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Educated workers

Education is the process through which individuals acquire knowledge and expertise in a certain field. It is an aspect of learning in which an individual’s intellectual ability is sharpened, and his critical thinking and decision-making abilities enhance. Learning could be either formal or informal, but is always aimed at achieving the acquisition of knowledge among students. Formal learning involves regular attendance of class and undertaking evaluation tests to determine the success of the process. Informal learning involves the watching and participation of an individual in a given project over a given period. This implies that people achieve different qualifications through participation in planned activities during the learning process. Learning takes different aspects of the daily experiences; it could involve learning different languages to gain the ability of communication, technical skills and knowledge of problem solving. Education helps to build a person’s ego as they interact with people from different calibers. It also gives them the power to convince and lure people towards certain decisions. Although acquiring it involves a lot of sacrifice and devotion, the fruits of education are sweet.

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Education allows workers to work more efficiently because it enhances their knowledge, skills and communication ability than uneducated workers.

Education plays a major role in boosting the esteem of an employer and his employees. Esteem gives an individual the courage to take responsibility, give instructions, make decisions and lead fellow workers. Educated people do not only enjoy work but also seek responsibility in all their activities. They work better when they are accountable for the actions they take. An educated person will be able to give instructions to the subordinates and execute a sense of command. Education gives one technical power that places him above other employees. Skills acquired through education enable workers improve the quality and quantity of output. They are also able to work faster because they are used to carrying out their activities. An educated person has good communication skills, which enable him to execute authority for the leaders and enhance coordination among the subordinates. -“But because I was around, the contractor decided to make me his translator” (Richard 1043). An organization with educated employees can make wise, strategic, tactical and operational decisions through the combination of different skilled brains. This boosts the activities of the firm such as marketing, product mix and performance appraisal decisions. Through proper communication skills, employees are able to handle conflicts with dignity and without affecting the performance of the firm. This is because they have the power of command and ability to persuade people to focus on organizational goals. Additionally, education enlightens employees and enables them to introduce change effectively for the efficient performance of the firm. Education enables employees know their rights and are able to fight for them so that they are not mistreated at their places of work. Education gives the employees the ability to adapt to the changing environment, which includes the advancement in technology, and changes in the industry policies. -“The replacement or modification of an existing technology by a new one represents a major "shock" to the production environment, and workers (and perhaps management as well) initially are very uncertain as to how they should modify their behavior” (Lichtenberg 89). Most employees face difficulties in adapting to the job environment due to their incompetence to handle the technical machines. Firms will have to spend more time and money in training inexperienced personnel, which is an expense to the company.

Through education, poor people will acquire the skills to save and invest the little money they earn in profitable projects and run the businesses wisely. This will create employment for most of the youth in poverty-stricken areas. Education also enables poor people to learn about their rights and how best to address their issues at personal levels. Poverty in most countries is rampant due the lack of education. Most people are poor because they do not possess technical skills to engage in productive activities and hence end up being mistreated all over society. If poor people were educated, they would be aware of their rights and would fight for them relentlessly. They do not know how they can claim their dues because they do not understand their rights and freedoms in society and workplaces. Poverty is wide spread in the rural areas because most people living there did not get the opportunity to attend schools and quality jobs. They do not have the ability to make decisions and even the little they earn, they do not know how to manage it. Due to the lack of education on proper family planning strategies, most of the poor people have families that they are not able to sustain due to their meager salaries. They also spend in less important activities such as drinking and engaging in immoral activities. The poor will also be informed on the importance of family planning as a measure of balancing their income and their expenditure. Education gives the poor the skills to communicate and establish personal relations with different people. Through interaction, they could get work connections with influential people in the society and learn the available opportunities in the society. This will enable them to open their minds to think critically and creatively.

Education gives a person a positive perception of his ability and gives him the ego to interact with people of higher calibers. It is worth noting that education equips individuals with a high level of knowledge, on all aspects of life. It gives him the power to have an audience that will listen to what he has to say. He will also see himself as an asset to the society through his personal initiatives and contribution in other people’s lives. -“An educated person trusts in himself and his ability to make informed decisions” (Lichtenberg 86). This gives him the ability to take risks, which an uneducated person would not take. He will also see himself as a leader but will be willing to share his ideas with the rest of the community. Since self perception is the way, a person feels about himself. He could underestimate, overestimate or correctly estimate his abilities. Education gives an individual the ability to correctly judge his abilities and not engage in activities that he cannot handle. Other people in the society cannot intimidate an educated person because he understands his rights and freedoms in society. He knows his rights, and he can fight for them without fear. An educated person is bold in his actions and will not allow anyone to criticize him for his stand on different issues that he considers being right. Although he may consult, his decision is based on what he knows and not what the compact majority thinks is right. Education also helps him to defend his actions and be accountable for what he does.

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Education improves the public life of a person through the power of speech and the ability to convince people towards a certain act or decision. The public life of an individual involves his interaction with people from diverse backgrounds. -“I just wanted to engage them in small talk, to be assured of their confidence, our familiarity” (Richard 1043). This could be the relation at the work place, at home and with friends. Education improves the ability of an individual to improve their public life. They are able to play a major role in influencing people and in resolving conflicts among groups and people. Friends play a major role in our lives by influencing individuals. An educated person can choose friends wisely; those who will help build him and facilitate the development in the country. To improve the public image of a person, one has to make a positive influence on the lives of other people. An educated person understands the importance of unity and peace among the people. He will be against tribalism and racism that lead to conflicts among communities and people. Education gives individuals good communication skills, which enable them to interact with other people in the society and the workplace (Routh 27). He can harmonize people towards a common goal through his actions. Industrial strikes have been a major concern among the employers as they lead to the interruption of the firm’s activities. An educated person can foresee the possibilities of an industrial strike or go slow and initiate a peaceful process to end the conflict. They are also taken as the eye of the public, to be consulted in matters of public concern, and give advice. An educated person is a role model to the younger generations and people would like to associate with him. Most youths would always enhance the actions of their leaders and perpetuate their values.

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The development of unions was facilitated by the need to collectively advocate for the rights of individual workers whose rights have been infringed by their employers. They were also created to educate employees on their rights. The unions organize programs that facilitate the education of employees of their rights and duties. With this, the employees are informed of their places in the firm and obligations to their employers. Most employees are not aware of their rights and fear the responsibilities of having to sue their employers individually. Unions play the role of resolving conflicts among the employers and employees (Routh 36). These conflicts may include low salaries, poor, working conditions and inequality. Poor communication skills also contribute to the fear of the employees to present their grievances. Employee education on their rights and conflict resolution has immensely promoted effective agitation for their rights hence promoting transparency and accountability in organizations. Education provides people with the knowledge and skills that concern their jobs; this has led to the abandonment of the unions.

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In conclusion, education is vital in eradication of poverty through proper utilization of funds and the skills of investment. It also provides employees with the requisite knowledge and skills to improve the quality of output. The public life of an individual is also improved through acquiring education, as they are able to facilitate coordination among themselves. A person’s perception of himself is improved by their education. An educated person has a high self-esteem and can interact with different people easily.


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