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Globalization on Culture

Culture is something considered sacred by some, and worthless to others. It gives people something to identify themselves as, but at the same time causes them to be subjected to many negative prejudices that follow their ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and traditions. Pietrse (2009), notes that the most significant change has been the rise of the global south as a major driver of the world economy and global change. The change that is currently being influenced by globalization has witnessed cities becoming clones of each other as well as people changing into stereotypes. Furthermore, the fancied history and culture of these cities are slowly being wiped away. It is evident, that globalization has eliminated several of our cultures. Despite the political influence of western nations being reduced in the Middle East, the influence of western culture has greatly changed the traditions of these nations. Hooper (2007), states that several countries in Asia have become more westernized as a result of wanting to be recognized by Americans. Nations that become westernized also do so as to make profit and be able to compete with other countries across the globe.

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Nations have become westernized

The Perspective of Iran

Iran begun to be influenced by westernization in the early sixteenth and seventeenth century, this was as a result of the establishment of the Safavi Empire. The first elements to change in Iraq as a result of Westernization were the traditional arts. It is true, to state that by the end of the eighteenth century, the old traditional miniature painting in books that was typical of Iran begun to diminish away, as well as the interior decorations of buildings. The resulting architecture was a replica of the European patterns. European style painters took the place of the artistic self expression of the Iranian society. Surprisingly, even the mosque that started up conformed to the design and architecture of western countries. The acceptance of sculptor, however, was retained largely by the artist in Iran though this was in a slow and reluctant manner.

The society of Iran started to do away with the traditional tale as well as apologue and turned into the western discourse of modern literature. The other aspects that have been changed in Iran with the coming of globalization are in clothing. The army in Iran is now characterized with wearing the European style for both men and women.

Westernization in India

Can we claim that India has not been influenced by westernization? The answer is infinite. A close look at the democratic space evident in India will most likely determine how the western concept has influenced India. Furthermore, the law that governs India is written in English language signifying the legal framework that was imposed by the British colonial rulers. It is true, therefore, to assert that the western culture has influenced the set of laws present in India. Majority of immigrants from India can be seen scattered all around the United States, Britain as well as Australia and they will rarely be found building homes in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and even China.

Negative Prejudices that are presented by globalization

There are several advantages that have been generated as a result of globalization. However, much has been limited by the negative impact it has had on people religious beliefs, traditions and cultures. In developing nations, multinational companies as well as corporations that had earlier focused on commercial activities are now concentrating on influencing the political decisions of these given countries.

Globalization and Conflict Creation: Globalization has been noted to have been generated as a result of the developments of internal social theory. The changes that are a result of globalization create a lot of conflict in several development countries in terms of labor. A perfect example illustrates the emergence of technology for mass production which leads to several people remaining unemployed. As a result there are several social crises that emerge and which lead to social conflict. Cultural and economic problems might be the result of globalization whereas the former might prove difficult to resolve.

Racial Pride causes conflicts

Pashtuns can be termed as the largest and most powerful ethnic group in the Afghan society. The other factions of Muslims are the Hazaras who are the largest predominant Shia group in the country and the distinct ethnic groups have been in conflict with one another for quite some time. The racial conflict that have existed between these tow factions have been as a result of Pashtuns being Caucasian while the Hazara are mostly Asiatic and a composition of Caucasian.

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The Mongols were largely responsible for invading and plundering the Afghan nation. Hence the Pashtuns likened the Hazaras as having had a relationship with the Mongolia and as a result, brought about the hatred between the two functions. The Pashtuns regard the Mongolians as having conquered their land and therefore regard them as enemies. Most of the Pashtuns view the Mongol empire as having negatively influenced a tragic period in the history of Afghanistan.

Religious beliefs often create tension between different nations

Globalization is as well being propelled by technological changes and as a result, continue to take root in the society. Most of the world’s population today follows the five basic denominations of Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism. We can therefore assert that religion lies at the core of various cultures. As a result, a fragmented world of diverse religions will emerge due to their historical antagonisms.

There have been hostile and violent confrontations between religious groups due to their positions on certain aspects brought about by globalization. Hostilities continue to exist at the interfaith as well as intrafaith levels. Westernization has brought with it different form of dressing that are not acceptable in the Muslim world. They hence view the spread of Christianity as having brought with it changes that now threaten to ruin its dominant culture. The loss of distinctiveness among the Muslim community has caused several leaders within the community to fear the result of a crisis of identity among the laity. These changes that have been brought by global changes leave leaders feeling adrift which prompts them to take caution with immigrants. The spread of pluralism continue to change the administration of religious elites. Several tradition within the African society, for instance, believe that the spread of westernization has changed the way people associate with their cultural beliefs and hence the conflict.

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The presentation has highlighted the development of westernization and the outcome on several dynamics in the society. It is therefore imperative to indicate that globalization has had great influences on the social as well as the cultural values of several societies. Furthermore, several nations view globalization as having led to the loss of identity while the religious factions believe that it has caused an increase in immoral values within the society. Tension continues to mount between religious groups who support the spread of westernization while others strongly oppose it due to the negative impact it has had on the society. Globalization cannot be wholly wished away as having had a negative bearing in the society, however, there are some positive values that have been cultivated within the community. People continue to acquire western way of life like in dressing, architecture and in the food we consume which are all full of western composition.


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