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Program Identification & Description

The program in focus is essentially described as ‘an experimental education program in the application of contemporary visual arts mechanism using custom computer aided design software. This program essentially entails the application of custom computer aided design software in the achievement of similar design fundamentals as the real time art practices taught in college level art schools (Malik & Thompson 2005).). The program requires students to use custom computer aided design software to project visual art objects from a three dimensional perspective.

Purpose of the Program

The experimental program aims at cultivating art contemporary practical visual art skills, then training the students to use alternative custom computer aided design software christened ‘Visual Arts Logic Portal’ to produce similar three dimensional models of art pieces they would ordinarily produce (Malik & Thompson 2005).). This entails the utilization of custom computer aided design to produce representations, which are then used in the molding of three dimensional objects.

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Target Population for the Program

The individuals targeted by the program are students who are members of an art school found in local community in Durban, South Africa (Malik & Thompson 2005). These students were chosen on the prerequisite of their specialization in the production of three-dimensional objects using normal drawing techniques to produce the required artistic models.

Results/Outcomes of the Program

After discreet comparison of the respective three dimensional pieces of art produced by using normal drawing models and custom computer aided design models it was established that the three dimensional objects produced in the latter had better outcomes in terms of symmetry and dimensional perspectives. Furthermore, students using normal art projections had significant disadvantage in incorporating size fundamentals. From the program, 73.77% of students using custom computer aided model produced required symmetry while 59.78% of those using normal art drawing models produced required symmetry (Malik & Thompson 2005).


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