Table of Contents
Three important points about Active Directory ? How do they affect Windows Networking?
Active Directory entails the creation of access potential of data on a network through utilization of a hierarchical system or structure that essentially formulates leaf nodes. In addition, an Active Directory system enables millions of objects being stored in system to be uniquely identified and located using the Globally Unique Identifier features, for instance, the utilization of a relative distinguished name to reference an object (Desmond et al, 2008). Another aspect of Active Directory is the creation of a logical structure of data through the creation of domains that are potentially interlinked to enable easy data access.
The effects of Active Directory on the potential of Windows networking are wide and varied. First, it introduces an element of the need to maintain data integrity of the entire system. This because the Active Directory needs to match with the basic functions of the existing system framework design with regard to consistency and completeness of Windows network functions (Derrick & Moore, 2003). Secondly, Active Directory has significantly had an effect on the security of databases existing within a Windows network especially taking due consideration of the different forms of privileges granted to different users of a network in a normally operating Windows environment.
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What are some of the benefits that Active Directory adds to a network?
First, the infusion of an Active Directory system into an enterprise’s business environment potentially leads to an increasing manner in which components of a network are entirely represented into an integrated framework (Derrick & Moore, 2003). This is because it leads to the significant introduction of the centralization feature into the normal system environment where elements are essentially separated leading to the occurrence of redundancy. Secondly, the creation of domains or forests and sub-domains within a network enables the establishment of operational trust levels for all members belonging to a particular forest or domain (Derrick & Moore, 2003). This decreases the chances of intrusion into the network by other unknown members not belonging to a particular forest, which basically enhances the security levels.
What are some of Active Directory's limitations?
First, Active Directory applications have been found to have problems regarding the potential causation of high network traffic, which significantly affects its ability to reduce redundancy. This is especially considering the, Microsoft’s Active Directory replication logic in which it has been observed that it tends to affect the incorporation of volatile attributes to a system coming from the need for location based data and user managed data being to be associated with elements in the directory as manifested in major enterprises (Symas Corporation, 2007). This is increasingly becoming a concern in most enterprise settings where Microsoft’s Active Directory applications have been put to active use. Secondly, Active Directory systems usually tend to have significant limitations regarding the utilization of system schema capabilities especially with regard to attribute character length, attribute value limits, relative distinguished names, distinguished name syntax attributes, and object class and attribute definitions (Symas Corporation, 2007). For instance, with regard to attribute character length there is a significant imposition of hardly coded character length lacking an element of flexibility. Thirdly, Active Directory Application mode has been found to have significant limitations when it comes to the application of the replication virtue, which is a basic system necessity. In order for the replication feature to be active, it needs to be incorporated into system’s configuration setting at a definite time meaning that this imposes a limited replication environment, which is primarily based on the initially linked attributes of the system without accommodating multiple values conflict resolution mechanism (Symas Corporation, 2007).
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