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Confronting the Unexpected

Temporal, Situational, and Attributive Dimensions of Distressing Symptom Experience for Breast Cancer Survivors

  1. The data collection procedure was done by the authors firstly reading the participants’ transcripts at first hand information. They did this repeatedly so as to grasp more information within it. This was verified by qualified researchers so as to identify the main points, therein related to the research question. The deduced information was filed, reread, and the key themes identified. The key themes were once again reviewed with the presence of the participants to iron out discrepancies. Finally, the transcripts were validated with the confirmation of the interview data.
  2. The validity and reliability of data was done by identifying the recurring themes and remaining close to the data. This provided a complete explanation on how women perceived the unexpected and distressing symptom experiences in survivorship. The systematic classification processes of text data into the fewer content-related themes that shared the similar meaning were also done. This was achieved by a set of qualitative researchers working with the author during the study to scrutinize the data collected. They used the Atlas.ti v. 5.0 Software to code the data.
  3. An analysis of the secondary data could generate the information that might not be relevant to other people or settings; it could also be delicate to make quantitative predictions since the whole set of data in the current scenario might vary with other scenarios. It could be difficult to examine the theories with several participants, since this might have had the lower credibility.
  4. This study used only 13 female breast cancer survivors living in the metropolitan U.S. surroundings. Women in developed nations diagnosed and treated for breast cancer live longer than before. With mounting rates of discovery and occurrence, the aging demographics, and the progress in treatment, the women living with the side effects of breast cancer treatment keep on rising steeply. Nevertheless, some studies have evaluated why some symptom occurrences are mostly upsetting to longer-term survivors.
  5. The variables that were studied include: the breast cancer symptom distress, ongoing symptoms, and unexpected experiences.
  6. Yes, there were the inferential tests used. In this study, forecasting was employed to illustrate women’s unanticipated and stressful symptom experiences after the breast cancer treatment.
  7. Interlocking circles were used to illustrate the interdependency between the Temporal, Situational, and Attributive Dimensions of Symptom Distress. This was perfectly and meaningfully chosen since the three stress dimensions had a thing in common (“Symptom Distress”).


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