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Fast Food Nation Analysis

Eric Schlosser’s book Fast food nation; the dark side of the all American meal, illustrates the evolution and dangers posed by fast foods in the American society. This book describes the development of fast food culture, its contribution to the American economy and health related issues. On the other hand, the film Fast food nation as directed by Richard Linklater; illustrates the processes involved in preparation and delivery of fast foods. The film exposes the danger of ingesting impurities, and harmful organisms in attempts at securing a fast effortless meal. Though, fast foods continue to contribute in economic growth like creation of jobs and employment opportunities, they remain to be the critical factor that contributes to the development of bad eating habits and eventual health problems.

Schlosser’s fast food nation book illustrates clear trends and the development of eating habits. The book explains the emergence of fast foods and the negative effects of its continued use have to an individual’s health. Similarly, the film Fast food nation describes a significant issue of hygienic issues arising in the preparation of fast foods. In both book and film, the uncertain hygienic nature of fast foods is questioned. The processing of these foods is illustrated as often times unhygienic and dangerous. It is evident, that both book and film illustrates the reluctance of most fast food processing and preparing establishments to adhere to strict health standards. Significant procedures or processes are ignored during the production of fast foods; leading to the risk of spreading infectious diseases and endangering the health of the consumers. Similarly, both film and book are at par in pointing out the commercial implications of fast foods. The income generated by fast foods establishments is significant to the owners. While, health care costs for fast food related diseases and ailments are extremely high.

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Though, the two media attempt at passing across the same message, their differences are significant. The book is candid in its description of fast food culture; it illustrates the significance of fast foods. The necessity of fast foods is described both at the consumer’s viewpoint and the seller’s perspective; while, weighing the benefits versus the costs of each decision made. The film on the other hand, is focused on the production processes, its hazards and effects this industry has on diverse people. The book is keen on highlighting the development of the fast food culture by illustrating the targeted consumers as encompassing all age groups. Significantly, the younger generation, which unwittingly grows into the fast food culture. The film however, illustrates a culture of reliance on fast foods without regard of the dangers posed by this. The film is keen to point out the economic disparity of the characters involved and their dependence to the fast food industry.

The effects of fast foods on people whether, positive or negative is keenly observed by both book and film. The film; however, illustrated the interdependence of individuals to the fast food industry and failing struggle against it. While, the book illustrates the evolution of fast foods; it elaborates on the factors that contribute to the escalation of the fast food culture. The book highlights the strategies employed by the fast food enterprises in growing their franchise and recruiting more people into the fast food culture. As much as the film engages theatrical ingenuity in presenting its message, the book employ’s a significantly a broader informative perspective than an entertaining one.

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In an attempt at expressing the concerns on the use of fast foods, both media have played a significant role. Given the diverse choice of media preferences by people, both book and film are essential at passing along the intended message. The film, though entertaining in nature, offers an exciting alternative to the book which requires substantial concentration, time to read and understand the message being put across. The book is critical in identifying repeated practice which creates a trend of using fast foods despite the known dangers associated with their use. The film critically illustrates the failing systems in quality assurance and control. Where, managers of significant fast food enterprises can afford to ignore potential health hazard issues affecting consumers.


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