, ...

Hamlet Analysis essay

One of the most striking plays documented in “The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Package 1 (Volumes A, B, C): Beginnings to 1650” is the Hamlet; one of the longest plays written by William Shakespeare and also the most influential ...

Hampton Sides essay

Hampton Sides did a wonderful job in the writing of this interesting book. The author provides a detailed account of the events surrounding the historic rescue mission in a peculiar manner that it brings to the fore perseverance, courage and strong ...

Harry Potter Reveals Discrimination essay

The novel is filled with humorous tales of discrimination in and around the school. There are many characters in the novel, and they do not always get along well. They make fun of each other and judge each other by a certain set of standards. ...

Heart of Darkness essay

That darkness took the form of imperialism and racism. In "Heart of Darkness" Kurtz embodied both of these ideas. His imperialistic nature was shown in the way he set himself up as a god and rides to control all of the land that he ...

Hercules (Greek God) essay

He is the greatest of all mythical characters among the Greeks.  According to them, he was the strongest man on earth; he exuded confidence in all difficult situations and considered himself as being at the same level with gods. Besides great ...

Hermes' Early Life essay

Hermes was a born to Zeus and Maia, the daughter of Atlas. Maia gave birth to Hermes at Mountain of Kyllene, where Zeus visited her; Maia avoided light and lived in a deep cave, only few deathless gods and mortals knew about her whereabouts. At ...

Hills Like White Elephants essay

"Crush humanity out of shape once more, under similar hammers, and it will twist itself into the same tortured forms. Sow the same seed of rapacious license and oppression over again, and it will surely yield the same fruit according to its ...

Hills like White Elephants Analysis essay

Introduction This is a story about a man only referred to as the American and a lady referred to as Jig. These characters are sitting at a train station in Spain, and they are waiting for a train that will take them to Madrid. The train station is ...

Hills Like White Elephants by Earnest Hemingway essay

The short story Hills Like White Elephants by Earnest Hemingway was published in a 1972 collection of the book Men Without Women. The story is generally about a couple grappling with an abortion situation. The dialogue between the pregnant girl and ...

Honor in Hippolytus essay

The events depicting honor forms a core part of Hippolytus. The desire to honor sets a platform for characters in the play to swear allegiance and revere a god over another. This is notable at the opening of the play when Aphrodite, the Goddess of ...

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” essay

An analysis of the poem “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning Title and Author Love poem “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” is very famous sonnet written by prominent Victorian ...

How I, My Family and Friends Deal with Food Waste essay

A lot of people assume that wasted food have a small impact on the environment because majority of the food substances decompose into the ground. What they forget to recognize is that for food to reach their tables, a lot of natural resources, ...

How Setting Affects the Plot essay

The two books: “How to build a fire” by Jack London and “The chrysanthemums” by John Steinbeck have different plots and their settings are also different. In the book, Building the fire by Jack London has been set in the cool ...

How would James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues" be different if told from the perspective of sonny? essay

James Baldwin narrates a story that portrays the different aspects of cultural relationships of African-American people. Basically, the story talks about the different life choices of the two brothers who lived in the brutal African-American ...

Humor in Women’s Writings Analysis essay

Women’s writings are actually considered to contain more emotions compared with the writings from male writers. Truthfully, although their write-ups present the truth, it could be seen how women always see the lighter side of things through ...

Hyde as an Example of the Degenerate Man essay

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, an interesting story by Robert Louis Stevenson, a Scottish renowned writer, narrates an ordeal of a man, Dr. Jekyll, who finds a way of transforming himself into a mean person, Mr. Hyde, and use the ...

Illusions from The Great Gatsby essay

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is one of the greatest American writers. He entered the history of the world literature because of his marvelous novels about life of America in the 1920s. The most prominent place among his works occupies The Great ...

Impact of Setting essay

Any work of literature has a setting, be it a poem, drama, prose fiction, epic, among others. The setting is either physical, or the background against where the action takes place. It can be in terms of time or aspect of temporal. Time can be terms ...

In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O’Brien essay

The main characters in the book are John Wade and Kathy Wade. John Wade is a politician running for a position in the U.S. Senate but he suffers defeat after details of his actions in the Vietnamese war become public so he rents a cottage with his ...

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl essay

The book Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl talks about the tribulations of a slave girl under the rule of heartless slave masters. In the book, Harriet Jacobs highlights her experiences as a slave girl using the pen name Linda Brent. The slave ...

Individualism in British Romantic Literature essay

In the current historical reassessment of romanticism, individualism has rightly become a major area of scholarly and critical focus. One important question that has begun to press to the surface of critical discussion in the investigation of ...

Integrating Young Adult Fiction in learning essay

“Young Adult Fiction” refers to a written fiction, published and then sold to young adults and adolescents. This kind of literature has been like a hot cake amidst the young and even gone ahead to defy the odds of age to be purchased by ...

Interpretation of Doll House essay

Doll House is a play written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879. It was set in undisclosed town in Denmark. It revolves around the life of Nora who was married to Helmer Torvald who she describes as a male chauvinist bully husband. This paper gives a critical ...

Interpretive Analysis of All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Remarque essay

The novel All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Remarque is a narrative about the dehumanizing effects of war. It details the experiences of the narrator, Paul Baumer, a young man who leaves school to join the Germany army during World War 1. His ...

Intertextuality in Coetzee's ‘Foe’ essay

The idea of intertextuality is one that came to be at around 1960 and has since been viewed as a major tool that is used in literary criticism. In his work, Coetzee is careful to make all his text and literally work read not in exclusion but as an ...

“Into the Wild” by Krakauer essay

“Into the Wild” refers to a true story of a young Emory graduate, Chris McCandless, whose dead body was found in the Alaskan wilderness by moose hunters. He was only twenty four years old. The story took place in April 1992, when ...

Intuition as depicted in the book The Gift of Fear essay

The Gift of Fear is a non-fiction book that is meant for a self-help and is authored by Gavin de Becker. The book is meticulously written with all the facts integrated to provide the readers with help on how to avoid violence and trauma by shading ...

Invisible Man essay

Metaphor is a device that brings comparison to show how two items which are not similar in many ways are similar in one vital way. It tends to show two things are the same. There are about four types of metaphors and are differentiated depending on ...

Irish Fiction essay

Introduction An idealized representation of an Anglo-Irish house is at odds with realities in a period with profound economic and historical upheavals. In the face of these upheavals, the Dysarts, the positive Ascendancy family at the middle of the ...

Is Meursault a sociopath? essay

Meursault in The Stranger by Camus appears as a comatose person who makes his decision at the last minute. He is unreasonable in the society as he disobeys its rules and habits, so he deserves his execution after he killed an Arab in the process of ...

“Jane Eyre” essay

“Jane Eyre” is a novel which was written by an English writer called Charlotte Bronte, published in1847, London, England. The writer uses the fictional character Jane Eyre to depict his themes in the novel. In relation to this easy, the ...

Japanese Masterpiece essay

“The Tale of Genji” is a stunning success of Japanese literature written by Murasaki Shikibu, a lady born into the family of Fujiwara. Murasaki Shikibu wrote this masterpiece at the beginning of 11th century where it reveals a basic ...

Jimmy Santiago Baca‘Meditations on the South Valley’ essay

In his literary work ‘meditations on the south valley’, Jimmy Santiago Baca aims at developing goals aimed at affirming personal struggles of the Mexican community in integrating into the American frontier. The book therefore strives to ...

