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Technology Solutions for Human Services

The aspect planning forms a key criterion in the provision of human technology services as seen in different circumstantial situations. Planning initiatives have been previously used to postulate consistency in the provision of basic human services in different work environments. Planning of human services technology usually entails the involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the specific arena in which this is being progressively done. Eliminating key stakeholders or selectively involving stakeholders in the planning of human technology services has been shown to result in major structural failures both in implementation and subsequent maintenance of the services (Albert & Marion, 2004).

Inefficient Financial Resources

The implementation of the human services technology involves significant costs in successfully installing the respective components. It is one of the key factors contributing to low levels of accomplishment of human service technologies in certain institutional and organizational settings (Albert & Marion, 2004). Providing a lasting solution to the existing funding problem demands the involvement of key stakeholders who are capable of mobilising funds or making workable financial structures focusing upon the dissemination of human technology services to the lowest organisational levels.

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Training & Knowledge Aspects

The aspect of training forms a key component of in the enhancement of human services technology use. This needs to be dome in due consideration of the context in which the training is being done and personnel being handled. In addition, a thorough assessment needs to be carried out on the human personnel to determine respective knowledge barriers and instances of misinformation regarding the application of certain applications, for instance, recently introduced technology. “Because this new technology is more complicated, universal access to information technology such as e-mail is a more complex and serious issue. Education is essential in such an endeavour, as research has shown that higher levels of education correspond to an increased likelihood of work computer use” (Brown & Menon, 2001).

Moreover, indentifying key knowledge variables is important in knowing the respective levels of competency of the personnel. It is therefore important to establish the knowledge gaps in the organization. “The more important barrier was the lack of knowledge and skills in using the computer and web software” (Resnick & Anderson, 2002).

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Applications of Technology in Solving Human Services

The use of information technology applications in the human technology services domain has been used in many settings to implement the desired organizational goals with regard to successfully initializing the desired deliverables.

Word processing

Word processing applications are essentially used in preparing documents in a format readable through different media. The software is usually used to collect, store, manage, edit, proofread, format and print text and images (Schoech, 1999).  Word processing applications can therefore be used for preparing important text material that can be used for information dissemination. Due to the increasing nature of repetitive tasks in key agencies, there is need to employ the use of word processing as a form of generic application (Schoech, 1999).


A spreadsheet is essentially used to enter numeric data into preformatted cells arranged in the form of rows and columns in a custom or generic spread application. They are essentially used to carry out calculation and analysis of data variables that have been keyed in for various uses. For instance, the utilisation of spreadsheets to perform ‘what if’ analyses of the keyed-in data variables (Schoech, 1999). This data can be used in planning for efficient resources use and in addition it can be used in preparing and projecting financial needs for installation of human technology services.


The enhancement of critical service protocols demands the enactment of working and efficient proven communication tools. In essence, the communication aspects entail enabling all members to access information and pass information at the required time intervals without significantly compromising the level of service provision. Communication aspects entail the application of various communication applications, for instance, the use of e-mail systems and other key applications. “E-mail applications are some of the easiest computer applications to become acquainted with. This technology has also been seen as the best and simplest place to start navigating” (Brown & Menon, 2001).

Other applications

Other applications that can be used to enhance human services technology include the utilisation of internet applications to provide online support and other critical services. “The internet has greatly expanded the capacity of IT to support policy makers, and the Web is quickly becoming a major policy tool” (Schoech, 1999). The internet has successfully been implemented in key work settings to enhance human services through making information access an easy task to all relevant stakeholders. Another common form of application is the presentation manager. “Presentation management applications allow the user to sequence text, graphics, sound, and pictures into a presentation using the computer display” (Schoech, 1999).

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Other forms of applications that have been used in the supporting human services technology include the strategic use of video conferencing equipment. This is essentially available in the form of online portal, which is elementally supported by the internet service providers (Albert & Marion, 2004). In as much as the implementation of video conferencing appears to present significant challenges in terms of the costs involved, its application can set a critical milestone in the human services technology domain. In addition there are other critical applications apart from video conferencing. “Another frequent application that uses agency and community databases is the matching of clients to services” (Schoech, 1999).


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