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Nature of the Relationship Between the Law and Society

The law, section 42 USCS § 13925 (8) defines dating violence, which is the legal issue in this case, as violence which is committed by a person who is involved in an intimate or romantic engagement with the victim. The engagement indicated here states that it might be evaluated depending on the period the two parties have been in this relationship, as well as the duration within which the two have been interacting in a social manner. The social issue involved is the dating relationship between the 17 year old student and the 18 year old man, both of whom are still in their teen years.

The society does not have any specific law that is attributed to dating relationship in general. In the societal setting, the union of marriage between a man and woman is highly favored as compared to dating relationship between teenagers. However, legislation is in place that guides the relationship between adults and minors. The States, like in the United States, has the authority to determine the age limits on dating. The societal norms at times allow teenage relationship to thrive by allowing sex at an early age of thirteen.

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Furthermore, the relationship is termed as appropriate if the parents gives consent to the teenager to date someone who is eighteen years of age or older. It is therefore incumbent upon each of the State in America to pass legislations that will Teen Dating Violence Prevention Education. As a result, the schools will be charged with the provision of healthy relationship as well as teen dating. Changes within the society that allows teenagers to date at an early age is seen as giving rise to teen violence in relationship and even leading to death as noted in the article. The slow pace at which different states are taking to enact teen dating laws is worrying and a major contributor to the increasing cases of violence.

Policy makers are hence charged with the responsibility of preventing teen dating violence by passing laws that will protect teenagers in their relationship. There are several cases being reported of one in every ten adolescents reporting incidences of physical dating violence. The ignorance of parents to make follow ups on teen dating abuse has slowed the pace of effective policies that can be used to limit the escalating incidences of dating violence. For instance, it is reported that teen dating violence usually takes place at the homes of one of the partners.

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Destructive relationship that have been reported to the authority and where action was not taken, has led to unhealthy relationship developing into the future. The increasing lack of action has promoted teen violence with several teens reporting having witnessed dating violence by the time they get to high school. There is risky social behavior within the society that is left unchecked and which can lead to several problems in a lifetime.

If the law goes against our values and beliefs, we tend to disassociate ourselves from it. It is only supported when it favors our side and so the culture keeps on developing among peers who will only support justice if it goes on our favor. Parents are protective of their children who enter abusive relationship only for the relationship to turn back and haunt them. The Los Angeles case is a perfect indication that the society and the school in particular, did not introduce measures to address the practice. For instance, little was done in terms of early education about health dating practices. Awareness should be raised among adolescents and not only focus on marriage partners. States are encouraged to urge schools into developing curriculum of teen dating experience and violence and how they should report any instance related to violence.


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