John Donne and George Herbert essay

John Donne and George Herbert have been known over the years as excellent metaphysical English poets. For instance, their poems Batter My Heart and The Collar respectively highlight the poet’s struggle with their faith and different conflicts ...

John Grisham's "The Testament" essay

The Testament begins to take place in a busy city in Washington. On the fourteenth story of a law firm. "On a clear day, I can see the top of the Washington Monument six miles away." However the novel takes a very large turn and finds ...

Journey of the Magi essay

Journey of the Magi by T.S Elliot is an outline of contrasted experiences that is based on the native nature of Jesus Christ. The use of monologue in the story describes the true journey of Magi on his way to Bethlehem to search for a spiritual ...

Joyce Carol Oates Work essay

Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” is a highly descriptive story that features the life of Connie in the world of beauty. The fifteen-year-old girl spends most of her time doing beauty make ups and ...

Joyce James essay

The narration the “Dead” is about two sisters Kate Morkan and Julia who are on their annual holiday and they plan for a party. The two siblings anxiously wait for their nephew Gabriel Convoy to arrive; he is a son of their deceased ...

Juan Rulfo essay

Juan Rulfo is among Mexico’s most known prose writers. His life, Being subjected to experiencing the harsh effects of the Mexican revolution to his family and society, Rulfo became fond of writing about the Mexican culture and the different ...

Kafka The Hunger Artist essay

The way art and artist are denoted in Kafka’s The Hunger Artist is something of interest to artists and the audiences. Kafka uses metaphors in his works so as to bring out a deeper meaning from his stories. In this book, The Hunger Artist, ...

Kingship in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and “King Lear” essay

Introduction It goes without saying that kings are among the most respected personalities in the world. According to King James I, "Kings are justly called gods for that they exercise a manner or resemblance of divine power on earth. For if you will ...

La Belle Dame Sans Merci essay

John Keats`s poem “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” written in 1819, tells a story of a lonesome knight, cling onto his sadness because of a fairy lady that has seduced him and abandoned on a “cold hill side” (44). The poem is ...

Literary analysis of Passage in Act 1 scene 5 essay

The passage presents the entry of a ghost speaking to Hamlet about things he believes are factual and of great significance. The ghost comes in form of his father’s spirit and confesses that he is confined in a kind of prison known as ...

Literary Analysis of The Great Gatsby essay

Described by literal critics as the greatest work of Scott F. Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby not only remains one the greatest stories of all the time but also opens insight into the intrigues of the real life situation during the “Roaring ...

Literary Theory essay

INTRODUCTION 1. What (according to Prof. Arndt) is the point of literary theory?  Professor Arndt explains that the main point of literary theory is to guide us whenever tackling real literature. This means we have to relate what we read with ...

Literature Essay essay

The knowledge in writing comparison essay, critical and analytical essays enables one to write literature essays without any difficulty because literature essays combines the basic techniques involved in the three types of essays mentioned. When ...

Literature Review essay

Gilad, I., & Elnekave, M. (2006). Inserting cost effectiveness to the ergonomic equation when considering practical solutions. International Journal of Production Research, 44, 5415-5441. Work study techniques and ergonomics share a common ...

Literature Themes essay

A theme refers to an aspect of a story that is regularly repeated throughout the story. It is mostly the moral lesson that underlies the story and can be identified by many people who read the story. Themes may vary from one story to another ...

Literature Theory Essay essay

Many poets produce good pieces of literary work either in form of poems or plays. Shakespeare, Greenberg and Schweickart are the most influential writers in the world history. This paper defines their poems and artistic styles, which they used in ...

Logical Fallacies in Many Rivers to Cross essay

Introduction A logical fallacy is a premise based on incorrect reasoning. In the story “Many Rivers to Cross” by June Jordan, she uses incorrect reasoning in the story’s plot to assert for her conclusions. The story is a speech ...

Loosing Ourselves essay

The short story “Dead Men’s Path” is written by Chinua Achebe. The main idea of the story is to show the conflict of two worlds. On the one side we have the mission authorities who want to reform the unprogressive school and are ...

“Love and Hate in Jamestown” essay

“Love and Hate in Jamestown” by David Price, is a narration that describes the robust events that happened in the badly run, wretched, yet sprouting Jamestown settlement in Virginia. It further edifies the tale promoted by Disney for ...

Love in the Bible essay

The bible is the inspired word of God. It contains sixty six books which were written by forty different authors in three languages. The bible is claimed to have no error since it’s from God who is all knowing. The bible has been written in ...

Love, life and the Principles of Morality essay

The story of Charles Chestnut’s The Sheriff’s Children is about the relationship between the Sheriff, the father, and his illegitimate son Tom. The plot is set in Branson County, which is a rural community, with a predominantly white ...

Macbeth essay

Introduction Shakespeare is a master at creating tragedies. He takes this style to offer people a non-forgiving way of taking charge of their actions; for every bad deed, there is a consequence, and the bad deed will come bouncing back at the person ...

Macbeth Essay essay

Introduction Shakespeare is one of the main writers in the world literature. He is the author of  numerous internationally known works that raise important issues such as duty, love and hate, power struggle. Themes that preoccupied ...

Main Periods of English Literature essay

English literature is considered to be one of the richest literatures in the world. It is the literature of a great nation inhabiting an island in the west of Europe. It goes without saying that literature is the reflection of nation and society, so ...

Mark Twain essay

INTRODUCTION The paper discusses the role Mark Twain played in the development of the American Literature. Twain’s works became the turning point in the history of the American literature development because they brought the poor class in the ...

Martin Espada essay

This is a poem by Martin Espada which gives a description of the life of Tony as he matures from the elementary or basic school to law school. Every verse gives depicts the life and features involved in his development as works getting a place in ...

Medicine River essay

The novel Medicine River reflects a lot of realism, and Will Sampson, the main character, is an embodiment of the social realism. The novel is set in a traditional Native American society, and the characters reflect the values of this society. Just ...

Mere Christianity essay

C.S. Lewis through his book, Mere Christianity, Presents his ideas about the basic Christian philosophies that can be agreed on by most people. One of the topics he presents in his book is “The Rival Conceptions of God” chapter (Lewis, ...

Metamorphosis essay

Kafka a household name in the world of fiction presents one of his masterpieces The Metamorphosis which depicts a character who is transformed into a bug. This piece which is typically called “black comic” portrays the life of Gregor and ...

Michel Foucault Critique essay

Firstly, Michael Foucault steadily criticizes the name used by the author in his publication. As portrayed in his critics, Michel believes that a normal human being ought not to have such a name. He quotes: “Characteristic of the form of ...

Miller and Kazan: On the Waterfront and The Crucible essay

Introduction All literary works, ranging from plays, films, novels, short stories to oral narratives and everyday stories, derive their material from the way any society lives. The period in which a certain literary work was conceived is of no ...

Milton’s Paradise Lost essay

Question 1 Compare Satan to Three Other Kings (Beowulf, King Arthur and King Lear) The main character of Milton’s Paradise Lost is Satan, who seems to differ from the typical epic hero in literature. However, Satan is considered to be a ...

Modern Hero versus Tragic Hero essay

In drama and film, a hero is the person without whom the plot of the story will lack direction. The storyline revolves around the hero, and other characters help the artist to derive the traits that he intended to bring out about the hero. ...

