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Socially Speaking

Communication is the transfer of information from the source to a recipient person, through the word of mouth or by use of social network sites. The use of mouth is a one to one face communication, while the use of social sites includes communication using social sites like face book and twitter through the mobile phone. While using any form of communication, it is essential to follow rules and regulations in order to ensure that information reaches the recipient in a form that was intended. This ensures that the communication parties are in agreement with each other, narrowing down chances of ambiguity.

This essay depicts the rules that govern both face to face and social network communication.

Face to face communication relies on the judgment of the recipient in terms of articulation what he or she hears from the host, considering that the speaker and the recipient have different brains. The speaker should be clear and precise, for the recipient to understand. The speaker should also speak a language that the recipient can decipher. While communicating, it is a requirement that one shows the sense of liking people, who will gain interest in what a person is saying. This can be accompanied by being a good listener. A good speaker should always be a good listener. The more closely one listens, the more precisely he or she can hear. One should listen to understand and not to talk. The body language is also essential in good communication, for instance one need to face the audience in order to get their attention. The facial expressions might also be used to give meaning to some words.

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While communicating face to face, one should know the influence of repetition. Repetition is essential to show stressed words. Keep the communication simple and pure; do not use sarcasm or ambiguous proverbs. One should also check the accuracy of comprehension and consequently leave a review note for the recipients to take home so that they can articulate the message by themselves. Lastly, the speaker should walk their talk by matching actions in what he or she says. This proves as a good example and shows the recipient that one means what he says, indeed.

On the other hand, communication through social network systems is a new method of communication courtesy of technological invention. This method involves people who are at a distance from each other. It requires that the two parties communicating are both connected using a wireless module. The rules that govern this method of communication are the same as for the face to face communication, except that this variety of communication involves parties, which are distant. While communicating through social networks, one should ensure that the connection is secure. This ensures that no stray people can drop on the content. It is also beneficial in the communication through the social networks that the speaker should communicate as if the recipient is with him face to face, in order to be original in the version of information given. It is also essential that communication skills learned in class are put in mind while making any form of communication either face to face or through a social network. For instance, one should be able to give short and clear commands for ensuring useful routine practices. When writing a form of a message, one should be able to summarize the information without using shorthand, since some objects might be vague in shorthand. Prior to sending information on a social network, one should proofread the information to articulate the meaning for it to be meaningful to the recipient.

For information to be delivered in encrypted forms, one is advised to develop a digital certificate that provides authentication that is not easily copied.

In conclusion, both forms of communication require clarity of information for the recipient to understand. The major contrast between the two forms of communication is that social networking sites have authentication for encrypted data that give secure communication. The face to face communication is easy as it requires no technological skills.


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