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“Jane Eyre”

“Jane Eyre” is a novel which was written by an English writer called Charlotte Bronte, published in1847, London, England. The writer uses the fictional character Jane Eyre to depict his themes in the novel. In relation to this easy, the writer has used the character Jane Eyre and led us through her childhood life to adulthood to fight all ideas behind feminism and colonialism.

The novel combines elements of three different genres. It has a story which focuses on the relationships of men and women. The novel also includes social criticism of the aspects of that time like colonialism and, lastly, has the threatening and temperamental superiority and Byronic personality distinctive of Gothic fiction.

The writer has used the characters relations both at the family level and outside the family to depict how men and women relations could be used at that time to end colonialism. Jane Eyre stood against all the odds to fight for independence and freedom of choice. Through her interactions with other men in the novel, the writer was able to fight colonialism as she portrayed the exemplary characteristics of Jane Eyre. The character was able to speak what she felt. This helped the readers have confidence in themselves to refuse colonialism as, it was against their freedom of choice.

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In the novel, the women were generally oppressed by men’s influence of power and emotions. They have little chance of choice and suffer a significant effect of colonialism. Jane refuses to go back to India at first because she feels that she would be a subject of colonialism again. India is colony, and Jane fears her marriage with St. Johns Rivers, would subject her back to slavery or colonialism. Men are depicted as those strengthening colonialism.

In conclusion, this novel is mostly considered to be ahead of its time because of its description of the development of thinking and loving young woman who desires a full life, peculiar and highly moral at the same time. Jane grows from the beginning as a poor and outspoken woman to stop colonialism. As she matures, she remarks much on the difficulties of the human conditions. She also devoted herself to God; however, she is highly independent.


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