Monarchy in Shakespeare's King Lear and Richard essay

Introduction This short essay seeks to examine how the theme of the monarchy has been featured by two of Shakespeare’s most popular plays, King Lear and King Richard II. The essay begins by contextualizing the theme of monarchy from ...

"Monster" essay

The Monster is adramanarrativestoryby about ayoungby named Steve Harmon. The monster is the work of arenownedcrimewriter, Walter Dean Myers. The narrative captures the reader heart in thelineof trying to understand andpositionthem in the place of ...

Moon on a Silver Spoon essay

Introduction In this article, Eudora Welty describes her first experiences of reading. She says that her family produced the best environment for her reading. This is because the parents encouraged her to read, and they bought books that she read. ...

Morality essay

The passage presents an incident where men go back to their colleague ten years since the Trojan War. A snake at the shores of Lemnos bit Philoctetes. Philoctetes immobility forced his colleague Odysseus to abandon him at the Desert of Lemnos ...

Morality Demonstrated by Edgar and Cordelia in “King Lear” essay

There are various moments in the play, which demonstrate the morality of Edgar. He portrays a great sense of moral kindness when he assists his blind father despite all the tribulations he had caused him. Edgar’s father, Gloucester, had ...

Motherland (Uchendu's Passage) essay

The text in question is ‘Things Fall Apart’, written by Chinua Achebe. The main character of the text is Okonkwo, a man who falls from grace to grass. The passage in question is one of the initial parts of the second part of the book ...

Mountains Beyond Mountains essay

The book “Mountains Beyond Mountains” was written about Farmer to show what he has achieved in his life. In his life, he leaves important aspects that make the reader remember. He has a strong belief that he can win and overcome all the ...

Myths of a Culture essay

Myths of a culture are attempts by people to explain the world or environment in which they live in. Each culture has its own myths which are considered as universal truths by the communities. They try to explain their origin, and how they came to ...

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave essay

The book “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave” is an autobiography that talks about human civil rights. The narrative is a real life story of the writer, and it was published in 1845 after the writer had ...

Nathaniel Hawthorne essay

Nathaniel Hawthorne was a novelist and a short story writer from America. Most of Nathaniel’s stories centered on New England, the most common themes in his stories being those of dark romanticism. The themes of inherent evil and the human ...

Native American Author: Paula Underwood essay

The point at which Native American literature became "modern" is a matter of much debate. Some locate it as soon as writer such as Paula Underwood began producing objects for Western viewers. Others identify it with the point when they ...

Nature of Frost essay

Robert Frost was a renowned poet who was born in San Francisco, where he lived for the first eleven years of his life. Upon his father's death, a journalist, he moved with his mother and sister to Massachusetts near his paternal grandparents. His ...

No Name Woman essay

Introduction Question: Why does the mother tell this story to her daughter? “No Name Woman” is a story that is told to a young woman who has just started receiving her menstrual periods. The story tells of a woman who gets an ...

No Name Woman Analysis essay

No Name Woman is one of the five interconnected chapters of The Woman Warrior, Maxine Hong Kingston’s earliest book. Maxine Hong Kingston was born in Chinese immigrant family; on the pages of No Name Woman she describes her feelings and ...

Non Fiction essay

The book ‘Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave’ by Frederick Douglas explores the events that affected slaves in the South of United States of America. This is essentially achieved by providing explicit history ...

Nora Helmer in Ibsen’s A Dolls House essay

Introduction Nora Helmer hails from a society that is patriarchal through and through. The society does not place much value on women, and men, in this society, believe that women’s brains are inferior. Women are supposed to take an inferior ...

Norse Gods Mythology essay

Viking gods of the Norse mythology had their roots in the Scandinavian prehistory, particularly during the Germanic-Iron Age that has come to be known as the Proto-Norse Age. The mythology flourished consequent to Christianization of the ...

Odysseus essay

Answer to Question A In underworld, Odysseus (Homer, The Odysseus, Book XI) meets souls of dead heroes and among them he meets the ghost of Agamemnon who tells that he was murdered by his wife: “As I lay down the woman with the dog’s ...

Oedipus, King of Thebes essay

In this play, the some sentences articulate some kind of the wordings which should be clarified for the Readers such as the "Gods' anger to Thebes” means the power of the king how he has got anger to the others. The other wordings should be ...

Oedipus the King essay

The story of the King Oedipus begins when an oracle foretold that a child born to Laius, king of Thebes by his queen Jocasta, would slay his father and wed his mother. With this in mind, Laius had his sons feet riveted together and left to die in ...

Old School essay

Old Schoolis a novel, written by Tobias Wolff, which has obvious allusions to autobiography. It is a tale of blamelessness lost in the awakening of adult understanding and disappointment that leave readers intensely moved.The novel is centered on ...

Oranges essay

“It is only at the first encounter that a literary (face) makes its full impression on us” (Arthur Schopenhauer). The poem “Oranges” written by Gary Soto is a verse for lovers. The sweet pureness and innocence of love is ...

Othello essay

Othello’s last speech makes me feel sorry for him because I see him describing the circumstances through which he was deceived. He tells Lodovico that he must speak of a person who loved wisely, too well and “of one not easily jealous, ...

Othello and Desdemona essay

This paper investigates the literature available in the Shakespeare story of Othello. It analyses the nature of love that existed between Othello and Desdemona. In addition, the paper elucidates the nature of commitment between the two, and decides ...

Othello by Shakespeare essay

Desdemona is one of the characters in the play Othello directed by Shakespeare (1601-1604). She is a very beautiful lady who lets her father down after escaping with Othello. She decides to move with her husband to Cyprus after he was allocated ...

Othello Paper essay

In Aristotle’s poetics, tragedy refers to imitation of a serious act that has certain magnitude and is embellished in speech and is accomplished by evoking such emotions as terror and pity. In his poetic works, Aristotle introduces six ...

Othello, the Moor of Venice essay

Othello, The Moor of Venice by Shakespeare is a play that demonstrates the impacts of control and problems arising from it. Themes such as jealousy, betrayal, love and racism are widely brought out in Shakespeare’s play. It is essential to ...

Othello: Theme of Jealousy essay

Jealousy is a controlling emotion. It is a feeling that can annihilate relationships, and devour the concerned individual’s mind. Whether exhibited in a platonic or sexual relationship, once jealousy is insinuated, it can result in distressing ...

Out, Out - by Robert Frost essay

Robert Frost is a famous English artist who is known all over the globe for philosophical motifs of the poems. “Out, Out -” is a truly deep and gripping poem. It is much more than just a relation about a boy’s death; the author ...

Paradise of Bachelors and Tartarus of Maids essay

The story is set up in Woedolar Mountain in the mid nineteenth century at a time the world was going through the process of industrialization. Factories were multiplying at a higher rate and the process of economic progression was taking shape in ...

Patients and Their Relevant Diseases essay

This paper will manifestly respond to the set of questions pertaining to the two studies regarding cancerous patients and their relevant diseases. The main focus of this paper deals with the statistical analysis of the data collected, how it was ...

Paul Laurence Dunbar essay

Paul Laurence Dunbar who was a renowned poet and novelist gained unrivalled recognition for his exceptional pieces. In his illustrious career, he became the first African American author to break the national barriers in his career where he earned ...

