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Social Inequality in Sports

This research paper focuses on the social inequality in sports; it highlights causes of social inequality in sports. It also gives an insight on various social and cultural costs brought by social inequality in sports; the paper concludes with emphasise on ways of implicating sports in the production of social parity and the benefits of female involvement in the sports. Social inequality in sports is an issue that has subsists for many years and will continue to exist. Social inequality in sports is an issue in our culture that has been ongoing ever since the initial stages of humankind. Throughout the past, numerous efforts are trying to eradicate this worldwide problem; yet, the insatiability of men has forever prohibited the establishment of such worldwide stability. For many years, people have start pondering if social equality is even achievable. Owing human nature, social inequality can only be reduced, but never eliminated (Ve%u010Derník 2009).

The reason is straightforward; women participation does not receive adequate motivation. In most cases, people believe that motivation is the key to success. They claim that when one is motivated he or she will work to his or her level best to achieve the best outcome. For instance, proficient sports confederation operations are money making oriented. Few people enjoy watching women games as compared to when men are participating and hence less money generation. How many people can sincerely purport to enjoy watching women participate in a game more than they would when men participates in that same game? Can women really participate equally with their men counterparts? I will acknowledge that it is somewhat pleasurable to watch a women’s sport to see the slight differences created by disparities in sports capability. Women frequently focus more on cooperation and basic skills, which can be energizing after watching men, participates. Even though, society is putting efforts towards development to equality in sports, it is regrettable that the public is more interested in male-based games.

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Literature review

There have been lot researchers done to analysis the issue of social inequality in sports. Various scholars have given varying explanations based on their findings regarding this issue. The society evidently offers equal chances for both men and women. However, it does not offer equality; it just offers a same figure of sports and scholarships for both sexes players. No one can refuse the fact that the gift pool is greatly deeper when taking into account males because more males are involved in playing sports aggressively than their female counterparts. There are cultural and social cost and payback of either male or female participating in a modern sport. Throughout the past, it is apparent that both men and women have faced ostensibly overwhelming setbacks when they endeavor to enter a sport that is not "right" or orthodox for their sexual category to partake. Societies are currently putting more efforts towards equality in sport, but it is not an easy undertaking (Western, 2006).

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However, advance plans are in place towards equality in social sports; other facts show the society is still more contented with women in traditionally feminine games. Such games include field hockey as compared with boxing, and men in usual male sports like bodybuilding as compared with synchronized swimming. This is so because these behaviors fit with our rigid notions of what is "standard" for a particular gender. As women have continually become a united force in the place of work, they also appear to be infringing through the gender-constricting obstacles of games too. This notion replicates the preference of our culture maintain women in tasks that are normative, not just in matters concerning sports, but all through other sections of a woman's life. This way, a good move in trying to deal with disparity is by attacking it in all areas and not just scrutinizes inequality in sport or disparity in the place of work as different subjects. However, as an alternative examine and attack the concern of gender disparity as a whole. Furthermore, the responsibilities that society supported men and women to participate in sports practices generally reveal their tasks in society (Thomas and Smith, 2009).

According to Abby Hoffman, former director of Sport Canada, the number of games participated by men and women will still excessively favor the men by a considerable margin. Games like synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics bias in women and boxing, weightlifting and wrestling for men. Hence, the women’s games reveal the socially acceptable impression of refinement while the men's events stress struggle and power. This way, society appears to utilize sport to strengthen gender standards that are currently in place, like the muscular man and the elegant woman. When these morals are doubtful and defined problems arises, another social cost that frequently challenges athletes trying to partake in a game that is non-traditional for their gender is challenging their sexuality.

 Homophobia in the games is a way to manage women, whether lesbian or straight, a woman’s homophobia in the games and the community. It is worth nothing that, it tends to depress girls and women from engaging in customarily "masculine" actions such as contact games and team sports for fear of branding them homosexual. Women athletes in usually masculine games defy the social orders about appropriate conduct for females; as a result, the way of thinking goes; there must be something unusual with them. Dealing with sexual orientation unjustly, hinders women from chances in the games because of individual preferences inappropriate to athletic capabilities.

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The branding of both sexes athletes who takes part in non-traditional games is one of the ways in which athletes are depressed from overcoming gender obstacles. Regardless of the social costs, there are particular benefits that modern athletes practiced on their attempt to penetrate gender obstacles in the games. These eccentric athletes typically get a sensitive media notice and occasionally even instantaneous celebrity. Furthermore, these athletes are in mind since the past as the people who set the path for many others to trail, hence role models for many kids of both sexes.


In every research, there exits two ways that one can use to collect data; this can be the primary sources of data or the secondary sources of data. The primary sources of data involve the collection of data from first hand sources. This includes the use of observation, questioners, and interviews. Observation involves a researcher viewing an issue under investigation as it occurs for instance if analyzing women taking part in a game, the researcher tries to examine in details whatever led him or her to conduct that research. Questionnaires consist of a set of questions regarding an issue under investigation. The researcher can give these questionnaires to the intended people to fill them on their own, or can use them during interviews. There are two ways of conducting interview; they include the use of open-ended questions or the close-ended questions. The open-ended questions are those, which allow an individual to explain his or her option regarding an issue under investigation. On the other hand, the close-ended questions consist of yes or no answers. Therefore, the interviewee will give a yes or a no regarding an issue under research. The use secondary method involve the use of information that had been collected and stored in books, electronic data base, magazine, news paper, journals, and articles among other secondary materials. In this paper, information was from the secondary sources of information especially from the books. These are where previous researchers collected information regarding sports and recorded them in books.


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