Philip Sidney essay

Sir Philip Sidney was born in November, 1554 to Sir Henry Sidney and Mary Dudley and died in October 1586. Many scholars regarded Sidney as the consummate Renaissance man and believed that Stephen Gosson largely motivated Sidney’s work. ...

Play Summary essay

A Streetcar Named Desire is a play written by American playwright Tennessee Williams in 1947. The action of the play takes place after World War II (in the 1940s), in New Orleans (Louisiana). It opens in a flat of a young couple, Stella and Stanley ...

Play vs Essay and Poem essay

A play is a structured literary form of theatre that is used to highlight various issues in society. An essay is a structured written presentation about an issue, while a poem is a literal presentation of ideas using various styles such as ...

Poem and Short Story Exam Questions Review essay

Question 1 In every stanza of this poem, Donald Justice introduces an image that differentiates men at forty from boys. In the first stanza, Donald uses the image of a door, and he says that men at forty close doors softly, when they do not intend ...

Poetry essay

Poets use different styles in presenting their poetry, and these styles determine how their works will be received. The poets choose the levels of difficulty for their poetry depending on the target audience. This reduces the accessibility of the ...

Poetry analysis: William Shakespeare, Edmund Spenser and John Donne essay

Poetry analysis: William Shakespeare, Edmund Spenser and John Donne English poetry invokes unique feelings and emotions, shows beauty and mastery of English Renaissance poets. Among the greatest representatives of English poetry, William Shakespeare ...

Portraying characters of Ibsen’s "A Doll's House" essay

The play "A Doll's House" protecting women's rights, with such a rare boldness and passion for that time, revealed the tragedy of the human soul. There are not so many actresses in the whole cinematic world that could accurately convey the essence ...

Post Modern Literary Theory essay

The essay encompasses a contrast and comparison of the two novels “Slaughterhouse Five” by Kurt Vonnegut and “Catch-22” by Joseph Heller. This essay majorly focuses on the application of Post-modern literary theory in the two ...

Post-Modernism essay

Post-Modernism is simultaneously the most controversial and fascinating architectural movement of recent decades. Never has a style been by turns, so all pervasive and then so abruptly unfashionable. Embraced in the late 1970s and 1980s by designers ...

Postcolonial Literature essay

This essay investigates the literature on postcolonial literature. Particularly, it describes trauma as an important aspect worth considering in any study to do with post colonial literature. Further, the essay puts into consideration ways in which ...

Prologue of Virgil’s Aeneid essay

The paper lays down a detailed analysis of the prologue of Virgil’s Aeneid in Milton and Shakespeare. The main discussion of this paper is centred on the themes brought up in the poem, and the underlying various aspects of epic outlined in the ...

Property by Valerie Martin essay

In literature, foreshadowing is hinting at possible developments that will occur later in the story. The purpose of foreshadowing is to create suspense and curiosity about the story so that the reader keeps wondering what lead to the events ...

Racial Segregation essay

Slavery denotes the social system that saw people treated as any other kind of property to the extent of being sold, bought as well as forced into manual labor. The innocent civilians were captured from their farms and sold off far away from their ...

Reading Research Literature essay

This paper will evidently answer the set of questions pertaining to the two studies about cancerous patients and their respective diseases; the studies attempt to come up with better treatment strategies of the global epidemic. Various infected and ...

Realism Paper essay

Realism is the 19th century movement that sought to change playwrights from the traditional pieces of romance and instead focus on the day to day activities that shaped the daily lives of the people. The new style of writing influenced the way of ...

Representation of Women essay

Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe and Eliza Haywood’s Love in Excess are two of the most renown contemporary novels in 18th-century Britain. The two are similar in a sense that both novels invoke readers to reflect upon the masculine ...

Response to Notes of a Native Speaker essay

The article Notes of a Native Speaker by Eric Liu defines the several characteristics that make a person belong to a certain religious, ethnic, racial or age group. These characteristics include the lifestyle an individual leads, ambitions, ...

Rhetoric Analysis of “The Men We Carry In Our Minds” by Scott Russel Sanders essay

“The Men We Carry in Our Minds” by Scott Russel Sanders is an essay that brings out its arguments enthusiastically to ensure that the message it entails reaches the intended audience appropriately. Sander highlights on numerous issues, ...

“Richard Cory” by Edwin Arlington Robinson essay

Adaptation of literature works has been of great importance on songwriting history since the start song composition. As soon as songs were recognized to have the power to convey literary messages in music, literary works became the wealth of ideas ...

Robert Frost’s "The Silken Tent" essay

In my view, Robert Frost’s ‘The Silken Tent’ is not only a love poem, but also a metaphor. This is because Frost describes the kind of relationship he has not only with his beloved, but also with his hobby, which is poetry. Written ...

Romanticism and Transcendentalism essay

Romanticism is a philosophical movement which defined and described ways in which the Western cultured people carried themselves, thought about themselves and the way they thought about the world (Brooklyn College). Transcendentalism, on the other ...

Romeo and Juliet Analysis essay

Themes are the elemental and regularly general ideas discovered in a fictional text. William Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet, tells us the tale of two disputing families, the Capulets and the Montagues; whose children end up falling in love with ...

Roses for Who? essay

Faulkner's extensive authorial power in "A Rose for ?mily" looms evident in the design of a large Southern gothic house, in the outline of three complex generations of a Southern community, and in the development of a plot that ...

Scarlet Letter Review essay

Introduction Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter remains one of the best examples of Puritan literature, a novel, which points to the inadequacy of the Puritan beliefs and the moral duality of the Puritan culture. This paper reviews the ...

“Schoolsville” by Billy Collins essay

In his frank and sincere poem “Schoolsville” Billy Collins focuses on his reminiscences about the past, thinking about the benefits of the job of a teacher. Billy Collins is known in literature as an artist who displays the reality with ...

Shakespeare's King Lear essay

Set during the regal court, the first scene of Shakespeare's King Lear revolves ahead the denial of the old ruler's youngest daughter, Cordelia, to pursue the suit of her sisters Goneril and Regan in acknowledging love for their father, and Lear's ...

Shakespeare’s Othello essay

Othello is one of William Shakespeare’s most admired plays from the seventeenth century, 1601-1604. Othello is a heroic character of a competent and courageous soldier of advanced years serving in the Venetian Republic. Shakespeare’s ...

Shakespeare vs. Orwell essay

Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian novel where the protagonist rebels against the government’s regime of war, surveillance, propaganda-style mind control, and lack of individual rights. The protagonist Winston Smith is involved in frequent ...

Shakespeare’s “King Lear” Interpretations essay

Rewriting and reinterpretations of literary works have become a widespread issue in recent productions of literary works. This has been considered as one of the leading novelistic genres in the current world. Reinterpretations of literary works ...

Shelley's Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus essay

Shelley's Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus is one of the most outstanding books in world literature. A remarkable excerpt is the one where Victor Frankenstein refuses to make a girlfriend for the monster he created. It is an extremely hard ...

Short Story Writers essay

A chilly morning indeed it was, the wind briskly swept through the forest causing the leaves to bend gently to let it pass. On the bridge stood a man, motionless, as if cast out of stone, he looked down into the waters that violently smashed upon ...

Silent Spring Analysis essay

In the first chapter named ‘The fable for tomorrow’, Rachel Carson writes about the imaginary town in the middle of the USA that was absolutely harmonious and peaceful. The town was full of wild nature variety including the diversity of ...

Sir Gawain and The Canterbury Tales essay

Chaucer’s The Canterbury tales show the thin line between the secular and the spiritual world. The Tales take place as the pilgrims are undertaking a monumental task, pilgrimage to Canterbury. The Summoner travels with his friend the Pardoner; ...

Sir Gawain’s Biography essay

In the whole world’s history, Sir Gawain remains one of the most mysterious and fascinating figures described in legends. He is the poet himself. Born in the king’s family, Sir Gawain had the traits characteristic of true kings. He was a ...

“Slaughterhouse Five” and “Catch-22” essay

The underlying theme of the novels “Slaughterhouse Five” by Kurt Vonnegut and “Catch-22” by Joseph Heller is largely archetypal. “Slaughterhouse Five” and “Catch-22” both explore the grim realities of ...

Sleep and Dreams as Central Themes in A Midsummer Night’s Dream essay

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is widely regarded as Shakespeare’s master play in the genre of comedy. Centered on the classical plot of the quarrel between pairs of lovers solved by the supernatural intervention, this play presents a ...

Southern Land in Afro-American Literature essay

African-American literature is a significant part of American cultural heritage. Literary works which belong to writers of African origin are bright representatives of rich and vivid culture, based on oral tradition and full of mournful stories and ...

Spiritual and Emotional Gratification in “Ecstasy” by Hayden Carruth essay

The poem “Ecstasy” by Hayden Carruth keeps with the emotional tempo of the universal themes of love, spiritual awareness, longing, wonder and awakening portrayed in Roger Housden’s collection of Ten Poems to Last a Lifetime. He ...

Stories by Arthur Miller essay

The Death of a Salesman is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1949. It took place in Boston and New York. The Death of a Salesman is a fantastic play that has received several awards. It was set after the war in America. It shows the effects of ...

“Story of the Eye” essay

The novel “Story of the Eye” by Georges Bataille is outrageous and beyond the pale in my opinion. It crosses all the lines of decency until there is no line at all left. There is a lot of anti-social behavior in several instances ...

Success and Opportunity in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald essay

The two texts, The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald both explore the pursuit of the American Dream in the American society. In The Jungle, Sinclair portrays the challenges that immigrants and lower class societies ...

“Sula” essay

“Sula” is a novel written by Toni Morrison that talks about an exceptional and love-struck woman. Just as expressed in various books, most of the characters that play second fiddle in such tales seem to bring out the personality of the ...

Summary of "Tempest" by William Shakespeare essay

This is a summary of the play Tempest which was authored by William Shakespeare. The play is challenging the reader senses and self consciously. The play is about Prospero who has been living with his daughter Miranda for the past 12 years. The ...

Summer essay

The short story summer is a clear love story that shows childhood love whereby the characters involved are unable to clearly show love for each other but wait for each other’s actions that may signify love. The story would be less interesting ...

Summer by David Updike essay

August is described as the merciless succession of beautiful days mainly because the month falls in the winter period when the summer and spring have passed away. The writer in his stories tells the story of a fellow named winter who recovers from a ...

Superstition in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn essay

According to Sommerstein, superstition is a behavioral trait which implies that certain actions influence the future behavior of an individual. It is usually attributed to magical occurrences (45). However, critics posit that there is no practical ...

Suspense and Surprise essay

The lottery is a short story published in the year 1948. It stands out to be the most famous short story in the history of American literature. After its release, the book attracted negativeresponseto the uttersurpriseof its author. Things changed ...

Symbolic Conflicts in ‘Young Goodman Brown’ essay

Introduction In literature, short stories convey a significant meaning that people tend to relate with the current events. In this case, short stories tend to have certain hidden meanings for the readers. Therefore, when readers are looking through ...

Symbolism in Hamlet essay

Symbolism is the representation of something using something else. This can be done through associating or resembling a material object or a written sign. We can also use language to associate two things and thus a phrase or a description, which ...

Symbolism of Doctor Faustus essay

The history of Doctor Faustus was a play to depict the life and times of Doctor Faustus. It was directed by Christopher Marlowe. The story revolves around the portrayal of a Faustus giving his soul to evil forces in exchange for power. The story was ...

"Talking to the Dead" essay

Talking to the Dead is a short story cycle that is set in Maui during the period between the end of World War II and Hawaii’s transformation from an agricultural to a tourist-based economy during the 1970s. The book paints a picture of the ...

Tartuffe essay

This is a well-known comedy. Jean Baptiste Poquelin, popularly known as Moliere, authors it. Tartuffe is first presented as a pious man and of great religious fervor. His zeal has a great convincing power and can make someone believe in his ...

Taylor’s Earthly and Spiritual Life essay

Taylor’s “Upon Wedlock and Death of Children” is a poem where he expresses a deep meditation for his earthly and spiritual life especially regarding his loss of children. In the poem, he uses imagery to relate his earthly life to ...

Teenage Angst essay

The writer perfectly exposed the issue of the teenage feeling of intense apprehension as well as the inner turmoil. This was perfectly done to the extent that the novel earned the title of the best novel ever to deal with teenage issues. These were ...

“Text Authorship” essay

The main reason as to why Foucault comes out to criticize the author’s work is on the basis of insufficiency. As far as the author asserts, the author gives out baseless information in his publication work. Foucault furthers that the ...

That Only a Mother: Literal Analysis essay

‘That Only a Mother’ is a science fiction short story, written by Judith Merril, as a response to the increased infanticide, occurring after World War II. The story creates an illusion that people in the world are killing babies. The ...

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: A Literary and Media Comparison essay

Though the movie is preceded by the preface of the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer“, in which Mark Twain talks about trying “to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves”, it is obvious that he and Norman ...

The African Slave Trade essay

The African Slave Trade is a history book written by Basil Davidson talking about pre-colonial slave trade in Africa. In this book, Basil addresses the way Africans were sold to Europeans by the African chiefs to be taken to the New World. This ...

The Bean Trees essay

On the face of it, it might seem that two very different personalities are hardly able to get along together. Nonetheless, put them through similar hardships, give them a mutual mission, or make their interests meet, and they can turn to be more ...

"The Big Brother" essay

Big Brother is a character who is fictional in the 1984 novel by George Orwell. He is plays the role of a dictator of a totalitarian state called the Oceania. In Oceania, the governing party has a lot of power of the masses that are ruled ...

“The Bingo Van”. How and why does Lipsha lose his healing power, and what does this suggest about the themes of the story? essay

Swiss philosopher and poet Henri Frederic Amiel once said: “Destiny has two ways of crushing us - by refusing our wishes and by fulfilling them”. This phrase closely describes the life path of Lipsha, the main hero of the novel ...

"The Birds" essay

Counts, Kyle B., and Steve Rubin. "The Making of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds." Cinefantastique, vol. 10(2), Fall 1980, p. 26. Print. The genesis of this masterpiece Alfred Hitchcock manages to derive from the studio setting of Brenner’s house ...

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba essay

William Kamkwamba’s “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind” brings to the reader an autobiography of the author’s life in Malawi. In the book, the author shares his life experiences with the readers. The book begins with a ...

The Bridegroom essay

Life challenges people, no matter how old and strong they are. Difficult situations come unexpectedly and often the way out is not obvious and easy. Sometimes there is no one to give a peace of advice, and one should help himself or herself without ...

“The Business Man” by Edgar Allan Poe essay

This essay investigates the literature on the works of Edgar Allan Poe about work and business. It particularly focuses on methodology as one of the most effective tools often used in pursuit of success in business and work. According to Edgar Poe, ...

The Concept of Deindividuation in “Lord of the Flies” essay

Human nature is a great mystery. Parents and society influence a child’s character from the first moment of life, but still no one can be sure what kind of person he or she will become. Such phrases as “I do not know why I have done ...

The Difference between Cunegonde from Candide and Mrs. Robinson from The Graduate essay

Cunegonde is one of the major characters in Candide that plays a key role in developing the theme of love. She is the daughter of a rich philosopher, Pangloss. Pangloss together with her daughter live in their castle. Pangloss has also adopted ...

“The Epic of Gilgamesh” essay

“The Epic of Gilgamesh” is an imaginary story highlighting a mystifying relationship between gods, man and the city of Uruk. The story tells how gods mercifully guide their faithful mortals by giving the insight and warning over any ...

The Epic of Gilgamesh Analysis essay

Gilgamesh has been known to be one among the many epics that describes the capabilities of humans to survive the different challenges that life has to offer them; this particular epic describes the existence of a demigod who has been able to manage ...

The Existence of Evil and the Threat of Science in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein essay

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a gothic narrative that portrays the destructive nature of modern knowledge, especially when it is pursued without moral restraints. The creation of the monster by Victor Frankenstein illustrates the destructive ...

The Experience Machine: Summary of Robert Nozick’s ‘Thought Experiment’ essay

Robert Nozick was an American philosopher who put forth the “Experience Machine” scenario in his book Anarchy, State, and Utopia. The “Experience machine” is one of the best known attempts by Nozick to refute claims of ...

The fall of the House of Usher essay

‘The fall of the House of Usher’ is a story that is narrated by unknown narrator to the reader, only that, the reader is brought up to speed that he is Roderick Usher’s friend. The rather strange house in this case belongs to ...

The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner`s Fierce Rebellion by Stephen B. Oates essay

Introduction The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion, by Stephen B. Oates is a book about the notorious slave rebellion of Nat Turner which happened in 1931. In the book, Oates brings out the legacy of the rebellion uprising and ...

The Forever War essay

The Forever War is a book written by Dexter Filkins, a New York Times correspondent in Afghanistan. In this book, Dexter provides readers with a vibrant, psychologically searing, and extremely personal account of his experiences while covering the ...

The Girls in Their Summer Dresses essay

‘The Girls in Their Summer Dresses’ is a short narrative by Irwin Shaw which brings on the surface a heated argument between Michael, the husband and Frances, the wife. The two are walking in New York City holding hands, when the ...

"The Glass Menagerie" essay

The Glass Menagerie is a memory play authored by Tennessee Williams who pens down a recollection of his crippled sister Laura and his mother Amanda. The setting of this play is in alley in St. Louis where the Wingfield’s live in a lower-class ...

The Gothic Elements in Literature essay

Gothic fiction is a genre of literature, which combines horror and romance, ugly and beautiful. The goal of the gothic literature is to terrify the reader, to make him experience more feelings. William Faulkner is considered to be one of the most ...

The Great Gatsby: Conception of Wealth and power essay

Introduction This is a review of the epistolary novel entitled “The great Gatsby” by Fitzgerald. What’s the major thing you love to know or possess in this world? If wealth is in your priority list of the things that you look for, ...

The Great Gatsby Literary Analysis essay

INTRODUCTION The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, is extensively well thought-out to be F. Scott Fitzergerald's greatest novel. It is also painstaking a determining work on the imperfection of a the American dream. SYNOPSIS OF THE NOVEL Title of the ...

The Hunger Games Page-to-Screen Companion Guide essay

The Hunger Games is a novel by Suzanne Collins that was released in 2008. It was later adapted into a film, which was released in 2011 with sequels scheduled for 2012 and 2013. While the two works of art have been released in different types of ...

The Importance of Literature in the Shaping of National Consciousness essay

Literature is part of knowledge in human society. It has been considered as an important element in the shaping of a nations school curriculum by setting examinations on it. This test and examinations shape the students on their writing skills, as ...

The Jilting of Granny Weatherall essay

Parker’s short story, “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” is steeped in the discomforting emotional states of an old woman in response to her jilting, which happened during her youth. The antagonist, George ushers Granny into a ...

The Language of Obedience and Protest in “The Revolt of “Mother” essay

In “The Revolt of “Mother”” by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, the main female character takes a stand against her husband’s will by moving to the new barn to live in, because it is more comfortable than the house in which the ...

“The Last Supper” essay

The excerpt “The last supper, or the dead waiter” by Jon Stewart is a written controversial account relating the life of Jesus Christ. Jon Stewart reveals his comical styles in several contradicting writing styles presented by Avram. The ...

The Left Hand of Darkness essay

Gender is the image of masculinity or femininity that a person projects to others. The concept of gender is supported by the assignment of gender roles according to the image portrayed. Gender roles are thus the social norms assigned to people ...

The Long Struggle for Equality as Depicted in Anne Moody’s Coming of Age in Mississippi essay

For many years various social and political systems denied thousands of people their rights. For instance, in early 20th century black Americans did not have the same rights and privileges that their white counterparts had. As a result, thousands of ...

“The Longest Day” by Cornelius Ryan essay

The above-mentioned book, published in 1959, avails the occurrences of the first day of WWII, involving the invasion of Normandy. In this book, the author is keen to introduce Field Marshall Erwin Rommel who played a critical role in the war. In ...

The Lottery essay

Every good story or writing needs a point of view. A point of view is the angle form, which a narrator can tell the story. It would be close to impossible to tell a story without a point of view. Point of view helps the writers to explain themselves ...

“The March” essay

“The March” by E. L. Doctorow’s, is a narration that illustrates the hardships experienced during the war by some of his characters. As he puts it, “The oppressive maleness of them all unnerved her ... She realized this was a ...

The Metamorphosis essay

Franz Kafka’s story of “The Metamorphosis” has received numerous debates. It is a haunting story of a man who transforms into an insect. The story is very essential and it only becomes difficult to understand what it means. Marxist ...

The Metaphor of the caged bird in Trifles essay

Back in history, women in America, just as their colleagues around the world, were commonly seen as inferior beings. Their children, together with everything they owned, were under the property of their men. Many social and legal barriers made it ...

“The Midsummer’s Night Dream” essay

There are various love relationships evident throughout the play, used to enhance the major theme: marriage. For instance, there is the love between Theseus and Hippolyta. Theseus is a Duke, while Hippolyta is a queen from Amazon. This marriage was ...

The Monk by Matthew Lewis essay

One principal theme in most gothic novels simultaneous to The Monk is that morality tale is usually contrasted onto an appalling and mostly sadistic intrigue with a superficial supernaturalism. A morality tale is usually a tale that is meant to ...

The Monsters of the Greek Mythology essay

The fear of the powerful forces of nature was embodied by ancient people in mythological images of giant or vile monsters. Created by a rich imagination of the antiquity, they combined parts of the bodies of known animals, such as, for example, a ...

The Myth of Race essay

The paper presents a review of the novel Darwin’s Athletes: How Sport has Damaged Black America and Preserved the Myth of Race by John Hoberman. It elucidates the overall effect and validity of written work with regards to the history of ...

The Naturalistic Ideology essay

Naturalism assumes that people do not posses free will. However, their surroundings outline their manners. The naturalistic ideology is founded on a chain of links, all of which affect one another. These chains may be perceived as processes. ...

The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant essay

Introduction. The short story raises a number of issues as poverty, love and commitment, just to mention a few. The three themes are displayed clearly throughout a story of a poor couple - Madame Loisel and her husband who lead a modest lifestyle. ...

The Novel "The Great Gatsby" essay

In this novel, the author has specifically chosen the title of the book to intentionally intensify the characterization by the use of irony. The use of such a title created an irony in Gatsby’s characters to contrast between how they actually ...

The Old Man the Sea essay

Ernest Hemingway had a significant influence on the literature of the twentieth century; many of his novels have become classics. Hemingway also influenced writing of many American authors, such as J.D. Salinger and James Joyce. He had a life, full ...

The Portrayal of Women in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales essay

The Canterbury Tales were written by Geoffrey Chaucer, and these are a collection of stories told by different people who lived in medieval time. All these people were pilgrims on the way to a tomb in Canterbury. All the tales portray different ...

The Present in the Eyes of Doctor Faustus essay

People give themselves more readily to push for their own beliefs, and when common ways fail they go a little further to seek for command, power and sword. Mostly they only consider the present pleasures and do not consider the repercussions at the ...

The Gilded Age essay

The girl in the novel “A White Heron” is the principle protagonist, who discovers that she enjoys an exceptional connection with nature. She decides to protect her natural environment rather than use it for her own as well as the ...

“The Rape of the Lock” essay

“The Rape of the lock” is a poem that was written by Alexander Pope and has been regarded as a characteristic mock-heroic narrative poem that after a revision and expansion was adopted under Alexander Pope’s name in 1714. His ...

“The Red Convertible” by Louise Erdrich essay

Introduction ‘‘The Red Convertible,’’ is the most anthologized short stories of Louise Erdrich, as is the second chapter of her unveiling novel Love Medicine. The author is able to use common characters and themes in ...

The Red Wheelbarrow essay

This is a very short poem, and many people may fail to see its significance at first sight. However, the very aspect, that drives people away at first is the same aspect that attracts them to read and find out what the peculiar poem is about. The ...

The Relationship between Love and Sex in Greek Mythology essay

In Greek mythology, love and sex are intertwined. Actually, they are one and the same thing. Most of the myths in Greece correlate with sexual intimacy (Davidson, 2009). The end of these myths is usually tragic with either death or separation of ...

The Rich Brother essay

The Rich Brother is a story concerning the two brothers, Pete and Donald, who live completely contrasting lives. Pete is very rich and has all the qualities of a good life. He has easy access to the resources of an average American family. On the ...

“The Road not Taken” essay

Poems are designed from words that are arranged well to produce a music flow of words. This is mainly done in order to pass a certain message that the poet has. Poems mostly involve the use of literary devices so as to form a good flow of the whole ...

The Road Not Taken Analysis essay

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost describes the journey of the speaker through the woods. In the first line, the speaker describes the wood as yellow because eaves falling from the trees cover the ground. The second and third line, describes the ...

The Road not Taken by Robert Frost essay

Robert Frost is known in literature as an artist who displays the nature as something breathtaking. However, despite the nature motifs, the verse “The road not taken” sounds philosophically. The poem “The road not taken” by ...

The role of family in the fiction essay

Kafka has become one of the renowned household names around the world especially for people who find fascination in reading his pieces of fiction work. One of his works The Metamorphosis is an exemplary piece of writing. The title of the book ...

The Roles of Women in Literary Works essay

The roles of women in the society have for centuries been defined by the stereotypes created and long sustained by men. Women have resolved to diverse tactics of dealing with their predicament, a phenomenon that the two short stories (A Rose for ...

The Same City essay

The narrative starts by identifying a father-son relationship problem. The narrator has a problem that he is raising a child that is not his biological son. The author creates the conflict that the narrator and his girlfriend met when she was ...

The Sanctuary Movement in “The Bean Trees” essay

“I didn’t want to believe the world could be so unjust. But, of course, it was right there in front of my nose” (214). These words were the response of Taylor Greer, the central character of the novel The Bean Trees by Barbara ...

The Secret Life of Bees essay

The Secret Life of Bees highlights the story of Lily, a young girl who has shaped her life around the devastating memory of her mother’s death when she was only four years. The death of Lily’s mother leaves her with her harsh and ...

"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" essay

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was authored by James Thurber and was first published in 1939 in a magazine and later in 1942 as a book. It is a short story about a Walter Mitty who accompanies his domineering wife for a weekly visit to the beauty ...

The Story "A Good Man is Hard to Find" essay

In the short story “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” by O’Connor, the grandmother who is the central character in the story comes out as a person who is self centered. She does not listen to the other family members’ suggestion ...

The Story “Hills Like White Elephants" essay

“Hills Like White Elephant” is a story whose plot is set at a train station in Spain against the dry and hot hilly background. The two characters, American and his girlfriend Jig, engage in a seemingly controversial conversation as they ...

The Story of an Hour essay

Kate Chopin conveys an alternating theme of grief and love in The Story of an Hour in a fascinating but a peculiar authentic manner more than any other literary work I know about. Through Mrs. Mallard, Chopin expresses grief and emotional dilemma ...

The story of Baucis and Philemon essay

The story of Baucis and Philemon is one of the most compelling Greek myths of an old couple who receives reward for their compassion to strangers. People rejected and turned the strangers away, until the moment they went to a place where they where ...

"The Story of the Door" essay

The Story of the Door begins with a graphic portrait of Mr. Utterson, a fine gentleman and a lawyer whose mannerisms can be called rather peculiar, but typical of the Victorian epoch. Though, he was reserved and somehow boring, darling of sort of ...

"The Stranger" by Albert Camus essay

Camus made a name for himself when he wrote The Stranger. This novel by Albert Camus was initially published in the year 1942. It is imperative to note that this book was written and published during the World War II. Describing the background and ...

The Sun Also Rises essay

The Sun Also Risesis a renowned book that clearly portrays the lives of many of the members of the commonly so-called ‘The Lost Generation’. This is a group of a good number of men and also women whose evident early adulthood was always ...

The Tempest essay

Introduction The tempest is a play which was written by William Shakespeare in 1610. It ‘s a Romance act set  in Remote Island with Prospero as a protagonist. Having being the rightful due of Milan who had a prevailed to sit on the throne ...

The Theme of Self-Sacrifice in Greek Tragedies essay

Most Greek plays and writings, especially tragedies, are founded on recurring themes that touches on fate, self-sacrifice, and death. The lead characters in these tragedies are portrayed as individuals who are ready to behave in an extreme manner in ...

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwel essay

The term Tipping points refers to the “the levels at which the force for change becomes unstoppable” (Walsh, 2007). A tipping point is defined by Gladwell as a sociological term: he moment in a social interaction when social behaviors or ...

The Turn of the Screw essay

The book “The Turn of the Screw” by Henry James leaves the readers with imagination of the meaning the writer that the writer desires the reader to get. The story leaves many things unclear about the strange things happening in the ...

The Use of Religion in Terra Nostra by Carlos Fuentes essay

In the past, religion was the central aspect of human life. It was the controller of human life and the reason for their survival. In fact, life in itself was sacred and religious. Religion still holds greater importance to modern society as it did ...

“The Visit” essay

In this assignment, I choose to look at the themes that I thought come out strongly in “The Visit.” I researched online journals and book reviews about the author and the book’s setting. The setting of the book is in the town of ...

“The World Is Flat” by Thomas Friedman essay

Born on 20 July 1975 in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, Thomas Friedman is an internationally acclaimed reporter, columnist, and author. Besides receiving three Pulitzer prizes, Friedman has also written six bestsellers, among them “The World is ...

The Would-be Gentleman essay

Moliere, the composer of the play entitled The Would-Be Gentleman, refers to his artwork as comedy-ballet. This means that his piece of work is a comedy revolving around social ascension and manners; it consists of exceptional blends of comedy, ...

Thematic Concerns essay

The novel uses the theme of death as encompassed in Billy’s personal story to explain the Tralfamadorian philosophy of death. According to the novel, Billy’s life has been that of indignity such that he has no real fear of death thereby ...

Theme and Style in “Greasy Lake” by Coraghessan Boyle essay

In the short story “Greasy Lake,” Coraghessan Boyle portrays the misconceptions that individuals, especially the youth, have about the appropriateness of portraying a tough and bad image. The story’s three characters, Digby, ...

Theme Essay: Beowulf essay

Allen Sunders once said that “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans”. In life people do all they can do so as to fulfill their dreams, but fate always pulls the rings behind the curtains and what finally happens is ...

Themes in Frankenstein essay

A person who is abandoned by parents, friends and family, becomes an outcast in the society. Such a person feels unworthy to fit in the society, and this person is laden with loneliness; he can do anything to receive appreciation by other people. ...

Themes of Incidents in The Life of a Slave Girl and The Souls of Black Folk essay

The Life of a Slave Girl is the story about the process of discovery, growing up, survival and mentorship. The author portrays mentor figures, scenes of violence and frightening depiction of slavery. Jacobs presents family as an unattainable dream. ...

Theory and Literature Selection essay

Introduction In the process of learning, needs of all learners should be met. Many educationists stress the importance of meeting individual needs of all learners, and they say that this is the only way that education will produce the best results. ...

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe essay

Abstract This essay constitutes an examination of the psychology of Okonkwo, who is the main hero in Chinua Achebe’s acclaimed novel, Things Fall Apart. The essay details how Okonkwo struggles to free himself from the negative social image of ...

"Those Winter Sundays" essay

The poem is about the relationship between a father and his son, who has the revelation of emotions through powerful imagery that is notable to the contrast of harshness of the cold expression of pensive and regrettable tone. The warm images are in ...

Three Faces of Death essay

Death is a grim topic, but, unfortunately, unavoidable. After all, sooner or later, every person has to face death in his/her thoughts and inner fears. Authors feel that they can throw light on themes which are feared to be talked over aloud, death ...

Time Period in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald essay

Introduction F. Scott Fitzgerald is the American novelist, who wrote several fascinating works including The Great Gatsby, The Tender Night, This Side of Paradise, and The Beautiful and Damned. This paper focuses on The Great Gatsby, which is one of ...

“To Build a Fire” Jack London essay

“To Build a Fire” is a classic chronicle written by Jack London. It deals with a youthful man who does not take into account the caution of experienced prospectors who advice him to never travel unaccompanied in the Alaskan wilderness, ...

Transformation of Characters essay

Robinson Crusoe stands as an allegory or number of colonialism, not a display of it. Defoe had no direct know-how with plantations, South American seaboard peoples, oceanic voyages, the slave trade, or a colonial economy. What he "knew" came through ...

"Trifles" essay

The foremost symbol that Susan Glaspell employs in her narration “Trifles” is the party phone. Lewis Hale visits the home of John Wright after his death. He basically comes to find out about division of the cost related to the telephone ...

“Trifles” and “The Story of an Hour” essay

“Trifles” by Susan Glasspel and “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin have a common strong theme based on marriage. Both stories show that the females have lost their identity in marriage. “Trifles” focuses on a ...

Two Lives essay

The story presents two parallel stories of two women of the same age named Mary Louise and Mrs. Delahunt y. The two recoil into their own world full of their own imagination. In this respect, While Mrs. Delahunty ends up leading a good life after ...

“Ulysses” by Alfred Lord Tennyson essay

Alfred Tennyson learnt about the sudden death of his dear friend Henry Hallam, in October 1833. Hallam’s death disturbed Tennyson, and he decided to write “Ulysses” in his memory. The poem is a tribute to his lifelong friend. In ...

US War with Mexico essay

US War with Mexico is a historical novel written by Ernesto Chavez. Ernesto Chavez is an American author and a professor of history at the American University of Texas. Notably, Chavez is known to be a Mexican and American analyst from some of his ...

Valerie Hudson: What Sex means for World Peace essay

This paper uses Valerie Hudson’s What Sex Means for World Peace to respond to the credibility in the argument that women treatment plays a vital role in making of a peaceful world. For instance, the author notes that the pillars of ...

Virginia Woolf's Style essay

A Room of One's Own is one of the fictional writings by Virginia Woolf. The book was first published in 1929 with subsequent editions of the book appearing in the following years. The main underlying basis of this literary work is that the author ...

Voltaire and Swift essay

The public sphere led to the rise of the modern nation state and increased the capitalism. The new state in its consolidation of the public power brought to the private realm of the society that is nondependent on the state. The capitalism ...

Walt Whitman essay

Walt Whitman, perhaps America’s most significant, ground-breaking and God-intoxicated poet, preferred to invest his poetic mastermind in religion and uniting all human races in friendship ties. It is to a certain extent a declaration for a ...

Was Hamlet sane or insane essay

Introduction “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare is one of the greatest plays of all times. A spirit of decadence of the Middle Ages is a strong background for developments of the theme of Hamlet. Hamlet actions can be considered as actions ...

We Are Everywhere essay

Introduction In most case, many people read the history of Vietnam War in relation to how the American army was fairing in the war. However, they fail to read about the social movements that were opposing the war with other policies and why they ...

We Become What We Behold essay

Marshall McLuhan’s book “Understanding Media” can be used as a tool and as a means of interpretation of our wants, objects of desire that we have. In the modern encounter with technology, our own creation, we “become what we ...

What Makes a Good Poem? essay

The definition of a ‘good poem’, as well as of the poet’s role and qualities in general, varies among the different commentators. In this short essay, the opinions by James Tate, Robert Bly, Billy Collins, and Matthew Dickman on ...

Where the Domino Fell essay

The work of James Olson and Randy Roberts, Where the Domino Fell: America and Vietnam 1945-1995 lies along a path less travelled by many historians and writers. The writing approach of the authors has been supported by clearly validated facts that ...

Who is a real monster – Victor Frankenstein or his creation? essay

Shelley's Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus is one of the most outstanding books in world literature. When a young scientist Victor Frankenstein decided to make the man, he did not expect to suffer from his work but was seized with the thoughts ...

Who Moved My Cheese Analysis essay

The character in the book ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ who is more like me is Haw. Haw has leadership traits and is explorative as well as a risk taker. His leadership skills are depicted in the way he provides direction for finding a solution ...

"You Oughta Know" essay

Poetry, as a type of literary skill, uses language for its artistic and suggestive qualities so as to generate a deeper meaning of a subject. Poetry for the most part is directed by distinctive forms and principles to imply a degree of difference in ...
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